
The Nanny Quotes

The Nanny by Lana Ferguson

The Nanny Quotes
"What I do from this point onward is my choice, and I’m in complete control."
"I love you. You know that, but... you have one bathroom and no Wi-Fi. It would never work out between us."
"I am all for you getting yours, but I absolutely don’t want to be on the other side of these very thin walls for it."
"When I was your age, we didn’t have vibes, we had instinct."
"In the middle of a personal fiasco, cursing on his porch and holding my underwear."
"Humans are slightly taller in the morning than at night."
"So this is probably a bad time to tell you about my collective network of ant farms then?"
"It’s completely irrelevant how nice Aiden is to look at, since I’m the nanny, and he is absolutely, positively off-limits."
"The house is amazing. My room might be bigger than my entire apartment."
"Well, as long as I can find you when he throws you in the basement."
"I have been giving your daughter an important education on film classics."
"Did you know that a scallop can produce up to two million eggs?"
"I have to remind myself once a day of all the things I shouldn’t be noticing about Cassie."
"I kind of like the idea of being there for kids like that. You know? Kids that don’t think they have anyone else."
"The more I hear about Wanda, the more terrified I am to meet her."
"Kids need to feel like they have a place that’s theirs, you know? Even if you’re not here all of every day, I imagine it’s a comfort to Sophie to know that you’ll always come home to her."
"The only boyfriend I’d have time for at this point would have to be a live-in willing to get down at the weirdest hours."
"I’ve always said that people who drink black coffee don’t love themselves."
"Secrets don’t make friends, and we’re friends now, right?"
"That kind of loneliness can really fuck a kid up."
"I make another silent affirmation to be here more. I know Sophie deserves that."
"What in the world would Cassie want with a workaholic single dad barely even able to keep his shit together on an average day?"
"What would you do if you met someone you used to know . . . really well, but they don’t remember you?"
"Maybe it’s a good thing they don’t remember."
"Aiden keeps his promise that week to make himself more present in the mornings and early afternoons, making sure that he spends as much possible time at home before he has to leave for work."
"I’m living in a nightmare of my own making. A purgatory built on my own choices."
"Because as much as I would like to pretend otherwise . . . I like Aiden."
"We aren’t very good at handling our emotions, are we?"
"I just don’t think you should ever imply that you aren’t good enough for someone."
"The hundred folds in a chef’s hat represent the hundred ways to cook an egg."
"I’m guessing this is what dad rock bottom looks like."
"Forget the cat, it’s my damned feelings I’m more worried about."
"It’s enough to make anyone worry about what waits for us at the end of this."
"They’re amazing though. There’s so much they can do now."
"I really love Sophie, the little girl I nanny. She’s . . . a character."
"It’s just . . . Sophie, she—she’s new at her school this year, and she’s had a hard time making friends."
"It says that hippos kill up to five hundred people a year," Lucia reads, not like she’s shocked, but like she finds this fascinating.
"Tell him he has to come next time," Sophie says. "I want to tell him about how the hippos murder people."
"I’ve really started to realize just how much I’ve missed out on her life. It’s more obvious when I’m seeing her every day, when I’m reminded every day of how much I’m not seeing."
"Son, you’ve been fair to me for years now. You’ve worked yourself to the bone. I always hoped you’d find a reason to start taking some time for yourself. There’s no better reason than family."
"Trust me when I say, I cannot wait to meet whatever woman has gotten you to take a step back and start enjoying your own life outside of work. She must be something."
"I just hope that you consider the consequences of Sophie suddenly losing Cassie’s presence in her life if you two were to start something up and it goes sour."
"For what it’s worth, I really do think she loves Sophie very much. I think she’s good for her."
"If you expect disappointment you can never be disappointed."
"There is absolutely no way I’m letting you get away again."
"But if you break up, I get to keep Cassie as my nanny."
"So . . . I’m curious about this dress. What kind of dress would Aiden Reid buy me?"
"It’s funny, the last time we were here like this, I almost spit on you."
"I want to know everything. I already know you’re a pervert."
"I’m talking poems-outside-my-window level of wooing."
"As far as first dates go, this one has set the bar pretty high."
"No words come, and I realize that the ground is literally going to swallow me up without me being able to do a thing about it."
"I feel like I’ve deluded myself into thinking that we were making progress."
"I can’t be the thing that ruins things for them. I don’t— I don’t want to be someone’s burden. Not again."
"Don’t shoot yourself in the foot, honey. You can have good things, but you have to let yourself have them."
"I’m supposed to protect you. It’s my job to make sure you don’t ever feel like this, and I didn’t do a good job."
"I can’t imagine what Sophie felt when she was alone with Wanda—unable to reach me or Cassie and not having any idea what to do. The panic she must have felt leaves me a mess inside..."
"He’s a great dad, and he loves his daughter, and I wasn’t going to be the reason someone takes her away from him."
"You can’t possibly know what it’s like to lose your only family."
"You don’t forget pain like that. You don’t ever forget loving someone that could have been yours if you hadn’t pushed them away."
"Will I always regret what could have been between us?"
"I missed him for a year when I knew nothing. I know that I will miss him forever now that I know so much."
"My mom always said that you can fix anything with love."
"I’m offering you my whole damned life, if you want it."
"But my brain can’t seem to comprehend the idea of her just being . . . gone. Without a trace."
"I love working in the ER. Even after the most harrowing of days, I go to bed at night knowing that I’m saving lives."