
Poppy Done To Death Quotes

Poppy Done To Death by Charlaine Harris

Poppy Done To Death Quotes
"You had to have demonstrated strong-mindedness, and a high degree of resilience. You had to be intelligent, or at least shrewd."
"Nothing makes me look sillier, whether I wear my hair down (because it’s long and really curly and wavy) or whether I wear it up (which makes my head look huge)."
"You didn’t have to be absolutely Nice. The southern standard of niceness was this: You’d never been convicted of anything, you didn’t look at other’s women’s husbands too openly."
"But you were tapped to join Uppity Women before you were forty-five, or you didn’t join."
"I had to sit down and collect myself for a minute. I was reacting as if I were Phillip’s mother—and I was old enough to be Phillip’s mother—but I wasn’t."
"I’d just. . . I’d never imagined . . . He probably wouldn’t have actually, uh, forced me. . . . I just freaked."
"The cornerstone of this would have to be—in my view—faithfulness."
"People these days are just like rabbits. Everything’s sex. No duty, no loyalty."
"It’s not going to be a problem. And Robin’s out of town right now anyway."
"I had tried—real hard—not to judge Poppy, to enjoy the part of her I liked and ignore the part that made me queasy."
"People don’t always do what I wish they would, either."
"I missed having someone to whom I was the most important person on earth."
"The bad thing is, that Poppy was a lot of good things, too, but no one’s thinking about that."
"But just at a surface level, Avery had had a better chance than anyone to be on that road at that time."
"No, feel free. Eat me out of hearth and home."
"I’d be useless the next day if I let myself step over the brink back into that awful time."
"I was thinking, of course, of the condoms, and I thought about health issues."
"You’re such a straight arrow. Life has no spice unless you have adventures."
"I always loved Poppy. I got mad at her a lot. She was a woman with a lot of secrets."
"He was always obsessive about her. I think it’s pretty damn peculiar that the police chief has Arthur on the case."
"You know it’s not the work I mind, it’s the fact that you think we ought to judge whether or not the police get whatever we find."
"Well, if she loved her husband, that would be so. But that’s not the case."
"No way was Arthur going to do anything like that. 'Still waters run deep,' Arthur said portentously."
"Life has no spice unless you have adventures."
"The Wynns would have found it, if it were easy. And when we do find it, no one needs to see it but us."
"It’s not going to be easy. The Wynns would have found it, if it were easy."
"Well, no telling how much else we’ll find. I guess we’d better get back to work."
"For years after he’d dumped me (to marry Lynn, and then divorce her), Arthur had thought he loved me. For years he’d turned up at odd moments in my life, his eyes begging me to take him back."
"Poppy could have wanted stability, but instead she created instability."
"I never wanted to know this much about another human being, I decided. People needed their secrets."
"The older I got, the less I seemed able to understand or predict the behavior of those around me."
"No matter how we glossed over it, Arthur had been mooning around Poppy’s house when he shouldn’t have been, and Arthur had kicked a suspect."
"He could afford the best lawyers, too. Bringing Cara to trial might be a struggle; I’d have to testify in court, if it came to a trial."
"I was willing to bet on that. No matter what her faults, she had been robbed. So had John David and Chase."
"Waiting for God to give us guidance seemed as good a course as any."
"I hadn’t been able to see Poppy’s body until I’d come around the end of the breakfast bar with its high stools."
"I was so creeped out by Cara that a toothpick would have frightened me, but at the sight of this knife, I was almost paralyzed."