
Pucking Around Quotes

Pucking Around by Emily Rath

Pucking Around Quotes
"Because you’re twenty-seven and single, girl. Live your damn life!"
"In my case, my nightly dreams are full of only one guy. The guy. My Mystery Boy."
"The Rays are the newest expansion team for the NHL."
"Look, you’re literally the only person I know in this city, okay? We work together and now we share a wall. For now, you’re my person."
"Our most important game this year won’t be played on the ice. It’s about winning the hearts and minds of the people of Jacksonville."
"The game only lasts a couple years if they’re lucky. Then they get the rest of their lives to deal with the damage."
"There’s what they tell you is wrong, then there’s what you see with your own eyes, and lastly there’s what your gut tells you."
"I’ve thought of this moment so many times. I’ve given her so many names in my mind. Maybe she was a Rachel once. Now no other name exists. Rachel Price."
"We’re both on fire, trembling with need. What we have is volcanic. She knows it too. I can’t do this. I can’t not be with her."
"Americans always do that—smile when they don’t mean it. Don’t smile unless you mean it."
"Boys may grow into men, but they never really grow up."
"My name is Jake Compton, and I’m the starting defenseman for the Jacksonville Rays. I like sushi and the color blue, and I drink my coffee black. I have a twin sister, and I hate all flavors of sparkling water. And I am not going anywhere, Rachel."
"If she was so great, why did she ghost him? She snuck out before sunrise without leaving her name or her number."
"I’m not Seattle right now. I’m Doctor Price."
"Yeah, all the athletes I’ve met are tough guys until their daughters are born. Then they melt like butter."
"I didn’t understand the context of what was happening, and I shoved my foot in my mouth."
"You think you have any idea what I’ve lost? You don’t know anything, Doc. You don’t know me."
"You’re a fighter. You’re fighting me now."
"I don’t pity you. I would never pity you. I admire strength and determination. I admire resiliency. Which means I admire you."
"My family has been torn apart again and again by the press."
"They want the train wreck, the drunken mess, the pill-popping anorexic model. I won’t give them what they want anymore, so they leave me alone."
"I’m in love with you, Rachel. And you can say that’s crazy, but I’m not some lovestruck fool that falls for any girl at the first flick of her lashes. You turned around on that barstool in Seattle, and I just knew. You’re the one."
"Hockey is a team sport, Mars. And you don’t have to be a goalie all the time either."
"You’re so busy keeping pucks out of nets that I don’t think you realize you’re keeping everyone else out too."
"Your health is what really matters. Hockey careers are short. Life is long!"
"You are my priority, Mars. Your health. Your wellbeing. We’re gonna figure this out."
"There’s a darkness in me that I see mirrored in him. Two jaded coulda-beens used to standing in the shadows of other people’s spotlights."
"But I want you both. And there is no winning here. There is no first or second place. No trophies and no choosing. I am not a prize to be won."
"You gotta answer my texts. No more leaving me on read. Your silence tears my heart out. Call me clingy, I don’t care. I have to be me—"
"I’m allowed time to figure out what the fuck I’m doing here... I’m doing this my way. I’m taking my time, and I’m figuring this out."
"I’m not his and I’m not yours, I’m mine. I am my own person, and I will decide the bounds of my own happiness."
"What you’re doing is falling in love with two men at the same time, Rach. And they are most definitely in love with you."
"You love me, Jake. I’m so damn crazy about you."
"We never dreamed we’d find each other, but we did. Whoever else comes through your life, I’ll be here, Jake. I want to be here. I won’t restrain you or deny you any of the love or joy you deserve."
"Some things don’t need to be translated."
"I think you’re beautiful too, Mars…for whatever that’s worth to you. What is it worth to me? Everything."
"This is so unethical in like a hundred different ways!"
"I brought you here because the Cincinnati Sport Clinic is one of the best in the nation for pro athlete hip injuries."
"How long will you punish me for my sins?"
"By feeling such happiness with all three of you, I get to be the fullest, best version of myself."
"I feel unsettled with her gone. I just want her to walk through that door."
"Building firm foundations on sand takes patience and time."
"What will we do when the storm strikes our house built on sand? Will we stand together and brave it? Will we hold on for dear life? Or will we let it tear us apart?"
"My heart didn’t feel complete with Mars missing. And yours doesn’t feel complete without him."
"I’ve tried so hard to rehab my image on my own. Old Rachel is gone. I left her in California along with my Jimmy Choo collection. I’m not that partying celebrity girl anymore. I’m a sports medicine doctor. A highly educated, professional woman."
"You can’t hide away all your life. I know because I’ve lived the same as you, trying to keep my life small. Really all I did was build myself a cage. And then I trapped myself inside that cage and told myself the bars weren’t real."
"I am afraid. I think I’ve been afraid all my life."
"I want to be the one to carry the burden of your fears. Your doubt, your worry, your insecurity—lay them all on my shoulders. I am strong enough. I will not bend. I will not break. I will carry them for you so you can be free."
"We will seek no exit. Love us and watch how we love you in return. One family. One unit. Unbreakable."
"The three of us. We—she—it’s not a love triangle, and it’s not doomed or scary. It’s fucking perfect. Amy, I’ve never been happier."
"Put a period at the end of this awful chapter and turn the page."
"You deserve every good thing in life. Don’t wait for it to come to you. Go out and get it."
"Are you on this ice tonight? Because if you’re not, I will go to Coach right now and have you benched."
"Less than two minutes in, and this already feels like a goddamn dog fight."
"You’re not fine. You’re so angry, your hands are shaking."
"You will tell me what happened out there tonight."
"Watch him close, Coach... He’s dangerous. He shouldn’t be starting. He shouldn’t even be in the League."
"All we can do is play our best. Play smart. Protect each other."
"I was right there! He had to push past me to get to you!"
"You’re the third highest ranking goalie in the NHL."
"How can I keep living here? I don’t have a job. I don’t have a reference."
"My Hurricane is the fucking storm. When she remembers that fact, she’ll come down those stairs and stir us all up."
"Do I love Jake Compton? Yes, I love Jake Compton."
"But do I love Caleb Sanford? Moody, temperamental, aloof. He wears a hard shell."
"He’s been hurt in this life. He knows loss and tragedy."
"I want to stay. I want to belong here with them. My guys. My family."
"I am so irrevocably yours. Be mine forever."
"This is what teamwork looks like. This is what respect looks like."
"I came here expecting to meet…someone else."
"This is about me? The whole team is involved?"
"My guys weren't coming. They lied to me."
"I would never jeopardize a player’s health. Everything I did with Kinnunen was to keep him safe."
"For every one troll who has something negative to say about us, there will be a thousand more people ready to wish us well. That’s what we wanted to show you tonight, Rach. We just wanted you to step out of your own way and let us show you that people can be good. They can be kind. They can be understanding. We are not alone. And this is not going to be bad."
"That was my idea. You’re always saying that it’s the Price Family against the world, right? We just figured you could use a deeper bench."
"Hey, Seattle Girl. How mad are you on a scale of one to ten?"