
Summer Quotes

Summer by Edith Wharton

Summer Quotes
"The springlike transparent sky shed a rain of silver sunshine on the roofs of the village."
"Her heart contracted a little, and the shrinking that sometimes came over her when she saw people with holiday faces."
"This was all she saw; but she felt, above her and about her, the strong growth of the beeches clothing the ridge."
"She had always kept to herself, contemptuously aloof from village lovemaking."
"It was too bitter to picture him as the detached impartial listener to such a story."
"The sight of the weak-minded old woman, of the cowed children, and the ragged man sleeping off his liquor, made the setting of her own life seem a vision of peace and plenty."
"It was almost as if Lucius Harney had never had a part in their lives."
"The air was cool and clear, with the autumnal sparkle that a north wind brings to the hills in early summer."
"A great many things had happened to her since the day when young Lucius Harney had entered the doors of the Hatchard Memorial."
"I don't want any chance you can give me: I'm glad he's going."
"Is it a lie that you were seen coming out of Miss Hatchard’s nigh onto midnight?"
"Who are you, anyhow, to ask me where I go to when I go out at night?"
"You mustn’t be afraid of looking at the blue pin any longer, because it belongs to you."
"I was going away—I don’t want to see you—I want you should leave me alone."
"Charity stood gazing at all the outspread whiteness."
"By day, no doubt, they would appear a little worn, but in the moonlight they seemed carved of ivory."
"As she stood there, staring down moodily at her feet, she heard the triple click-click-click of a bicycle-bell under her window."
"It was a joy to Charity to sing: it seemed as though, for the first time, her secret rapture might burst from her and flash its defiance at the world."
"His appearance struck her all the more because it was the first time she had looked him full in the face since the night at Nettleton."
"Our very experiments in larger places, even if they were unsuccessful, ought to have helped us to make North Dormer a larger place."
"I’m glad I’m here. Believe me, all of you, the best way to help the places we live in is to be glad we live there."
"He passed close to Charity, and she noticed that his gravely set face wore the look of majesty that used to awe and fascinate her childhood."
"She had given him all she had—but what was it compared to the other gifts life held for him?"
"She had never known how to adapt herself; she could only break and tear and destroy."
"I want you should marry Annabel Balch if you promised to."
"She was someone to whom something irreparable and overwhelming had happened."
"She was not sure if she was rejecting what he offered, or already struggling against the temptation of taking what she no longer had a right to."
"She had always thought of him as of someone hateful and obstructive."
"Her whole body began to tremble with the dread of her own weakness."
"Her mind was clear now, and she began to face the facts with a new courage."
"She was conscious only of a desperate desire to defend her secret from irreverent eyes, and to begin life again among people to whom the harsh code of the village was unknown."
"Her child was like a load that held her down, and yet like a hand that pulled her to her feet."
"She had always been sure she could outwit and dominate him when she chose to make the effort."