
The Partner Quotes

The Partner by John Grisham

The Partner Quotes
"They found him much thinner, down considerably from the two hundred and thirty pounds he'd been carrying when last seen."
"They found him after four years of tedious but diligent searching, four years of dead ends and lost trails and false tips, four years of pouring good money down the drain, good money chasing bad, it seemed."
"His brief shopping trip yielded a dozen fine photos."
"Guy was from Washington, an ex-government type who'd been hired to find Danny Boy, as he'd been nicknamed."
"Four years and three and a half million dollars, with nothing to show for it."
"The pictures of Danny Boy were enlarged to eight by tens, and tacked along a wall in the kitchen of the dirty little cottage where they were studied by grim men with hard eyes."
"He smiled as he fell through space, dodging comets and meteors, grabbing at moons and grinning through entire galaxies."
"He had just earned an extra fifty thousand dollars. Finding the money would mean another bonus, and he was certain he'd find the money."
"Her mind drifted as she worried about his safety."
"Trudy filed for divorce two days ago, but that's the least of your problems."
"The capture of Patrick Lanigan did more to create legal work on the Coast than any single event in recent history."
"We thought it was Patrick Lanigan," he said with a smile. "We now know we were wrong."
"The only painful moment had come when she sat down with Ashley Nicole to inform the child, then barely two, that her father would no longer be around."
"The grounds were abandonment, and the petition alleged all sorts of heinous sins."
"A human pelvis," he added, just in case his grand jurors got confused.
"Patrick's wife! The thought made her numb with disbelief."
"She couldn't lose the money, that was for certain."
"He even made Trudy pick out her cemetery plot. She picked one next to his, but both knew she would quickly move it if something happened to him first."
"Fire is the surest way to destroy evidence, and Patrick had done a splendid job of covering his tracks."
"It was only an hour and a half away. He claimed to be able to work there. It was very remote and quiet."
"He'd finished a complicated brief for an appeal, and he was tired."
"The family had fought viciously about how to bury the client, and Patrick had been pulled into the fray."
"Patrick stopped at Verhall's Country Store on Highway 15... He bought twelve gallons of gas for fourteen dollars and twenty-one cents and paid for it with a credit card."
"The thought of jail and prison had upset him mightily."
"He wasn't sure if he believed it, but he felt compelled to discuss it with the Sheriff and the FBI anyway."
"The airtight case suddenly springs leaks. The tables get turned in the blink of an eye."
"Happens in almost every divorce. These things do get nasty."
"He's an idiot," Lance said without conviction.
"Seems Patrick was suspicious throughout most of the marriage."
"They weren't ashamed of their activities, but it was discomforting to know that things were so well documented."
"Predictably, Trudy started to cry. They always cried, not for what they had done, but for the wages of their sins."
"I had to be patient. Most people get in a hurry when they decide to disappear, and they make mistakes."
"You can't rob a bank, then get caught, then offer to give the money back if the charges are dropped. Justice is not for sale."
"We're all busy. I'm not threatening a lawsuit, but think of how embarrassing this could be."
"We'll dismiss the FBI from the lawsuit, but I'll need a quick favor from Mr. Jaynes."
"They walked a hundred meters or so, then stopped."
"You have twenty-four hours, Jack. If he is not released by five-thirty tomorrow morning, then I'll have a warrant for your arrest."
"I'm writing letters to some of them. Would you deliver them?"
"Go to the heart of the country, to the open spaces where the sky is clear and blue, the air is light, the land is beautiful, the people are gentle and uncomplicated."
"I'm Danilo now, Danilo Silva, a much happier person with a quiet life in another country."
"Under the right circumstances, a man can do just about anything."
"Hell, you even picked me as one of your pallbearers."
"Your job will be easier if you think of me as a criminal."
"No. I'm free. Who in Brazil will care if I get a slap on the wrist?"
"Life's always better on the beach or in the mountains. Problems can be left behind."
"Everybody wants to run, Karl. At some point in life, everybody thinks about walking away."
"I stole too much money, Sandy. They had to come after me."
"We're the products of immigrants who left miserable conditions and came here in search of a better life."