
It Happened One Summer Quotes

It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey

It Happened One Summer Quotes
"Big enough to draw a man's eye, small enough to achieve an athletic vibe in every fourth Instagram post."
"God, the night of our first meeting seemed like a hundred years ago."
"Life is what I'm documenting through photos."
"You play dress-up and spend your daddy's money. You don't have a reason to learn anything."
"I guess not. But you definitely need a brain that functions beyond how many likes you can get on a picture of your rack."
"I'm just trying to end this before it gets boring, you know?"
"We'll only be killing your weirdly hostile vibe for three months. Then it's back to LA."
"My investor is demanding a show of contrition for what you did, Piper."
"Life isn't what happens to you, it's what you make of it."
"I can be in a room full of people that I know and still not feel like I belong."
"You wouldn’t understand the character it takes to make this place run. The persistence."
"Sometimes I swear I still hear it shaking the rafters of this place."
"If he doesn’t have her back in twenty minutes, I could drown him and make it look like an accident."
"You're probably so used to it by now, you don't stop to think of how all these strangers and their responses to your posts are determining your enjoyment."
"The goal was to make it through one night and go from there."
"People tend to avoid the grieving. Grief, in general. And there’s no one with more grief than a parent who has lost a child."
"I’ve gotten used to being alone. This is the most I’ve talked to anyone besides Barbara in years."
"Offering a relationship to this woman wasn’t a small thing. This was her grandmother. It wasn’t just a passing acquaintance. It could be a lifelong commitment."
"I love Barbara to death, but the woman is flakier than a bowl of cereal."
"Considering that night out a little more seriously now, aren’t we?"
"I don’t know a lot about marriage, but I think people mature and get better at it over time."
"I wonder if we could paint the floor. Like a really deep ocean blue. Do they make paint for floors?"
"We should pretty up the bar. Not just so we can go home early, but... you know. Kind of a tribute."
"You aren’t an airhead. Who said that to you?"
"You wield the power. They know it. They know we know it. The secret is to show them we know that they know that we know."
"I'm so glad. These unscrupulous local women made me drunk."
"I’ll fuck you facedown over that counter, Piper. If sex is all you want, I’ll give it to you. But I want more."
"You can’t just keep eating and eating and… I’m drunker than I thought."
"I think maybe shopping hasn’t been fun for a while and I didn’t even realize it."
"That day we walked to the record shop, I might have thought he was cute."
"You have perseverance, character, and a huge heart."
"Like putting a bandage on. Wrapping it tight."
"When the reward is as perfect as you, the work is a fucking honor."
"Apparently Brendan was so happy about Piper encouraging Fox to finish the story, he pulled her over onto his lap, and that’s where she happily remained for the rest of the evening."
"With her hand clasped tightly in Brendan’s on the console and Hannah’s road-trip mix drifting from the speakers, Piper found herself... looking forward to going home."
"There were over a hundred text messages and countless emails on her phone from LA acquaintances, club owners, and Kirby, but she was ignoring them for now."
"Good. She felt... really good about it. With her growing number of friends and the grand opening on the horizon, Piper suddenly had a packed schedule."
"What if she could actually belong in Westport?"
"Yes, Brendan made her feel like she already did. But he had his livelihood here. A community he’d known since birth."
"I wish we had a little more time," Hannah said. "That name deserves a great sign."
"It does. But I think... maybe what's perfect about this place is that it's not. It's personal, not flawless."
"Bad things happen when I leave. When I’m not here to do anything about them."
"I don’t want any mysteries when it comes to you. And we have to leave on a fishing trip on Saturday. Two nights away."