
A Million Kisses In Your Lifetime Quotes

A Million Kisses In Your Lifetime by Monica Murphy

A Million Kisses In Your Lifetime Quotes
"She’s nice to everyone. She wants people to respect her. To listen to her. Though really most everyone just takes advantage of her."
"She’s a good student. Smart. She wants teachers to admire her. To think she’s a hard worker. Some admire her too much."
"She surrounds herself with a lot of people, but I never see her with actual friends. She’s closed off. Thinks she’s better than everyone else. Judgmental."
"She’s also a prude. A virgin. Not interested in sex. Probably scared of it. Scared of guys. Scared of everyone. Possible traumatic experience in her past?"
"My mind is awhirl with a mountain of things. None of them positive."
"I’m not scared of guys. I’m not scared of anyone."
"You don’t have an opinion about any of my thoughts?"
"There was never a traumatic experience in my past."
"Take advantage of her. Closed off. Has no friends. Judgmental. A prude. A virgin. Scared of sex."
"The only thing that’s true is I’m a virgin. And proud of it."
"There is no reason for me to be so fascinated with his lips."
"He’s smart. Charming. Teachers do what he says because his family owns the school."
"It’s the name. They only care because I’m a Lancaster."
"He’s threatening. Cruel. He doesn’t smile—like ever. Probably not happy with his life."
"Interesting description. I get the sense you’re familiar with that sort of treatment."
"My mother is the collector. It’s the only thing she’s got in her life that makes her truly happy."
"I’ve never left class early before, but at this moment, I feel powerful."
"I don’t want to ruin you. Or your friends."
"I hear this a lot, but rarely does anyone include me in the equation like she just did."
"Everything I know I mostly self-taught, with my father interjecting here and there with his own opinions."
"It’s hard to explain. Looking at this makes me feel like I could be a different person."
"We all have different reactions to art. That’s what makes it so wonderful. It’s not just one thing. It’s so many things. A million ideas and thoughts and visions."
"My entire life, I’ve been completely controlled."
"You’re just saying that. I grab my menu and hold it up in front of me, trying to concentrate on what I’m reading, but the words just go blurry."
"I don’t know what it’s like, to be liberated. To feel free. It’s a foreign concept."
"I’m having a hard time deciding which piece I want."
"I don’t know where I’m going to hang it though."
"Why do I hang out with those two again?"
"You need to learn how to let loose a little."
"If you don’t want to look at Christmas lights?"
"I’m the baby of the family. They don’t expect me to do much of anything."
"I think I’d rather stay in for the night."
"I don’t want you sleeping on the pull-out sofa."
"I don’t even know how to act around him."
"I feel like everything you do is sexy as fuck."
"I’ve never had a boyfriend during the holiday season—and my birthday—before."
"You promised to show me the Christmas lights."
"I think my parents want to marry me off to a rich man so they won’t have to worry about me anymore."
"You think what?" Crew asks when I still haven’t spoken.
"Sounds like a shitty way to spend the holidays, pretending everything’s okay when it’s not," Crew says.
"Like I’m a delicate little flower who can’t handle bad things."
"Maybe I was that sort of person not so long ago, but I feel like I’ve changed."
"It’s almost the end of a year. Sometimes even an era."
"I don’t think you know what you’re capable of."
I’m not sad," I admit, and I mean it. "I just—
"You already knew about the situation, so I didn’t think I needed to call you."
"I’m agreeing with you. That’s all," I say, my voice hollow.
"You make me feel out of my fucking mind, Birdy."
"I don’t want to put a label on it. Not yet."
"You don’t have to deep throat me, Birdy."
"I’ve never had sex without a condom. Ever."
"You’re his little girl. He doesn’t want you to grow up."
"All I want to do is make her smile. Make her laugh. Make her like me."
"He’s been sending you Chanel lipsticks for a week."
"You gave me something you can never give anyone else."
"I can make you come again and again. All night, if you’ll let me."
"No one else understands me like you do."