
The Guilty Couple Quotes

The Guilty Couple by C.L. Taylor

The Guilty Couple Quotes
"Hope is the only thing that’s got me through these last few weeks."
"I tried to hide in my room but my cellmate told me that if I didn’t go out onto the wing and mix with the others I’d be viewed as weak and attract the wrong kind of attention."
"You know when a fight’s coming because the air thrums with tension, like it does before a storm."
"The truth is, I have no idea how Sarah-Helen views me, or what she’s been thinking over the course of my trial."
"I hold myself still, shoulders back, feet wide, hands interlaced, fighting the urge to lick my dry lips."
"I can’t remember a thing the next morning, not even how I got home."
"My heart’s beating so quickly now I can feel it in the base of my neck."
"I’m not entirely sure why they’re scrapping. Something about Sabrina disrespecting Gardo’s girlfriend Chanelle."
"I thought you’d never met Jack, Smithy’s eyes lit up. If we had Rosa’s keys we wouldn’t have to smash a window, we could just let ourselves in."
"My heart leaps. This is the moment I’ve spent five years dreaming about."
"I’m so close I can smell Rosa’s perfume and see the streaks of grey on the crown of her head."
"‘Please,’ Rosa says. ‘I need to get my things. I have another job to go to.’"
"I can’t steal from people. That’s not the kind of person I am."
"‘I’m fine.’ Rosa gives herself a small shake to dislodge the hand on her arm."
"It’s Grace’s birthday. And the keypad is in the cloakroom, first door on the left."
"You definitely remember the code for the alarm? Because it’s going to start the second we open this door."
"The alarm cuts off as suddenly as it started and I double over, pressing my hands to my thighs."
"Have a shower and clean your teeth when you get back, yeah? You bloody stink."
"She was in the house today … Olivia was. Who else do you think I’m talking about?"
"It’s like their whole life has been catalogued on one stretch of wall."
"I thought I’d take a lesson from you and stick it up the boss’s arse in the next briefing."
"To prove my innocence I need to commit another crime."
"She doesn’t so much as grunt or turn over as they whispered to each other."
"I can’t risk telling anyone outside of this room."
"She’s not interested in fashion or looking nice – not anymore."
"It’s just a normal shift. All right? Get that in your head."
"You’re just a cleaner, and you’re going to do your job."
"I can’t afford to pay Jakub another one hundred and fifty pounds."
"I was supposed to use this to help Casey go to rehab again, instead she’s paying for her drugs."
"I can’t use the lift because Noreen’s standing right next to it."
"I can’t believe it. I don’t want to believe it."
"Panic grips my chest as the sound of footsteps and voices fill the stairwell."
"I set off before I can change my mind, past the toilets and the lift and back to the glass door entrance."
"My heart hammers against my ribs as the fire door closes behind them."
"The door to the safe is shut. He's locked it. It's over."
"As the fire alarm wails I take a left towards the toilet block and wait, out of sight, with my back to the wall."
"I reach for the handle and twist it, just to make sure, and almost fall backwards as the door swings open."
"If he didn’t have time to open them maybe he didn’t have time to lock the safe either."
"I tap my pass against the sensor and poke my head around the door."
"A muscle twitches in her cheek. ‘Take a step back, Sutherland. You’re not in prison now.’"
"I could kill Smith. Stupid, time-wasting, sneaky little bitch."