
I'll Stop The World Quotes

I'll Stop The World by Lauren Thoman

I'll Stop The World Quotes
"Everyone shut up and pay attention," Mr. Shaw growls as he passes by our row.
"You and most of Washington," she says with zero humor.
"Besides, it's my senior year. Seems like a waste of time to change things up now."
"I have a lot of respect for you and your business."
"I either had to say something or spontaneously combust."
"You can’t fix him, you know," he says quietly. "He’s been broken from the beginning."
"We were eight. We had no concept of anything."
"I remember you were always putting your toys in time-out."
"It's fine, Dad," Rose said, saving him the trouble of explaining.
"I hadn’t known, at the beginning of the campaign, how bizarre this would all feel."
"She hadn’t known, at the beginning of the campaign, how bizarre this would all feel."
"Sometimes, Rose silently hoped Diane would lose, just so things could go back to normal."
"You think?" Noah gazed back at Steph, and there wasn’t a doubt in Rose’s mind that if she weren’t sitting there, watching them, he’d have kissed her."
"She couldn’t see another way out. Staying here would kill him."
"It’s not that I don’t appreciate the opportunity," Shawn said, still—foolishly—hoping he might convince his father to see his side.
"I just need to figure out some stuff on my own, I think."
"How about you just take me back to Dave’s, and I’ll see if my car’s still there or get a ride with one of my friends?"
"I think you’re confused. Where do you live? Let me drive you home."
"Okay, Miss Yin, if you want to take responsibility for him, be my guest."
"I just remembered I need to—Can I find you later?"
"I'm not the one who's confused, and you are definitely not driving my car."
"You said the school is named Warren. In . . . where you’re from."
"That’s just what a not-real person would say."
"Unless you want to drive off the bridge again."
"No wonder most people didn’t want to do it. Must be nice to be rich like Franklin Gibson."
"Diane straightened from the desk, folding her arms. 'What sorts of concerns?'"
"You’d think that ring on your finger would keep him away, but men like that feel entitled to everything, and everyone."
"First Lisa, now Rose. I am not winning any popularity contests in my house this week."
"When Millie’s a teenager, I’ll be happy if I’m half the mom you are."
"Listening to her talk, I honestly thought we could rewrite history and fix my life."
"The future may suck, but I know I don’t belong here. Maybe I don’t belong anywhere."
"Some people use it for, like, gardening and stuff."
"Time travel is science fiction! It’s not supposed to be real either!"
"Maybe I was right that very first night, and I’m dead or in a coma."
"Because people don’t just fall back through time, Justin."
"There’s got to be a reason for it, and if you’re here for a reason, then finding that reason can’t be impossible."
"It was stupid to think we could change anything."
"If you’re dead, then I’m not real, and I am real."
"That’s why it’s important to focus on what you can do right now."
"I believe that you believe you’re telling me the truth." - Noah
"I’m not telling you this because I want to believe it. I’m telling you this because it’s true." - Rose
"It’s us, Rosie. I’ll always be on your side." - Noah
"I know how it sounds, but I just... I know this is real." - Rose
"I didn’t talk to you about it because I was scared." - Lisa
"I’m your sister. We always said we could tell each other anything." - Rose
"I throw Rose out of the way. It’s easy, as if she weighs nothing at all. She flies up, and back, and away, her arms spreading like wings. Like a bird, my mind suggests, except I know immediately that’s not right."
"Rose pressed a hand to her head, trying to still the ringing in her ears."
"His eyes met hers, wide and empty. Like a corpse, she thought with a sense of strange detachment."
"Blood was everywhere, spilling out of him like a cracked egg."
"Death wasn’t supposed to win today. They were supposed to stop it."
"We don’t have a choice, Rose," Shawn said, his voice eerily void of expression.
"You can’t just bury people on riverbanks and get away with it."
"Did the Shawn she thought she knew even exist?"
"She remembered the last time she’d held his hand, right before everything between them fell apart."
"Rose’s eyes met Karl’s over Shawn’s head. 'Run home,' she said softly. 'Call the police.'"
"Rose knelt on the pavement until her knees ached."
"Rain was beginning to fall as he approached the school parking lot."
"Noah caught his breath, his stomach surging into his throat."
"Holding his breath, Noah carried Veronica toward the doors of the school, praying he’d have enough time to come back."
"One cup of coffee could easily last her the entire morning."
"She wanted to tell him that she and Noah had named their oldest son Justin, after the boy who’d given up his future to save theirs."