
Fracture Quotes

Fracture by C.J. Daugherty

Fracture Quotes
"The memory of that night, eight weeks ago, tortured her. If she closed her eyes, she could see it all – the blanket of white snow, the blue moonlight, the fragile body thrown like a rag doll on to the road… The cloud of blood blooming around her like the petals of a deadly flower."
"She had to get out of here. If she wanted answers about what was really going on, she needed to get away from this school and find them."
"Now wasn’t the time to listen to her body. Now was the time to run."
"Breathless, she watched through the bars of the fence, invisible in the shadows in her dark coat and jeans."
"She readied herself. This was her chance. Maybe her only chance."
"But nothing happened. The throbbing in her injured knee became more acute. Staying still was excruciating. She couldn’t do it for long."
"Her lips moving silently, Allie counted eight breaths in and out before it clanged to a stop, fully open."
"Studying just didn’t seem pertinent to her life anymore. So why bother?"
"She thought about the nightmares and the horrible thoughts – the very few things she’d shared with Dr. Cartwright before shutting him out."
"They shouldn’t talk about that, Allie thought reproachfully. That stuff is supposed to be private."
"I had to get out of that school because they haven’t done anything about it – that’s why I called you."
"Her whole body ached and the chill had permeated to her bones. To distract herself, she tried to imagine what Rachel was doing back at school right now."
"Jo’s killers had to be punished. And since nobody else was doing it, Allie would do it on her own."
"‘He felt she wasn’t accepting Jo’s death – she’s looking for someone to blame,’ Isabelle said."
‘She did at first, but he said he couldn’t get much out of her. He described her as "unresponsive".’
"‘How do you just go back to class after you’ve seen your friend die?’ she’d asked in one of the few sessions she’d actually attended. ‘How do you care about French verbs? Or the Spanish Armada?’"
"Sometimes I think all our training is wasted on you, Sheridan. It doesn’t matter what you’re taught – you do the opposite whenever it suits you."
"You’re not paying, like, a huge amount of attention."
"I don’t know why they brought you back. It was the perfect opportunity to get rid of you. Raise the standards around here."
"I can’t believe I was so clumsy. I’m just late for…"
"We know how much it hurts. But we got through it and now you have to get through it, too."
"You have to get strong and you have to fight. And win."
"We’re not doing this to amuse ourselves. You need to focus or you’re not going to get through this."
"Someone in this building helped to kill Jo. And I’ve got to find out who that is and make sure they get what they deserve."
"I was going to have to do this all alone."
"You can’t lock yourself away for ever because of what happened, Allie. You have to keep living."
"We started from the basis that we do not think the spy is a student." - Nicole
"It has to be one of the Night School instructors." - Nicole
"That's a nice goose egg you've got there, Sheridan." - Carter
"They must be trying to find that key." - Carter
"I don’t understand, Eloise. What do you want us to do?" - Rachel
"It’s like we thought, they’re holding Eloise." - Zoe
"I haven’t played chess since… well. I used to play with Jo." - Allie
"I’m so sorry for the way I treated you when we were together. I know I blew it." - Carter
"I think it's an amazing film – one of my favorites. I love Jimmy Stewart." - Sylvain
"I'm sorry, I just… missed you." - Carter
"Being friends is just kind of... hard after being... other things."
"I am more agile of course but... he’s not bad."
"Please don’t let there be porn. Please don’t let there be porn. Please don’t..."
"I feel friendship love for him. Only that."
"Every leader must be willing to be an arsehole when it’s necessary."
"I can’t wait for you forever – no one could do that."
"I will always be your friend, Allie. Forever. I swear it."
"We’re working on a plan. We’re meeting now to talk about it."
"What you did – invading Mr Zelazny’s private space – was in complete violation of The Rules."
"I thought someone might have kidnapped you."
"You’re good until the hypothermia sets in."
"Loads but… I couldn’t even get started in the time we have."
"Katie thinks about ninety students will go with Nathaniel."
"No no no… We’re not ready. What are we going to do?"
"She’s intimidating, but she is also charismatic."
"It’s just like… the world’s gone crazy."
"We need to talk to you, we have an idea."
"You disappoint me. I thought you cared enough about your friend to do as you were told."