
Queen Of Babble Quotes

Queen Of Babble by Meg Cabot

Queen Of Babble Quotes
"Our indiscretion sometime serves us well when our deep plots do pall." - William Shakespeare
"Gossip isn’t scandal and it’s not merely malicious. It’s chatter about the human race by lovers of the same." - Phyllis McGinley
"Anyone who has obeyed nature by transmitting a piece of gossip experiences the explosive relief that accompanies the satisfying of a primary need." - Primo Levi
"Men have always detested women’s gossip because they suspect the truth: their measurements are being taken and compared." - Erica Jong
"I never repeat anything. That is the ritual phrase of society people, by which the gossip is reassured every time." - Marcel Proust
"You have no idea how glad I am to hear your voice."
"You have to know—I’m over the moon that you’re finally here."
"But in general being a few pounds overweight hasn’t ever kept me from doing what I wanted to."
"I want to be with guys who know that what’s important isn’t the size of a girl’s waistband but the size of her heart."
"I have no problem supporting the man I love."
"You’re in France, Lizzie. What did you expect?"
"I’ve never had a girl sit down next to me and start talking about—well, what you did. Ever."
"I wanted to tell you I was getting off at Souillac."
"I have to tell you. I’ve never had a girl sit down next to me and start talking about—well, what you did. Ever."
"The reason I didn’t tell you I was getting off at Souillac—besides the fact that you didn’t ask—is because I’m not some random stranger you met on a train."
"I mean, I’m actually your host. Jean-Luc de Villiers? Your friend Shari’s staying at my father’s place, Mirac."
"I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well."
"We feel safer with a madman who talks than with one who cannot open his mouth."
"Never to talk about ourselves is a very noble piece of hypocrisy."
"A lover without indiscretion is no lover at all. Circumspection and devotion are a contradiction in terms."
"Man, truly the animal that talks, is the only one that needs conversations to propagate its species."
"If you can't say something good about someone, sit right here by me." - Alice Roosevelt Longworth
"Gossip is charming! History is merely gossip. But scandal is gossip made tedious by morality." - Oscar Wilde
"It is vain to keep a secret from one who has a right to know it. It will tell itself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Talk is a pure art. Its only limits are the patience of listeners who, when they get tired, can always pay for their coffee or change it with a friendly waiter and walk out." - John Dos Passos
"Keep silence for the most part, and speak only when you must, and then briefly." - Epictetus
"His talk was like a spring, which runs with rapid change from rocks to roses." - Winthrop Mackworth Praed
"You are a mess, and you’ve gotten yourself into a mess."
"I know you wanted to try some. I trust you’re still doing the low-carb thing."
"I found them wedged way back in the fridge, behind the Nutella."
"If anybody can fix that ugly dress, well, I guess it’s you."
"Gossip is news running ahead of itself in a red satin dress."
"Love is only chatter, Friends are all that matter."