
From Here To Eternity Quotes

From Here To Eternity by James Jones

From Here To Eternity Quotes
"Only when space is rolled up like a piece of leather will there be an end to suffering, apart from knowing God."
"In the end, there is cruelty and death alone over the land."
"Only in your inner strength is there salvation; you must live just as a tree must live."
"They minister to your disease, and in time you join them to minister unto others."
"Medicine becomes religion; help the sole commandment; healing the greatest gift to God one can imagine."
"They lift us from the Law of Tree and Flea, and make us human again."
"How things had changed... Divisions. Separations. Disasters."
"The debt they all owed to the orbiting precincts was incalculable."
"But love and loyalty could not be earned by indebtedness."
"We should learn to live without these luxuries."
"We're in a delicate time. Shortages, weariness."
"The Good Man never availed himself of Talsit."
"You can't go home again. Especially if you can never decide where home is."
"Our entire history to reclaim. Surely that's labor enough."
"I don't know what's happening where California would be in this world."
"They are yours, my daughter. No one else can use them."
"Running from the horrid past, my own death, the death of my nation, the near-death of my planet."
"We were drunk with oneness. It was an orgy of incredible proportions."
"We were young wine aspiring to vintage. We had begotten vinegar."
"Is it immodest to say we planned to become gods? We had no choice."
"The universe cannot die with such an artificial, such a young construct winding through its body."
"We might have become stunned by our own self-immersion in recognition, love, and pleasure."
"We were no longer masters of all we surveyed."
"We had to shed all of our material connections."
"Our journey lasted centuries; time is a variable thing, far less important than our youth and weakness once made us think."
"We must bring the universe to an honorable and complete end, an aesthetic conclusion."
"It is far more difficult to be a god than we could possibly have imagined."
"We had miscalculated. A single will could not create a stable universe."
"You must re-open the Way, and you must destroy it from this end."
"We had reached the end of the Way, such as it had any end, and we could not go back."
"On certain days, I will leave you something here to read, like the unrolling of a scroll, to be revealed only that day and after."
"But if there was such a thing as a gate— And there was!"
"Rhita was beginning to imagine what such a thing as a gate would mean to this world."
"The time had come. Olmy was surprised to realize his reluctance. The truth might be worse than what he had imagined."
"His decision was made infinitely more difficult by what the tracer had retrieved."
"A living Jart had been captured some five centuries before, under what circumstances there was no knowing."
"They had even suspected the body; several researchers felt that Jarts, like humans, could adapt their biological forms and even their genetic makeup to fit the circumstances."
"For centuries, there had been a law in cybernetic research: 'For any program, there is a system such that the program cannot not know its system.'"
"Olmy had often tucked away such items, trusting himself to keep them secure, unable to resist the chance to incorporate them into his personal data file."
"Judging from what had happened to Beni and Mar Kellen, as well as the early researchers, the Jart mentality was aware of and fully capable of using the Taylor algorithms."
"The investigators had apparently all passed into city memory in their allotted times."
"Kleopatra explained the unusual menu as each dish was served."
"She found herself wishing more and more for something apocalyptic, to cut cleanly through the political morass that was her life now."
"But what the spy told his queen was infuriating."
"Kleopatra closed her eyes and stilled her dull anger with a slow breathy moan."
"The residence hall echoed with women's voices speaking Hellenic, Aramaic, Aithiopian, and Hebrew."
"She had never been to any of these places; if she lived, she would be a very well-traveled young woman."
"The cargo plane veered away from their group and flew back to Raghae, leaving them with the tanker as escort."
"Rhita squirmed on her seat, thinking of war, rebellion, death."
"The mountains below gave way to ochre flatlands, with raw, rounded naked-looking hills and rocky promontories."
"You must trust me that this is very important, and that I cannot explain now."
"You are dying. You can either die their way or you can die your own way."
"I'm not sure I care what's happening up there, down there."
"We owe them so much, these determined angels, our distant children."
"You have unique privileges in this community."
"You've been playing at diplomacy with the worst enemies we've ever faced?"
"His creation had become like a living thing, seeking to continue its existence undisturbed."
"If a god or gods existed, they had no place here; this much he understood beyond any shadow of a doubt."
"There was no god of allness and everythingness."
"This was All, and it was infinitely more than enough."
"Humans are made for sorrow. We are not made for answers or certainties."
"All sensation, all thought, all experience, is gathered, not just at death, but throughout one's life."
"Everything dies. But that which is special in all of us is saved."
"You have to know where you are. You cannot live in two worlds."
"We are like a current using the hidden conduits by which particles of matter and energy speak to each other."
"Nothing is ever pure, except for you."
"Certain control centers would undergo planned failures within minutes."
"For a short time, they would succeed, but they would be exposed to strains and contradictions in design."
"The projection nodes would try to shut off long enough to allow robot workers and remotes to correct the imbalance."
"Where the kink originated, the Way would quickly become unlivable."
"Fundamental physical constants would change rapidly; what matter was left in the Way would cease to exist."
"These radiations would quickly decay to extremely high-energy, photon-like particles."
"Korzenowski shook his head, close to weeping. Unlike Olmy, he had never had himself altered to eliminate such emotional displays."
"Ry Oyu came forward from the shadowy rear of the flawship, startling Korzenowski."
"Suli Ram Kikura was no longer a ward of the Hexamon."
"For a moment, she simply reveled in having her lines of communication open and unmonitored."