
The Dark Hours Quotes

The Dark Hours by Michael Connelly

The Dark Hours Quotes
"Nobody gives us rhyme or reason. Have one doubt, they call it treason."
"The government gives them toilets. It takes their shit away but not much else."
"It was supposed to rain for real and that would have put a damper on the annual rain of lead."
"It’s a complaint heard often at roll calls and in police cars across the city."
"It was a hard lesson, and a sense of futility had set upon her and was deep in the marrow now."
"Every new year in the City of Angels began with risk."
"The police work could easily hollow you out. But she believed that losing one’s empathy was losing one’s soul."
"They’re the ones who get their hooks in you."
"For some people, the wolf breaks into the house. With people like Albert, they invite the wolf in."
"Because at this point we really don’t know what’s important."
"I’m sorry to put you through this," Ballard said.
"I’m sure. Nobody’s ever called me that before. It’s like 1980s or something."
"But I say it means Bull Shit Lies. They’re supposed to preserve but they don’t care about history. Or beauty."
"I’m sorry. That was stupid. What about Lacey from the shop?"
"It was like he was posing me. Like some kind of a sick selfie."
"I wish she’d oil those springs. They squawk like a parrot every time the door goes up."
"The success of the first two rapes could have emboldened the rapists."
"You think they’ll come back?" Carpenter asked.
"If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger."
"These guys … they’re good. And they just changed the game."
"I can’t tell you the details but it has changed our thinking on this."
"He always thought about himself before the gang. And before me."
"He told Raffa he could pay his way out. He set the price and helped Raffa get it."
"He’s not going to be interested in talking to reminders of her dirty history."
"You have to go deeper with your access to confirm."
"It was a contract he had signed. He wanted to know how to dissolve a partnership."
"It was a full partnership for the life of the business."
"It’s the department I’m protecting, Ballard, not the cop."
"You’re going to tell me about the banker or you’re going to be in the kind of trouble that Gene’s money can’t help you with."
"For one thing, if something happened, Berto would know it came from me because he told me about Bonner in the first place."
"You think Humberto Viera up in Pelican Bay thinks you’re innocent?"
"The department’s active roster was easily accessible through their internal website."
"He just quit. Maybe he got fed up with all the shit out there."
"No one was hurt and the occupants might not have even called the police, but several neighbors did."
"This will allow her to quickly move past trivial reports of minor crimes and citizen interactions."
"They got a guy lives up there — whenever they lose a light, we hear from him, and this one on Deep Dell Terrace was the first time I’ve heard from him in about a year."
"It’s a long shot but Ballard knew that long shots never paid off if you didn’t take them."
"She knew it was going to be a few hours before she would get to sleep."
"I don’t consider it normal when somebody tries to kill me in my bed."
"I’d hate to see the HOA be held responsible for anything. That could be expensive."
"Good, Ballard said. "I’d like to hear how that goes."
"If she used the phone in any way — to text or call — she could be tampering with evidence."
"Ballard liked how he answered without any question or hesitation."
"He’s the oldest living detective in L.A. But don’t tell him I said that. He’ll get mad."
"I guess when I stop, it all stops, you know?"
"It’s always easier to change an organization from within."
"I hope they roll you out of the department for this."
"I keep reliving it. It is the worst thing that has ever happened to me."
"She petted him and told him everything was going to be all right now."
"I need all the information I can get. It doesn’t mean it all fits or is important."
"I’m not about to hand this off to somebody who deep down doesn’t even care about the case or its victims."
"It’s kind of crazy. It didn’t sound like you had a solid plan."
"You think the Midnight Men are on the bench?"
"You don’t know what the department’s like now. I couldn’t trust them not to screw it up."
"The door locked tight and she realized Stovall had made the closet a safe room."
"I’m going to be fine. I’m about to call Hollywood and put them on standby."
"I know you’re playing to him. Do you want me to call in the troops?"