
The Murders At Fleat House Quotes

The Murders At Fleat House by Lucinda Riley

The Murders At Fleat House Quotes
"His father’s idea of ‘getting on’ was completely outdated. It was all different these days; you could do what you wanted. All that respectability bollocks belonged to his parents’ generation."
"Shuddering, the smell triggering painful memories, the figure nearly stumbled on a pile of underwear thrown carelessly onto the floor."
"‘What the hell . . .?!’ The shaking intensified, becoming uncontrollable, and suddenly Charlie felt his throat constricting."
"Jazz felt a small glimmer of contentment as she studied the view. Its flatness and lack of trees presented a bleak, unwelcoming picture, but Jazz coveted its rawness."
"‘If there was a way to leave a school’s reputation in tatters, this was it. The details of how the boy had died were almost irrelevant.'"
"I’m sure there were those who disliked Charlie. Strong personalities always tend to create enmity in others, don’t you think?"
"It’s William who wants answers. I just want my son back."
"‘That’s great!’ he replied sarcastically. ‘One day, I can see my son whenever I want, make him breakfast, play football with him; the next, my wife tells me I can only see him a few times a year!’"
"‘What the hell did I do?’ he moaned, staggering to his feet, walking through the arched alcove and throwing himself onto the sofa."
"‘So sorry,’ the woman said, ‘we hardly ever use the front door. Everyone usually goes round the back.’"
"Never lost a boy in all my twenty years of teaching."
"He was very much a leader and that generated plenty of respect, but some dislike too."
"I’m Charlie’s housemaster, in direct loco parentis."
"The head should have expelled that boy long ago."
"You really want to know? Charlie had endless warnings last term to curb his behaviour."
"The fact that Charlie had been indulged by his parents since the day he was born."
"Boys like that, well... I know what I’d like to do with them."
"I’m a fully qualified and experienced nurse, you know."
"We can only try and deal with the raw material we are given."
"For every four crooks you’ve lost, you’ve managed to put one away. In my book, that makes it worthwhile."
"It’s much harder to swallow your pride and stick your head over the parapet than it is to turn tail and run away to save face."
"The good Lord rarely steers us wrong. Perhaps the shooting was all about getting you onto the right path."
"I’m sure I’m right. Perhaps I even went to one of his parties, but I was so doped up in those days, I wouldn’t remember."
"Every murder is committed for one of four reasons: love, money, revenge, or fear."
"We should be born old and return to him a helpless, innocent baby."
"I'm glad I'm here, Dad. It's like an adventure, isn't it?"
"Trying to spread goodness isn’t a fault, Jazz."
"What scared her now was that she still loved him."
"However hard she’d tried, she’d found it impossible to separate sex from emotional commitment."
"Perhaps now, she had to grow up, take control, put what she knew were her deeply felt feelings to one side."
"It’s a common myth that alcoholics don’t get hangovers. Let me tell you, Inspector Hunter, they do."
"No one is until they commit the crime, Mr Millar."
"It’s amazing what you can get used to when you have to."
"Never underestimate the power of the human spirit."
"He’s a deep young man, plays his emotional cards close to his chest."
"It’s like a bubbling volcano: it’s out of sight, getting hotter and hotter, until one day it can no longer contain itself."
"He’s not old! What about all those ninety-year-olds who live on for years in old people’s homes?"
"Look to the past for wisdom and the future for hope."
"I know he must be suffering terribly and that makes it worse."
"I can see no reason to stay and prolong the agony for either of us."
"The friends he sometimes brought with him would see to it that laughter echoed through the rooms."
"I sent her off to get something to eat. She’s had nothing all day."
"It’s incredible the way snow muffles any noise."
"I was very surprised, if pleasurably, of course."
"He’s only been missing for two days. Unless there’s some evidence to suggest otherwise, we have to assume he has, for reasons best known to himself, decided to take himself off somewhere."
"I’m sure there is a logical explanation for Julian’s no-show."
"I’ll call you later and let you know how Dad is."
"Speaking my mind is the one advantage of growing old."
"Most people spend their lives wanting to fall in love, yet sometimes love can be so terribly destructive."
"Interesting, isn't it? Most people spend their lives wanting to fall in love, and yet sometimes love can be so terribly destructive."
"I rarely remember visiting Corin at his cottage when Hugh wasn’t there."
"We all remember the good times and try to forget the bad. It’s human nature, and thank God for it."
"I don’t think I ever got over losing Corin. First-born son and all that. There’s an undeniable bond."
"How could you, Jenny? Please try not to blame yourself."
"It’s not possible to prove any genetic inheritance. For goodness’ sake, there’s nothing of him left."
"That ‘School Reunion’ website really works, doesn’t it?"
"Love to come to your fortieth and will make arrangements nearer the time."
"There are certain occasions I remember I’m female."
"Sometimes things go wrong, that’s part of life."
"One day you’ll realise that the only thing which gets us through is love."
"I knew instinctively that what I’d said had distressed him."