
Kingdom Of The Feared Quotes

Kingdom Of The Feared by Kerri Maniscalco

Kingdom Of The Feared Quotes
"Coven elders seldom agreed on anything, save for two matters considered to be their highest of laws: The devil should never be summoned. And, under no circumstance, were black mirrors ever to be used for scrying."
"As one of the best seers on the island, Sofia Santorini believed some rules were meant to be broken, especially when her newest visions kept whispering troubling tales in her ear."
"Breaking two rules to potentially save dozens of witches seemed like the right thing to do."
"Any manner of demon might be lurking below the unknown depths, waiting to strike."
"A violent storm was gathering on the horizon. She had no wings, and even if she did, Sofia refused to flee without her family."
"The magic propelled the images to leave the mirror and swirl around her as if she were standing there the moment they happened."
"Despite my best efforts to not grin at the demon, my traitorous lips curved upward on their own."
"Of all the times for him to be fully dressed…"
"If you’re both quite through, there’s a little matter of murder to attend to."
"If you’re going to stand out there all night, your majesty?"
"It was a welcome feeling, especially after the coldness that had swept in earlier and settled in my bones."
"Some bonds can never be broken, Emilia. And some choices have consequences akin to death. Take it from someone who knows all too well what that’s like."
"If I’d been about to call for help again, Sofia couldn’t remember why."
"It’s a valid point. But the potency of werewolf blood overwhelms our senses. Similar to the scent of a strong astringent. If you smell ammonia, then try to pick out any notes underneath it, the ammonia will always dominate."
"Blood and bones. All one has to do to get away with murder is splash some werewolf blood around the scene."
"You are the one she tried to make me hate for eternity. But she failed."
"His bronze skin was rapidly going pale, but his fury was unmatched as he held my gaze. 'Your cloak.'"
"I’d wish to know why the magic only travels one way."
"Once something is put in motion, we rarely have control over the outcome, no matter what our initial intentions are."
"Blood splattered across the snowy ground. The metallic tang thickening the air along with the gamy scent of adrenaline."
"That ancient power, that slumbering beast—it woke with a vengeance at the sight of Wrath’s blood. I didn’t bother holding it back. I didn’t grasp for control."
"You’ll die. Just as they’d always intended. We were never supposed to remember what we are."
"Do you remember traveling to that cabin in the woods? The one with Nonna’s friend? How did we arrive there? How did we get home? Why was it so brutally cold and covered in snow? It felt a lot like here, didn’t it?"
"Our memories, our whole lives, nothing was real. It was all magic and lies and betrayal. And yet it still felt real."
"If you die naturally, I’ll just bring you back. Without your mortal heart."
"Grief wasn’t simply a shadow that followed people around; it was the worst sort of companion."
"She promised I’d see my mother again. If I did everything she said."
"I am doing exactly what I was created to do, Emilia. When will you do the same?"
"Whatever you do, you must never speak to the Wicked. If you see them, hide."
"War’s already begun. It started the moment they cursed us and held us captive for nearly twenty years in that realm."
"The princes of Hell are no better and ought to have paid a long time ago for their sins."
"Your sister is using her immortality as an excuse to do unforgivable things."
"Everyone has choices they make. Your sister is a monster by choice, not birth."
"Once he realized he’d been outmaneuvered, I think his pride took another hit. Which was why he seemed surprised and annoyed. He thought he’d been the hunter, and he discovered he’d fallen into another trap."
"It’s certainly an area to look into and either rule out or prove correct."
"We obviously don’t know the circumstances that brought Vesta here, but we know that she’d been inquiring about Pride’s portal and the blood scenting."
"The immortal heart. It’s the symbol of the vampire court."
"Blade, a striking vampire—with chiseled features and tousled chestnut hair—quickly raked his gaze over me, pausing on the necklace with lethal berries, before turning his attention on Wrath, his expression impossible to decipher."
"Hatred is the last thing I feel when I look at you."
"I always knew you. And always will. Your soul calls to mine. It’s a feeling of coming home. Of peace. No magic can duplicate it."
"You have nothing to fear about the change. It’s disorienting at first, but it feels like taking a large breath of fresh air after being submerged in the sea."
You could have died." "Envy was correct. Immortality won out.
Is that so?" Wrath shook his head. "The smell of smoke lingering on your clothes has nothing to do with vengeance?
"I want to right this wrong. I don’t just want to break the curse, I want to give all of us a true chance at coexisting peacefully."
"This power, this was what made me one of the Feared."
"I will not accept that. I cannot. You ought to give your heart to whomever you choose, whenever and however you choose to give it."
"You’re right. They’ll think before directly attacking you. But that will not stop them from responding with fire of their own."
"I want to wake up and not worry about who might attack that day. Out of jealousy, or anger, or greed—I want to focus on the good."
"The world could end before we know it. And I have my own fantasies to live out, my lady. If you’re willing to indulge?"
"I had forgotten how isolating it had been, being feared."
"I’d forgotten how lonely I’d been before I met you. How cold it had made me, bringing fear and chaos with me in place of warmth and love."
"Unlike vampires, witches, and demon princes, it was almost refreshing to know exactly where you stood with a werewolf."
"I would tear the throat out of anyone who threatened my family. And I don’t care about demons enough to aid them in any way, especially if one of their own decided to leave."
"The short version is the witches put a spell-lock on me and Vittoria, containing our magic and immortality, essentially making us mortal witches."
"The blade expects an equal trade," she finally said. "If you wish to break a curse, it will want to use your power to do so. All of it."
"I wish I could tell you everything," I said, meaning every word. "But I can’t stay long. And you can’t tell anyone you saw me."
"I trust my source. And you will need to trust me."
"I’m willing to pay anything. Just tell me what I need to do."
"I don’t give a high holy fuck about my court, my lady. Magic does not make you powerful. Your courage. Your heart. Your mind. Your very soul makes you a force to be reckoned with."
"You haven’t had access to your full power for twenty years, according to the way time works on the Shifting Isles, and you could cast only minimal spells as a shadow witch."
"Let’s try half the surfaces for now, my love. Even with your immortal body, I doubt you can handle the full might of my… power."
"My brothers are more than capable of tending to their circles, but the law remains in place."
"If you want me, say the words, my lady."
"We are going to get through this, Samael."
"I never found a trace of her when I looked."
"It would have happened much sooner if you’d just told me the truth."
"I want to focus on rebuilding our House. I wish to settle our court and earn back our subjects’ trust."
"Thinking of Pride makes me want to tear out hearts and stomp on them."
"I chose happiness over fear. And I’d choose it again without any regrets."
"I hated you because you’d become one of the very creatures who’d torn us apart."
"I told you to never call me Samael again, not because you’d said my name, but because I did not want your witch family to use it against us."
"I wanted a partner. A confidante. Someone to walk through hell with, and someone who could also show me heaven."
"I chose to end a curse that would have kept me caged for eternity."
"You forget our mother has an issue with pride, herself. She would never allow someone to destroy her favorite creations."
"I chose the path that offered me the life I want to live."
"I love you, Samael. The good parts, the bad, and all the parts in between."
"What’s mine is yours, my love. I told you I had enough magic for both of us."
"You twisted, dark angel. I haven’t even touched you, and you’re more aroused than ever."
"Do your worst, your majesty. I’m ready for every twisted, dark thing you can dream up."