
I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence Quotes

I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence by Amy Sedaris

I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence Quotes
"A party doesn’t necessarily have to be a big extravagant to-do. A party can be as simple as a few people getting together for conversation and snacks."
"Before you can give of yourself to others you must know what of yourself you have to give."
"Every person is special. In all the land there is only one you, possibly two, but seldom more than sixteen."
"Remember, the goal is to entertain, not overtain."
"If you have thick ankles, wear pants. If you’re boring, pick exciting music to play."
"Accentuate the positives—medicate the negatives."
"The actual party is another half of the fun, and the third half is wiping up and reflecting on the terrific success of your party."
"Your relaxed attitude will put everyone at ease. During a crisis, it may be a good time to ask a friend to play deputy hostess."
"When I get struck with this force, I usually start with cleaning the house, because not only does cleaning have to be done before a party, it is a mindless chore that gives my imagination the chance to run wild."
"I also learned that when I have nothing to do, the best thing to do is to make something."
"Always act interested in their small-town stories even if you aren’t."
"Don’t plan every minute of your guest’s stay."
"If you want to splurge, show them one of your money jars and tell them, 'This is what we have to blow.'"
"If you know what your guest likes, stock a few of their favorite food items or drinks."
"Plan a menu that will provide you with multiple meals such as a ham, turkey, or a meat loaf."
"Have some busy work you can do together while sitting around catching up, like frosting cupcakes or shucking corn."
"If you have a lot of errands to run, invite your guest along; it’s a good time to talk."
"A good trick is to fill your medicine cabinet with marbles. Nothing announces a nosey guest better than an avalanche of marbles hitting a porcelain sink."
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a citizen, and dinner like a beggar."
"Make sure that the mud stain on the rug has dried. Vacuum the dirt off."
"I don’t like brunch. Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch."
"When entertaining the elderly, remember they don’t like quick movement and can’t hear very well."
"The last thing these people want to do is make decisions or be interrupted during the story you’ve heard for the fifth time."
"If one of my parties was pulled over and administered a breath analyzer it would spend the weekend in jail."
"If you feel good wearing red lipstick, regardless of what anyone says, then wear it."
"The little curls that you place in front of your ears are called kiss curls and sometimes ‘man catchers.’"
"If you are anemic eat out of a cast iron skillet."
"To remove hair color from the hairline, place fresh cigarette ashes on the stain and rub off with water."
"Try to be as entertaining as possible because if a sick person gets bored they might try to entertain themselves and often they don’t have the strength to do this."
"When you are going to see a doctor, wear loose-fitting clothes so it’s easy to roll up your sleeves."
"When going to see a dentist, remove your lipstick."
"A nurse told me once that patients tend to do better around the same time they were born, so if you were born at night chances are you will feel better at night."
"Pez holders are great for holding hydrocodone, just pull back the head and take what is being presented to you."
"To feel how frustrating it must feel to not be heard when needing help, take the contents out of the can and shake it. It’s a horrible feeling."
"Change your medicine chest from herbal remedies to something that works—fast-acting, no-nonsense pharmaceuticals."
"It’s easy to admire the lifestyle of gypsies, a colorful and spirited people with the ability to pull up stakes and hit the road at a moment’s notice."
"If you are one of the people who doesn’t know how to cook, and someone is coming over to your house to cook for you, be courteous enough to empty your sink of dirty dishes."
"Actors and gypsies are a lot alike. They always come sniffing around at dinnertime for a free meal or a glass of wine."
"Gift Ideas for Gypsies: Compass, Can opener, Shoe inlays, Hairpins, Waterproof matches, Trail mix, Corkscrew."
"Giving a gift can express many things—Congratulations! Get well soon. Remember me? I’m so sorry, it will never happen again."
"No matter how hard you try, you cannot purchase affection with presents unless you are willing to drop some serious coinage."
"If you can’t afford a gift, give a compliment. This is an easy way to make somebody feel better."
"In Girl Scouts, we would always get a name from Social Services of a family that was in need for a Thanksgiving dinner and we would provide that family with a meal."
"Some people are alone by circumstance—they’ve lost a loved one, or are enduring a breakup, and others, like me, are alone by choice."
"I think it’s good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone."
"I like making dishes that I can eat out of the pot, standing up, over the stove."
"The best time to choose a color TV is on Saturday morning when the cartoons are on. That way you can tell which TV has the best color for your money."
"If you live with someone, don’t buy them music if you don’t want to hear it."
"It’s great with a cup of grated extra-sharp Cheddar cheese and chopped jalapeño peppers, for Mexican corn-bread."
"Sugar is heresy for the cornbread indigenous to my micro-region in the most remote area of North Carolina, Stanly County."
"The difference between a yam and a sweet potato is that the yam is sweeter and moister and darker in color but the two are interchangeable."
"Make these fries like you normally would only be extravagant and use olive oil instead of vegetable oil."
"They shouldn’t be overcooked; they should look bright green."
"You can use a marinara sauce instead of meat."
"Another option: Place room-temperature meat in an open shallow pan."
"For a fancy restaurant-style sauce, use a hand mixer to lightly pulse through the sauce. Or just leave it messy and chunky."
"Pour either a very light olive oil or a salad oil in the blender and beat until it all reaches the lid of the blender."
"You can toss in any vegetable, such as tomatoes, onions, radishes, cucumbers, green peppers, carrots, celery, scallions, mushrooms, olives, corn, avocados, small cauliflower or broccoli, or any bean, such as garbanzo or kidney."
"Place two slices of toasted bread on a plate and ladle a good amount of the creamed chipped beef on top of the slices."
"Add a sprig of mint and a splash of seltzer water."
"This cake is a great gift for anybody—diabetics and dieters alike will eat it up."
"Empty egg cartons make great earring organizers."
"Wrap a string of different colored pom-poms around a can, using glue."
"An insatiable burning desire to have your calves stretched."
"Maximum stay is ten minutes. Set them free and think about what you have learned."