
Forever Quotes

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater

Forever Quotes
"Haste ruins the silence. Impatience squanders the hunt."
"A dry stick begins to pop under my foot. I pause. I wait."
"The only sound is my breath, inhaled slowly through my bared teeth."
"My growl starts so slowly that I feel it on my tongue before I hear it."
"I’d found myself human at the edge of Boundary Wood."
"I was remembering being in this moment — this dazed moment of being newly human — over and over again."
"I didn’t really want to think about anything too hard."
"Three Tuesdays until school was out for the summer."
"Fifty-five Tuesdays until I graduated and got the hell out of Mercy Falls, Minnesota."
"What I really wanted was to call Grace and go walking downtown with her."
"You have to imagine it. Imagine putting those sad things in the boxes and imagine taping it up with the brain tape."
"Every so often, I crept out of Beck’s office and down the dim gray hallway to the living room door."
"I had to wait a moment to let my eyes adjust to the pools of lamplight."
"I found your CD. When I was going through your car."
"I think I might have ended up a lot like you, Ringo, if I’d been fed iced lattes from my mother’s tits and had werewolves reading me Victorian poetry for bedtime stories."
"It was one of those that came out in a hurry, everything at once."
"To learn a musical instrument, you had to have a certain tolerance for tedium and failure."
"There is no better taste than this: someone else’s laughter in your mouth."
"Every single way I’d tried to die had been an easy way."
"People shouldn’t have to earn kindness. They should have to earn cruelty."
"Without Grace, Sam was a joke without a punch line."
"I tried to remember being shut in here, being retrieved from the woods. It was like trying to remember an actor’s name after being shown his vaguely familiar face."
"I didn’t like what my face looked like afraid; it looked like some other girl I didn’t recognize."
"I was surprised to find that it was night. I could hear the hum of appliances downstairs, the whisper of air through heating vents."
"I realized that I had no true reason to believe it to be Beck’s room. It was all rich greens and blues, dark wood and simple patterns."
"Beck’s journal starts when he’s a wolf. But the journal doesn’t start in Minnesota."
"The walls were close around me; the doorway seemed far behind me."
"I don’t think you even know what Marmite is."
"That’s how I would kiss you, if I loved you."
"It didn’t feel like fighting or like giving up. I hadn’t realized there was a third option."
"Just because I wasn’t there to be reminded of her panic didn’t mean that she wasn’t feeling it while I was gone."
"It felt good on my skin, a small consolation prize in this terrible and wonderful week."
"I thought about my guitar, the northern lights over my head, the songs I needed to write about the past few days."
"Every book ever written was a self-help book."
"The woods had taken that void that was me, the thing I thought that could never be full, never be satisfied, and they’d made me lose everything."
"I realized that I was letting a lot ride on this moment."
"Malaria can’t be cured. They just stop it from killing them."
"You’re not the best of us. You’re more than that. You’re better than all of us."
"It was hard to imagine how one guy could elicit so many different responses from other people."
"Sometimes you didn’t have to see something to know it was there."
"It’s the sort of kiss that would take a long time to recover from."
"I’m afraid this is the sort of thing you’ll have to put up with in your old age."
"It was like Rachel had said about me being her older sister. My parents had raised me to be an adult as fast as they could and they couldn’t be offended when I turned into one."
"You don’t get to tell me what to do all of a sudden."
"You gave me thirty miles of free leash. Did you think I wouldn’t use it?"
"I pressed my fingers against my lips, my elbows leaned on the table. I didn’t want to give up my nights with Sam, but it was a fair compromise."
"‘Here’s your cat,’ Rachel said, and handed my mother the kitten."
"I laughed, and it made my skin crawl. ‘I know, right? Thank you for coming.’"
"The house itself felt inhabited — not recently, but currently — as if the residents had merely gone outside to investigate the weather and would shortly return."
"I couldn’t stand myself if I didn’t try to do something about the hunt."
"I had to will myself not to say anything else, to shove words into the empty space."