
You Think It, I'll Say It Quotes

You Think It, I'll Say It by Curtis Sittenfeld

You Think It, I'll Say It Quotes
"In our information-saturated world, it’s nice to still allow for some mystery and magic, right?"
"If you’re going to outsource your childcare, why even bother to become a parent in the first place?"
"Breast-feeding shouldn’t hurt. We wouldn’t have survived as a species if it did, right?"
"If I wanted to keep my job, I needed to work full-time and on-site."
"When you say stuff like this, it makes life a lot less enjoyable."
"It's not like I wish we could be together under different circumstances. I was never romantically interested in you. Never. At all."
"Sometimes, in the last few weeks, I've thought maybe he'd been denying his attraction to me as an act of chivalry, in order not to destroy her marriage, too."
"That night at Exeter, I waited in the parking lot for more than an hour—because I was amazed by the implications of my nonvirgin status and because I had Twizzlers to eat, I wasn’t bored."
"I realized for the first time that I found the swim lessons boring."
"The moment of her clamping on was like someone biting your skinned knee."
"I wasn’t a person compelled to broadcast my own choices in the hopes of making other people feel inferior."
"Not that it’s all been easy for any of us—I had two miscarriages before the birth of my son, and Gretchen got engaged again but subsequently called it off."
"That I understood our alliances to be temporary while the women were more optimistic was, as I progressed through my thirties, an increasingly keen source of pain."
"If you’re an adult, whatever happens in there is between you and your god."
"I practice bankruptcy, restructuring, and creditors’ rights law, and, yes, I routinely represent clients widely agreed to be the bad guys."
"That ostensible rule means Thérèse needs to be twenty-seven, which she also isn’t."
"We’re on our honeymoon, too. What are the chances?"
"I’ve lived in Chicago since college, I go back to Cleveland for a couple days at Thanksgiving or Christmas, and that’s it."
"I’d never even come close enough to be able to pretend to want it."
"I made a face when he said this, and he said, 'What? That’s the ultimate compliment!'"
"I do not want to be cured by her, and I do not want her pity."
"Though I doubt she can hear him—he’s speaking at a normal conversational volume—she waves."
"I adored my mother; every year on Nina’s birthday, until she turned fifteen, Nina’s mother made a mud pie out of Oreos, whipped cream, and gummy worms and served it in a real flower pot."
"I almost felt sorry for her. But even then I was conscious of feeling sorry not for Ashley Frye but for Ashley Horsford."
"The passage of time changed the meaning of my being single."
"Jason and I hadn’t been one of those couples that immediately become inseparable."
"If she thought this was rude or unclean on my part, she didn’t say so."
"The funny part is that, not counting the staircase, Kelsey’s house actually resembles Nina’s mother’s house in Indianapolis."
"Something Nina has for almost three years pretended to herself and others, which is that she and Kelsey Adams could have been friends, almost were friends, might be true."
"Nina tries to look at Facebook as infrequently as possible."
"Who cares about me? Congratulations on all the amazing stuff that’s happened to you."
"I think even if your circumstances change, your core identity remains."
"The sureness of Lucy’s hooking-up personality, the way it might even have been more confident than her regular personality, impressed Kirsten."
"We have full-time jobs and young kids. This is what this stage is like."
"But if, say, I was on a crowded elevator and a woman in a tank top was standing next to me and the top of her arm was pressed to the top of mine—if, especially, it was skin on skin instead of skin on clothes—I would feel so trapped and accosted that I’d want to cry."
"It's like going through labor. You have real contractions that are super-painful, and you even have to push, but all that comes out is tons and tons of blood."
"It was so clearly short-lived, so arbitrary."
"I hope you are not too disappointed. Progress sometimes happens in fits and starts."
"If I’d ever hated anyone more, I didn’t recall when."
"What’s maybe weirdest about having reverted to my teenage longings is that this time around, I don’t know what they’re for."
"Everyone feels weird about their aging body. It’s not a crime not to look like you’re eighteen."
"Maybe part of getting what you want is asking for it."
"I thought I was finished being the teenager who lay in her dorm room and felt racked with misery, wanting things she couldn’t have."
"Everyone can see how desperate and pathetic you are, so you might as well just stop pretending."