
Interview With The Vampire Quotes

Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice

Interview With The Vampire Quotes
"Sensuous, thrilling, wonderful!" - Houston Chronicle
"Sensational and fantastic... woven with uncanny magic... hypnotically poetic in tone, rich in sensory imagery and dense with the darkness that lies behind the veil of human thought." - St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"Anne Rice is a writer who follows a hidden path... into an unfamiliar world. But if you surrender and go with her on her eerie journey, you will find that you have surrendered to enchantment, as if in a voluptuous dream." - The Boston Globe
"A masterful suspense story... From the beginning we are seduced, hypnotized by the voice of the vampire.... plumbs the deepest recesses of human sensuality." - Chicago Tribune
"A bonafide blockbuster... Audacious, erotic, and unforgettable." - The Cincinnati Enquirer
"I would like to tell you the story of my life, then. I would like to do that very much." - Main character
"Believe me, I won't hurt you. I want this opportunity." - Main character
"You weren't always a vampire, were you?" - Interviewer
"Evil is a point of view. We are immortal. And what we have before us are the rich feasts that conscience cannot appreciate and mortal men cannot know without regret."
"God kills, and so shall we; indiscriminately He takes the richest and the poorest, and so shall we."
"You alone of all creatures can see death that way with impunity."
"You are in love with your mortal nature! You chase after the phantoms of your former self."
"Pain is terrible for you. You feel it like no other creature because you are a vampire."
"I never saw a living, pulsing human being until I was a vampire."
"Peace will only come to you when you can do this every night of your life. There is nothing else. But this is everything!"
"You're a fool, Louis. You're a mark. For vampires and now for humans alike."
"One of those people who must act. Such a person must be pushed considerably before he will open up and confess that there is method and thought to the way he lives."
"He lived with me in a way he could never have lived alone."
"Look at all the other things he persuaded me to do! How strange."
"A starving child is a frightful sight, a starving vampire even worse."
"Our bodies will stay always as they are, fresh and alive; but we must never hesitate to bring death, because it is how we live."
"I fed on strangers. I drew only close enough to see the pulsing beauty, then killed before those feelings of revulsion could be aroused in me."
"You think so. But you're greedy, both of you! Immortality is not enough for you!"
"You infected her with this... You're greedy, both of you!"
"It was unthinkable that I not catch her, that I not overtake her at once and tell her that I loved her, must have her, must keep her."
"I love you now with my human nature, if I ever had it."
"I should have known, that it was inevitable, and I should have seen the signs of it coming."
"I remember the anger I felt when he sold the colony of Louisiana to the United States."
"The air was chill and damp in spite of summer."
"Her lips were red, her looks were free, Her locks were yellow as gold: Her skin was as white as leprosy, The Night-mare LIFE-IN-DEATH was she, Who thicks man's blood with cold."
"I was a Creole who wanted to see where it had all begun."
"That knowledge was our birthright, and he deprived us."
"We are death, the one thing you share with every mortal is death."
"If God doesn't exist, this life... every second of it... is all we have."
"It's not logical, as you would make it sound. But it's that dark, that empty. And it is without consolation."
"Children of Satan! Children of God! Is this the only question you bring to me?"
"No vampire that I've ever known," he said, musing, "and as far as I know today, after four hundred years, I am the oldest living vampire in the world."
"You've come from so far, you've traveled so long."
"I've killed over and over and will do it again."
"We alone understand the passage of time and the value of every minute of human life."
"Evil is a great perilous gulf into which one falls with the first sin, plummeting to the depth."
"I wanted to cry out to her, to break her swoon. And I wanted her."
"You cannot safely leave the theater tonight. He is suspicious of you."
"Answer no questions. Ask and you open one bud of truth for yourself after another."
"We were all made from the same material, a thought which had only occurred to me occasionally."
"What appalled me was my own fierce jealousy."
"Estelle and Celeste are the names I remember, porcelain beauties."
"Their blood is different, vile. They increase as we do but without skill or care."
"It is the crime that means death to any vampire anywhere who commits it. It is to kill your own kind!"
"You would leave me for Armand if he beckoned to you."
"But is there no crime amongst you, no cardinal crime?"
"I don't like them. I've searched for them the world over, and I despise them!"
"You would not, Louis. You would not. Danger holds you to me."
"I want you. I want you more than anything in the world."
"I never laughed at you,' he said. 'I cannot afford to laugh at you."
"It is through you that I can save myself from the despair."
"I'm not the spirit of any age. I'm at odds with everything and always have been!"
"Don't you see? Your fall from grace and faith has been the fall of a century."
"I haven't the courage to die. But to make another vampire! To bring this suffering on another!"
"But if it's any consolation to you...surely you realize I had a hand in it."
"If it were not alive there wouldn't be tears in your eyes now."
"You must never force me to do something against my will!"
"You need it,' he said. 'Therefore, I need it."
"Claudia's beautiful surface, Claudia's quiet, Claudia's dominance and control. They are perfect together."
"I couldn't take you away. I couldn't take you."
"What if somewhere in that mansion he had a coffin hidden to which he returned?"
"How can you understand it all, how can you endure?"
"I shudder when I'm near you. I look into your eyes and my reflection isn't there."