
The Good Samaritan Quotes

The Good Samaritan by John Marrs

The Good Samaritan Quotes
"Nothing was confidential anymore when it came to young people and social media."
"By the time I reached the office, I was satisfied that it was going to be the End of the Line for Effie and that boy."
"His NHS records listed me as his emergency contact."
"Living rough, he’d wear layer after layer of clothing."
"Our foster mother, Sylvia Hughes, was the greatest manipulator I’d ever met."
"Even now I can remember the taste of fear that lodged in my throat."
"But I knew better than to ask what’d happened or who’d been responsible."
"Some calls we get are quite hard, so we need to be ready for anything."
"Only once did I slip up and say the words ‘commit suicide’."
"The corridors leading away from the high-dependency unit at Northampton General Hospital were eerily quiet for mid-afternoon."
"When the six o’clock news began, I assumed Tony had already left the office and gone to the gym."
"I couldn’t wait to be in that hospital to meet my kid for the first time."
"I couldn’t shift my anxiety and needed comfort from my husband."
"I began to think about the five rules I gave my candidates and what amendments I’d created specifically for Steven."
"I was desperate to believe that what had happened to Charlotte had been the result of foul play."
"My love for Charlotte was fast being swallowed by hate."
"I’m better off where I am now because this has become the familiar. And the unfamiliar scares me."
"My bitterness was that sharp I was struggling to even speak Charlotte’s name."
"The only way I could understand what the helpline had offered Charlotte that I couldn’t was to call them."
"The thought of walking into that perpetually cold lobby as if everything in my life was exactly the same as the last time I’d been there filled me with dread."
"I wasn’t ready to return to our bedroom, so I chose to sleep in the box room."
"I could barely speak to the people around me, let alone strangers."
"I’m sorry to hear that, Ryan. Would you like to tell me about her?"
"But when you’re sure I’m dead, you’ll leave."
"You are moving on and allowing everyone else you love to do the same. And I admire that so much."
"I wondered how calculating a person had to be to pull the wool over her husband’s eyes."
"We had underestimated each other, and she had beaten me. For now, anyway."
"Inventing my assault soon after I escaped from Steven’s cottage might have been a desperate, spur-of-the-moment decision, but it was a bloody good one."
"I wondered how it might have felt if I – instead of Charlotte – had been with David the day he’d stepped off the cliff."
"I saw our closeness as an opportunity to learn more about her home situation."
"People who kids think they can trust can talk them into actions that have a catastrophic effect on their future."
"You’re a survivor. You need to pull yourself together."
"He’d convinced Tony he had a genuine interest in Effie’s well-being. But both he and I knew he was playing a game."
"What I think? You mean what I know. But I don’t have enough evidence, Johnny. She’d walk free."
"Are you not going to take any responsibility for this?"
"And I know for a fact that she’s a danger to vulnerable people calling you."
"But I can categorically say that I never behaved inappropriately with Effie, let alone 'groomed' her."
"We all have our own agendas, Laura. Yours is to encourage people to die. Mine is to make a life with your soon-to-be ex-husband."
"You really think everything that comes out of your own mouth is the gospel truth."
"I don’t care if it haunts me for the rest of my life. I owe him this."
"You don’t know any of this because you don’t help people. I help people. I save them from themselves."
"You are no better than me. If I’m such a bad person then why are you using those recordings for your own gain?"
"The beauty of death equals the beauty of birth, and those first and last gasps of air are exactly the same."
"I had led Effie on, and while I didn’t groom her sexually, I had groomed her nonetheless."
"Laura had finally revealed her true colours and they were almost as self-serving as mine."
"I knew that with one more strike it would be over. But I didn’t want her dead just yet."
"Everything I saw, heard, and felt was magnified, from the scent of metal in her blood to the sound of her fingertips delicately tapping the fabric of the sofa."
"My mind was completely blank and I went into a kind of refractory period."
"Everything that evil bitch had put me through almost felt worth it in order to steal her last breath."
"As a company director, I earned a regular monthly wage for doing nothing but remaining quiet."
"It wasn’t your fault. It was what I had to do."
"Only now, by following in Charlotte’s footsteps, could I understand that she wasn’t being selfish."
"If you just give me my son back, maybe I can help you to understand your brother."
"I didn’t want to hurt your kid. You didn’t give a shit about hurting my family."