
Flesh And Bone Quotes

Flesh And Bone by Jefferson Bass

Flesh And Bone Quotes
"I've always found it fascinating that women’s shoes tend to announce themselves so much more loudly than men’s."
"It's just muscle isolation. Like belly-dancing, only higher-brow."
"If it had to happen—if this guy had to get murdered by a pack of feral punks, why couldn’t they be white punks, Bill?"
"You know what else makes me furious about this? This plays exactly to all those goddamned racist stereotypes I’ve spent forty years in the South resisting."
"I think we’ve got a growing problem across America—but nobody wants to talk about it."
"People who don’t believe in evolution are always talking about the brilliant design of the human body."
"Only a quarter of you have thirty-two, which is considered a full set of teeth—for modern humans. But for our ancestors thirty or forty million years ago, the norm was forty-four."
"And why is that? Because our jaws have gotten smaller. And why is that? Because our diets have changed, and so has our technology."
"I think you’re right, if something doesn’t change, we may be headed for a huge problem. And we don’t seem to have the wisdom or the will, even after all these years, to fix it."
"Most of you still have some teeth. Clearly UT’s admission standards have gone up lately."
"Evolution is no more controversial than the Copernican theory of the solar system, or the ‘theory’ that the Earth is round."
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."
"I’m not dismissing the possibility of some higher principle or higher power operating in the universe."
"The laws of physics—and people who are smarter about those laws than I am—put them there."
"Only because a few people make an opposing claim, loudly and often, that doesn’t make the issue a legitimate scientific controversy."
"Hard-core creationists claim the fossil record—fossilized evidence showing that animals and plants evolved over many millions of years—was created right alongside Adam and Eve."
"But the fact that I don’t fully understand how it works doesn’t keep it from working."
"I don’t begin to understand how pictures appear on my television screen, but that doesn’t keep them from showing up."
"We think of evolution as something occurring over thousands or millions of years, but this is an example of evolutionary change that’s almost fast enough to see in our own lifetime."
"You will be sorry. You ruined my son’s reputation. You will pay dearly for that."
"If a straight, conventional man or woman were killed in such a horrific manner, the police would leave no stone unturned."
"They say he moves in mysterious ways. Maybe it was a mother’s prayer that steered some queer-hater with a violent streak to cross paths with our boy Craig when he was all dolled up like a tart."
"I have imagined…this scene…a thousand times."
"It’s likely to be in the newspapers as early as tomorrow. So if you don’t tell him pretty soon, he might hear it some other way."
"You don’t ever set this sort of thing behind you."
"Part of me wanted to clasp it and never let go; part of me wanted to fling it away from me."
"You see me through eyes of kindness, and when I see myself reflected in your eyes, I see myself a little more kindly, too."
"I considered trying to argue or reason with her, but I quickly concluded that any attempt to plead or pressure would only drive her farther away."
"I guess I’m better off than I thought, I only have to drive about five minutes before I can curl up with the Kleenex box."
"The irony is, I could probably be happier with you."
"You are the kindest, sweetest, smartest, most loving man I know."
"My instincts just took over. The police were my first instinct. You were my second."
"If one of their teachers were a suspect in a child abuse case, wouldn’t you want that teacher out of the classroom until the matter was resolved?"
"Is it too much to ask for a ride home, and maybe a few kind words along the way?"
"I don’t know what I need, or what anybody can do to help. It’s like I’ve stumbled into the Twilight Zone."
"They might have to go to Middle Tennessee or even West Tennessee for that, I think I’ve testified for all the DAs here in East Tennessee."
"The American president might remain unconvinced about global warming, but I was a devout believer."
"We also have the highest incarceration rate of any nation. Six times higher than China, a place we like to believe is far more oppressive than we are."
"A woman I was starting to fall in love with has been killed, I’m on the verge of being charged with her murder."
"I’ve learned one thing for sure: never underestimate the power of denial."
"I’m suspended from my teaching job, I’m holed up in a state park, my grandkids think I’m a monster."
"We don’t have to prove who actually did it; all we’ve got to do is create reasonable doubt that you did."
"The reality is, she’s not strong enough. I found that out today, when she came at me with a pair of pruning shears."
"You have no idea how humiliating I found it to be made a fool by you."
"You need to be with me at the press conference."
"I saw you spring up the stairs to her house like a teenager going on a date."
"I never forgave her for that. But she did have a gorgeous body, didn’t she, our Jess?"