
Neverseen Quotes

Neverseen by Shannon Messenger

Neverseen Quotes
"This was not a time for nervous habits. It was time to be brave."
"You’re part of a team now. Everyone works together and helps."
"The best places to hide are the places no one wants to go."
"Beauty is simply a bonus, to make life more pleasing to the eye."
"The mind is more powerful than the body—never forget that."
"You should never be afraid of who you are."
"Sometimes rebellion is the only course of wisdom."
"The only lesson you must take from this is to stay out of the Neutral Territories."
"There are many shades of trust, and most of them are gray."
"We will never be more than a few words away. ~Love, Mom & Dad"
"No one is more aware of the risks that come with healing Prentice than we are."
"All it takes is one to stand where others fall."
"Never underestimate the power of the page."
"You have no idea what a nightmare it was."
"And yet, we’re glad to work with you. But we must be a team."
"The smallest things can be the most dangerous."
"Whatever concerns are causing that crease between your brows, we do share them."
"Just because a plan is feasible does not mean it’s worth the risk."
"Evil is better than dead. Evil can change."
"Nothing’s in my power—that’s the problem."
"You are very important to our organization. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t."
"Best to give him space. He’ll come back when he’s ready."
"I would never hate you, Keefe. Why would you even think that?"
"It’s okay to be different. If everyone were the same, we’d all make the same mistakes."
"We’re all here for you. No matter what."
"I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about it?"
"Every second we delay gives the Neverseen time to prepare."
"We’ll find a way to alert the Council so they can extinguish the Everblaze."
"You’re choosing the wrong side, boy. You’ll regret it when you see your mother’s vision realized."
"The world has gotten too complicated to leave any one group solely in charge. There needs to be a system of checks and balances."
"Trust yourselves. Let your talents aid you. And above all, remember your promises."
"The uncensored director's cut was a thousand times worse."
"Words cut deeper than goblin throwing stars."
"But you're so much more than what your family made you believe."
"I need you to promise that you'll never give up. No matter how hard it gets. Or how hopeless it feels."
"We're watching everywhere the plague has spread."
"We've been pinning so many hopes on Prentice that it's made us shortsighted."
"You’re a natural force for change. And here’s a chance to make a true difference."
"How could I? Humans built everything around their birthdays. As long as you were living with them I had to let you do the same."
"I know. But that doesn’t mean we were wrong to focus on Sophie’s safety."
"I’m aware of the offenses you hold against me, and I won’t claim I don’t deserve them. But I need you to know that I do care about you, Sophie—as much as I can allow myself to."
"Maybe we should be trying to find information about the cure, not the cause of the plague."
"Nature tells us what it needs. That’s why I chose this as our meeting place."
"I make what I can with any herbs I stumble across, but what I wouldn’t give for one measly supply shipment."
"You know I blame you for what happened to my dad—and I can’t promise I’m ever going to stop."
"You’re no longer part of a community. You’re fighting for survival and redemption."
It's weird," Biana admitted. "Are you part of the Black Swan?
"Sometimes the greatest power comes from showing mercy, especially to those who may not deserve it."
"Aren’t we all hoping for a second chance?"
"Sometimes, at night, we can hear them marching."
"Are you afraid of the dark? I’m afraid of things that use darkness to hide."
"We should focus on the larger discoveries you gained today, and keep our other suspicions to ourselves until we have actual, concrete proof."
"Nature is an intricate jigsaw puzzle, and every piece matters."
"The world is changing, and we must adapt."
"But if you take the alicorns, they have no other options."
"I'm unarmed. And I'm not here because of the Council. In fact, they banished me weeks ago."
"Roots this old only have the strength to carry us one way, and the escape will be far more crucial."
"I know the risks. But I will see my homeland, however lost it is. And I will take back freedom for my people."
"I don’t mind if something happens to me. But I fear for those I care about—especially you."
"Then you’ll never know what I came here to tell you."
"That’s why it’s so important that we have you and your sister on the team. Your unique, unexpected abilities will give our strategy the advantage we need."
"Our world needs change. And while I don’t agree with all of the Black Swan’s politics, I can agree that they’re the best chance we have of surviving."
"I’ll bring him to his room," Timkin said, lifting Keefe and heading for the stairs.
"You keep trying to fix everything, Sophie. You even fixed Exillium. But you can’t fix me."
"How could you join them after everything they’ve done?"
"I’m not like you. You were made to be the hero. I was raised to be something else."
"I think he’s desperate for answers we cannot give him."
"I’m always here in one form or another. All you have to do is trust us."
"You are, and always will be, Sophie Foster."
"Our losses have been small, and our gains have been great."