
The Terminal List Quotes

The Terminal List by Jack Carr

The Terminal List Quotes
"Not one of the guys on the ground had liked this mission. Now, moving to within a klick of their target, they had pushed that distraction from their minds and were solely focused on the deadly challenge before them."
"After sixteen years at war, the Afghan saying, 'The Americans have all the watches, but we have all the time,' rang a bit more true than it had in the early days."
"It’s just over that rise," Reece replied. "Predator shows nothing moving. No sentries. Nothing."
"Everything had lined up a little too easily for this target: the intel, the offset infil, the current state of the objective area."
"Focus, Reece. Something is not right. Something is just not right."
"Your men trusted you, Reece. And now they are dead."
"It’s bad, Reece," Boozer continued. "What’s the last thing you remember?"
"I am going to start this recorder for my notes, if you don’t mind," continued the fat man.
"I couldn’t launch a mission today to apprehend a jaywalker with the same amount and quality of intelligence with which we invaded Iraq."
"The admiral’s eyes adjusted once again while casually continuing to scan the room."
"Reece’s eyes began to mist over for the second time that night. He had no idea how bad things were about to get."
"Wonder who guaranteed them?" Reece wondered aloud.
"Get yourself home safely, hug your family, bury your men, and make an appointment with my office for when I get back."
"I want that troop commander to be a modern-day Custer."
"Phil had always thought they were some of the best sources of intel for the insurgency, having paced out every corner of the base multiple times to ensure correct schematics for incoming mortars and rockets."
"But for the grace of God, that is my daughter, my wife."
"Reece sat emotionless as the detectives described to him the horrific crimes that would shock his serene community."
"That America had welcomed him and his family with open arms, offering them a refuge from the violence and uncertainty of Mexico, was something he did not take lightly."
"Reece knew the answer to any of those questions was that he would probably be dead alongside his wife and daughter."
"Reece had to believe that he was spared for a reason: to find out what happened and punish those responsible."
"I should have been here. I should have died with them."
"Would death make the pain go away? Should he just end it all and join Lauren and Lucy?"
"I love you, Lauren," he whispered, moving the pistol under his chin.
"You’ve never taken the easy route, Reece."
"Let these feelings turn, Reece. Let them turn.…"
"Boozer wasn’t the kind of guy to quit on anything, especially life."
"He did not buy in to government conspiracies, but he wasn’t naïve enough to rule anything out, either."
"The last thing I want to do is get you hurt."
"I can take care of myself," she said, wondering what he meant by his "doesn’t need to be" comment.
"James, if I might, you should get that tumor checked out. Don’t just assume the worst."
"To him, controlling the president made him the de facto king of the world."
"It is because I see opportunity in chaos and I adapt to it quicker than anyone else."
"I am going to make him lose his cool so that everyone in this command sees it on his face when he walks out of this office."
"I am here to see that everything goes as planned."
"Precision with a rifle requires precision in thought. Don’t miss, Son. Love, Dad."
"You’re pretty fit. You don’t look military, and you’re too old to be a baseball player; construction?"
"This was no 'gentleman’s club' with dress codes and top-shelf liquor. This was a down-and-dirty strip club straight out of the 1980s."
"It’s like you’re in China. The smoke is terrible but there’s no way anyone here is going to overhear what we’re talking about."
"I love to talk, baby. Not like there’s anyone else in here for me to talk to, anyway."
"Your parents must have predicted your career path at a young age,"
"I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. Remember when I said I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you? I meant it."
"I don’t know that you do understand, Mr. Horn. If the damn media gets ahold of this they will turn it into a tabloid show full of every bullshit conspiracy theory that floats down the creek."
"He’d never know it until it was too late."
"You show me a member of Congress who’s part of the appropriations process and I’ll show you a wife, child, or brother-in-law with a company that benefits from federal dollars. Everybody does it."
"In Judges, Gideon asks God how to choose his men for battle. The Lord told Gideon to take his men down to the river and drink. The men who flopped down on their bellies and drank like dogs were no good to him."
"Contrary to popular belief, the suppressor did not 'silence' the report of the rifle or the supersonic crack of the bullet, but it did make it more difficult to determine the shooter’s position and lowered the noise level just as a car’s muffler does the sound of an engine."
"She seemed to listen, though, and she stared past Reece toward the window as he told her the whole story."
"Reece had always liked Point Loma. There were some beautiful homes here, with great views of San Diego, its bay, Coronado, and the Pacific."
"Reece understood the methodology. Agnon was his version of crosscut targeting. Reece was not going to allow this network to evolve. He was going to destroy it. He was going to kill them all."
"Fires were sacred, but more than anything else, fires offered hope."
"Understanding the violence he was about to bring to those who had killed his wife, daughter, unborn son, and Teammates gave him an odd sense of peace."
"Reece gave Ben the one-finger salute as he walked into the condo’s small kitchen to make coffee while Ben unpacked the short order to-go food on the counter."
"When you kill these men, will your journey be over?"
"He heard what sounded like footsteps behind him and turned to see the source of t"
"How the fuck did that bastard find him?"
"We are not safe here, Madame Secretary."
"Someone who knows how to dig will find it."
"Everybody has a price, bro. Apparently mine has ten figures."
"They killed me before I even left on that last deployment to Afghanistan."
"Reece, how did you know Ben didn’t have that detonator connected? How did you know he wouldn’t blow my head off?"