
Bergdorf Blondes Quotes

Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes

Bergdorf Blondes Quotes
"Honestly, it all requires a level of commitment comparable to, say, learning Hebrew or quitting cigarettes."
"You wouldn’t believe the dedication it takes to be a gorgeous, flaxen-haired, dermatologically perfect New York girl with a life that’s fabulous beyond belief."
"But sometimes gossip is by far the most reliable source of information about yourself and all your friends, especially in Manhattan."
"I always say why trust myself when gossip can tell moi the real truth about moi?"
"Everyone thinks the party-girl life is the best life you can lead here. The truth is that combined with work it’s completely draining, but no one dares say that in case they look ungrateful."
"You’ve got to recognize it when a day is a total waste of makeup."
"I’m really good at words like moi and très, which seem to take care of just about everything a girl needs."
"There’s nothing more romantic than a girl who likes to be in love and is open about it."
"If you use the same criteria to choose a man that you would when choosing a handbag, I guarantee you will find one that suits you perfectly."
"Girls can’t resist a sense of humor. And then you’re a director, too. I bet you have some really beautiful actress girlfriend."
"Sometimes the things Julie says make me feel like dating in New York is worse than it is on Sex and the City. And I always used to think Sex and the City is as terrifying as dating can possibly get."
"The truth is I am all for being a complete slut, but in private, I thought as I lay there tanning my skin to the perfect shade—light latte."
"I tried to speak. Nothing came out. Eventually I whispered, 'But we just, I mean…you know…'"
"I’d much rather have one there than somewhere deadly like the psychiatric department of the Beth Israel Medical Center, where there are no good boutiques as far as I know."
"Thank god I was dressed for Brazil. I could hardly wait for Zach to appear."
"If you are going to be pretending to watch a DVD all night, do it in Agent Provocateur just in case someone sees you."
"I couldn’t deny it any longer: I was attracting about as much attention from The One as a leftover blini at Le Cirque."
"God, Zach was confusing. There I was thinking something was wrong and all Zach wanted was to cuddle up and watch TV with me."
"The truth was, I looked like a chopstick and felt as raw as a piece of Nobu’s yellowtail."
"No one could feel worse than me right now, not even me."
"We’re meant to be unhappy sometimes. That’s life."
"If you were happy all the time, you’d be some talk show host."
"You’ve got to grow up and stop being so incredibly childish."
"You’ve got to be ahead in this town. An eligible divorcé comes onto the market and boom! Gone quicker than you can say ‘Did you sign a pre-nup?’"
"You can’t say that for a single man, can you?"
"Sometimes I could literally murder Muffy."
"The thing is, I just adore being a Front Row Girl. It’s so nice to always be in the front row..."
"Never dress as a WASPy iceberg if you can dress as an ice princess in Alexander McQueen instead."
"Maybe I should say hello. Then I could leave and never speak to him again."
"There's nothing like a five-dollar orange pressé to really lift your spirits when you've been abandoned by a movie mogul and almost rescued by a patronizing and annoyingly cute movie director."
"I don’t tell lies, but when I do I am très convincing."
"It’s physically impossible for a New York girl to turn down a ride on a private plane, ever."
"I don’t approve of lies, unless it’s for a good cause like helping people."
"There’s something semi-glamorous about a ripped Zac Posen party dress."
"I’m an independent girl, I don’t need anything from a playboy like Patrick Saxton."
"Even if I was a little embarrassed that he’d shown up like a white knight in a white terry robe, I was sort of relieved it was Charlie and not some random rap star."
"I mean, Shelley was wearing an ocean liner of a ring, a blue diamond that must have been ten carats at least."
"I felt as though my protestations were falling on deaf ears, which worried me."
"Sometimes I wonder if I can get a divorce from Mom."
"Swyre Castle was so pretty, I could almost imagine losing my country-house phobia over it."
"For a girl like me, if it's a choice between a muddy farmyard and a castle, I'll always take the castle."
"God I totally worship English parks by Capability Brown, don't you?"
"That's the thing about the British upper classes. Just in case you aren't intimidated enough already, they go and do the coat of arms thing just to really freak you out."
"Toffs always leave the front door unlocked, like they're living on Cape Cod or something."
"I felt like I was inside a wedding cake."
"Sometimes I wonder how those girls survived the deprivations of the eighteenth century."
"I guess to keep the conference people out. You know me. If I see a velvet rope I have to be on the right side of it."
"I wasn’t in 1760 was the overhead projector and screen at one end of the room—this must have been the 'conference center.'"
"If you only get hypoglycemia around one person, the chances are actually much greater that you might be falling in love than that you have suddenly contracted a nasty sugar condition."
"I’d had quite enough of him. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow was over and I could go back to New York and have a regular one-night stand with someone I was never going to see again, who wouldn’t turn out to be the son of the man next door whose family had been feuding with mine for a generation."
"I mean, yes, Zac P. is the trendiest designer in the world this second, no argument, but does a girl really want to look like Chloë Sevigny on her wedding day?"
"But you’re not like those other girls in New York. You’re funny and you don’t even know you’re funny. It’s sweet. Sometimes I think you were made especially for me."
"I think it was pretty regrettable, like if it had been a movie it wouldn’t have been allowed to be shown anywhere in America. Seriously, it was way beyond the Brazil I thought I knew so well, if you get my meaning."