
The Game You Played Quotes

The Game You Played by Anni Taylor

The Game You Played Quotes
"You’ll never find me, Mummy, if you don’t know where to look for me."
"Little boy blue, Alone and forlorn. From the meadow led, From your mother torn."
"Little Boy Blue, Why don’t you grieve for the mother you leave and the life you knew?"
"You need to make more of an effort with him."
"The words that had sounded feasible inside my head sounded like a fairy tale when they left my lips."
"You’ll be fine. I promise. Things will get better."
"What if I sleepwalked around the house while that thing was switched on?"
"I’ll see you both not to go to the media either. Keeping it quiet might draw this person out."
"I’m sorry, Nan. I thought I was following Tommy, and then—"
"I’d like for you both to come down to the station."
"Thoughts ground through my head, each thought turning to ashen powder before it could form anything coherent."
"I wanted to run home and take my pills and climb into bed and dream of Tommy. I didn’t want to be here with four sets of eyes judging me, pitying me."
"Detective Yarris gave me a smile that I was sure she meant to be warm, but she just wasn’t capable of doing warm."
"The truth is, we’ve never stopped moving on his case. We’ve thrown everything we humanly can at it."
"The prospect that I really was going crazy drifted at the edges of the watery haze inside my head."
"Every day the struggle to get him to eat healthy things instead of him screaming for ice-cream and biscuits."
"The baby wasn’t completely real to him yet because it wasn’t inside his body."
"Sometimes it seemed like I was the one expected to soldier on while everyone else had a licence to fall apart."
"No wonder Luke was cheating on me. No wonder Tommy had gone off so easily with a stranger."
"I stared at the bedroom wall, wondering how long I’d known that Luke was cheating on me."
"Sometimes, when you’ve reached rock bottom, it takes going step by step to get yourself out of there."
"My dreams weren’t going to lead me to Tommy. I’d been trying to escape the pain by drugging myself and creating my own little make-believe world."
"I wanted rage. I needed rage. Because the rage would sustain me."
"The day wasn’t something to seize, it was something to survive."
"If you keep giving things away, you’ll end up with nothing but regret."
"Instinctively, Pria led Kate and me along the long, dark hallway to the sunroom."
"My heart squeezed as I went to open the door that led to the small storage area underneath the stairs."
"I couldn’t cope with the thought of anything else."
"In her eyes, the day wasn’t something to seize, it was something to survive."
"I stayed for a while longer then made an excuse to leave."
"I’d lost all credibility with the police."
"The anxiety inside me was a cresting wave that refused to break on the shore."
"Last night I’d been emboldened by a few drinks of champagne and wine and eggnog, and by being Sass."
"You must have had an awful lot to drink, to sleep this late."
"Each death was like a nail in her own coffin."
"A good woman knows to be patient and show her best side."
"Happiness is a fleeting thing. No one has hold of it for long."
"I was out of my depth. Sass would have handled it like an expert. I wasn’t Sass."
"You’d be surprised how many women respond to being asked straight out if they want to sleep with me."
"What if I just wanted a drink or two to drown my sorrows before I head home?"
"He did, didn’t he? And you just waited it out, right?"
"That’s the same kind of advice you used to give Mum."
"Her face crumpled. 'Why would you say such a terrible thing?'"
"He sighed in a low, drawn-out voice. 'I just wanted to hear your voice.'"
"I was completely out of my depth. Sass would have handled it like an expert. I wasn’t Sass."
"I don’t want to talk about this, Phoebe. It’s none of your business."
"In my bag, I packed a knit cap, warm gloves, and my notebook."
"Even if I arranged for someone else to do it, I was still a murderer."
"I threw the phone onto my bed like it had seared my hand."
"She never held back on staring at people with her tiny, caustic eyes."
"The process of putting all Nan’s things away felt oddly like trying to put the meat back onto bones."
"The media were ready to feed on the rotting meat."
"I collapsed into my chair. The trembling started up again fresh."
"It would be murder taking all our stuff up those stairs."
"I could guess why the previous owners of the island hadn’t built at the highest point."
"Inside, everything seemed clean and sturdy. It just needed a good airing."
"Jess, I want you to help Luke. And remember what we talked about, okay?"
"I wasn’t going to just fit in with Pria and Jessie overnight."
"I guessed the issue was that she was uncomfortable with me."
"There’s nothing that can hurt her here. It’s a sanctuary."
"Get away from civilisation for a minute, and all crazy thoughts come flooding in."
"He’s battling hard to stay awake, though. Typical Tommy."
"I’m sorry. Yes, he was lethargic and floppy."
"No judge in the land would give Tommy back to her after what she did."
"Sometimes you have to do desperate things to keep your children safe."
"We had everything set up. Everything we could possibly need."
"Tommy’s tiny feet had touched this sand, too."
"I finally found out what I should have known all along."
"I’m just not ready to talk about that stuff."
"No one would ever get past me again."