
Net Force Quotes

Net Force by Steve Perry

Net Force Quotes
"It was great living here in the future, a mere decade after the turn of the century."
"In the event of an attack on a senior federal official, all members of that unit had to assume it might not be the only attack planned."
"The reality of it never became true until days, weeks, months later, when you realized they were never going to call or write or laugh or show up at your door with a bottle of champagne again."
"Whoever had done it was going to pay--he was going to make it happen if it was the last thing he ever did!"
"If a thing pleased Plekhanov, that was sufficient reason to do it."
"Once the British decided to leave Ireland to its own sorrows, that whole long-running mess had ceased to have any meaning."
"The ends justified the means. Respectability was worth it, even if you had to kill a bunch of people standing between you and it to get there."
"There was no way to tell at this point."
"Maybe you're really afraid a hug won't be misinterpreted at all, hey?"
"If you couldn't find anything that suited you, you could create your own vehicle."
"Time is money, especially on the commercial roads."
"Sometimes that helped. Sometimes it merely left him exhausted."
"You may do many heinous acts and escape, but killing a cop is not one of these acts."
"There would be no wiggle room on this one, no errors permitted."
"You put your job at the top of your list, but your daughter still thinks the moon rises in her father's shadow."
"We kill several birds with one stone here, my friend."
"We're talking about a single conductor directing the orchestra."
"Life was like high school--only bigger."
"If you're going to take somebody out deliberately, you ought to get to know him."
"One was never so alive as when dancing with Death."
"If you know what you're doing, inside is the place to be."
"Greed was supposed to be fun, but apparently it was only fun if you were winning."
"I'd give you good odds that the real person who has these things...isn't in Pennsylvania or Texas."
"A live enemy in your pocket was sometimes better than a dead one in the ground."
"It's important to get in close, so you can feel your attacker move."
"Something is going on inside the Genaloni organization."
"With these guys, you never know what they're going to do. They make some smart moves now and then; then they turn around and make a stupid one."
"Whatever else he might be, Alexander Michaels didn't bail when the going got rough."
"He didn't understand it. There wasn't any reason to feel that way."
"What was wrong, other than that he wanted to jump into the middle of an all-out shooting fracas?"
"Being a father was more important than being a colonel."
"You didn't have to be anything special to impress them."
"You offer them something they can't get from the enemy, something more valuable than what he is giving them."
"If you were as good a person as your dog thought you were, you'd be able to stroll across the Potomac without getting your ankles wet."
"Sometimes you had to fight the battle, no matter what the odds, but he didn't like going in knowing he was going to lose people."
"It was more dangerous, but it was quicker and cleaner."
"There is a difference between the law and justice."
"The more of those he had information on, the better he could program the Op S&T mod, but--how to determine some of these?"
"The best-case scenario for the operation to, ah, collect Mr. Plekhanov comes in at seventy-eight percent."
"I don't want to have to use the pistol in my fanny pack on some angry motorist, but it was always an option if she couldn't beat his head in with all her training."
"Getting yourself--or some illegal object--into a secure area when you weren't supposed to was not as hard as most people would like to believe."
"A man that eats ribs wearing a white shirt he knows got to stay clean, that's a confident man."
"Even if it all went as smooth as silk on silk, Michaels was going to have to do some fast and fancy dancing to keep Carver from going for his throat when he found out."
"He felt his skin tighten. 'Nobody fires unless fired on! Deploy in a staggered grid and stand ready.'"