
Anatomy Of The Spirit: The Seven Stages Of Power And Healing Quotes

Anatomy Of The Spirit: The Seven Stages Of Power And Healing by Caroline Myss

Anatomy Of The Spirit: The Seven Stages Of Power And Healing Quotes
"Every thought you have had has traveled through your biological system and activated a physiological response."
"Our emotional energy converts into biological matter through a highly complex process."
"Energy is power, and transmitting energy into the past by dwelling on painful events drains power from your present-day body and can lead to illness."
"Our relationship to power is at the core of our health."
"When you have trouble making money or you suddenly lose money, your biological system may weaken."
"Our lives are structured around power symbols: money, authority, title, beauty, security."
"In countless situations and relationships, the underlying dynamic at work is the negotiation of power: who has it, and how we can maintain our share of it."
"Our biological and spiritual systems always seek to express truth, and they will always find a way to do so."
"You need to become conscious of what gives you power."
"Energy medicine teaches, 'I am responsible for the creation of my health.'"
"Conventional medical philosophy considers the patient an innocent—or virtually powerless—victim."
"In holistic therapies, the patient’s willingness to participate fully in his own healing is necessary for its success."
"The mother with depression... feels she must acquire power from her external environment."
"Our individual interactions with our environment can be thought of symbolically as electromagnetic circuits."
"The most extreme type of acquisitioner is the addict."
"Anna’s addiction to cigarettes maintained more authority over her than her desire to heal."
"Our minds cannot easily compete with our emotional needs."
"The heart has reasons that reason knows naught of."
"Once we make conscious our emotional needs, it’s impossible to forget them."
"Healing requires taking action. It is not a passive event."
"Think of yourself as an energy being as well as a physical one."
"All circumstances can be changed in a moment, and all illness can be healed."
"Live in the present moment, and practice forgiveness of others."
"Every situation, challenge, and relationship contains some message worth learning."
"We are attracted to becoming more 'conscious,' but at the same time we find it frightening because it means we must take personal responsibility for ourselves."
"Once we accept personal responsibility for even one area of our lives, we can never again use 'tribal reasoning' to excuse our behavior."
"The tribe does not require members to take personal responsibility for the attitudes they inherit."
"It is extremely difficult to give up the comfort zone that accompanies such excuses."
"Tax evasion becomes a deliberate act of theft; adultery becomes the conscious breaking of a marriage vow."
"Often one needs to examine one’s attachments to tribal prejudices before healing can begin."
"Spiritually conscious adults, however, can no longer utilize tribal reasoning."
"From our tribe we learn about loyalty, honor, and justice—moral attitudes that are essential to our well-being."
"Each can, however, become restrictive or toxic if interpreted narrowly."
"Loyalty is a beautiful tribal quality, most especially when it is conscious loyalty."
"The ultimate moment came when George looked at his wife and said, 'I don’t want to be old anymore, do you?'"
"You have to be able to give your word and keep it—whether it is to another person or to yourself."
"The absence of individual honor extends beyond the boundaries of personal tribes into society in general."
"A sense of honor radiates strength within us, aligns us with our blood and ethnic relations."
"Without the moral stability of a code of honorable behavior, children grow into adults who cannot create stable lives for themselves."
"Managing the power of choice, with all its creative and spiritual implications, is the essence of the human experience."
"Any choice made from fear is a violation of the energy of faith."
"It is not what we choose that matters; our power to influence an outcome lies in our reasons for making a certain choice."
"The more conscious we become, the more consciously we can utilize the energy of the second chakra."
"Power is the life-force, and we are born knowing this fact."
"The appetite for power can become an addiction that challenges the will of God."
"For all of us the challenge is not to become 'power celibate' but to achieve sufficient internal strength to interact comfortably with physical power without negotiating away our spirits."
"The stronger our spirits become, the less authority linear time can exercise in our lives."
"Our culture believes that healing painful childhood memories requires years of psychotherapy, but that need not be the case."
"Forgiveness is no longer merely an option but a necessity for healing."
"Every single participant in this workshop had confused intuition with prophetic ability."
"If a person suffers from low self-esteem, she cannot act on her intuitive impulses because her fear of failure is too intense."
"The third chakra embodies the sacred truth Honor Oneself—a truth that is supported by the symbolic meaning of the sefirah of Nezah and Hod and by the sacrament of Confirmation."
"We are as attracted to love as we are intimidated by it."
"A bond based upon wound intimacy is an implicit guarantee that weakened partners will always need each other."
"Woundology has completely redefined the parameters of intimacy."
"Before the 1960s, the definition of maturity and strength meant keeping one’s pain and vulnerability to oneself."
"Wounded intimacy has found enormous support within the holistic healing community."
"Without a schedule for healing, we risk becoming addicted to what we think of as support and compassion."
"Commit yourself to healing all the way to the source of the pain."
"Identify your wounds. Have they become a form of ‘wound-power’ within your present life?"
"Forgiveness is a complex act of consciousness, liberating the psyche and soul from the need for personal vengeance."
"The curious thing about healing is that depending on who you talk to, you can come to believe either that nothing is easier or that nothing is more complicated."
"Faith in the presence of the Divine eclipses ordinary human fears."
"Keter represents 'nothingness,' the energy from which physical manifestation begins."
"Extreme Unction represents the process of retrieving one’s spirit from the various 'corners' of one’s life."
"At the closure of our lives we consciously draw these memories to a final point."
"Religion is rooted in first chakra energies. Spirituality is an individual experience."
"Spiritual desire for connection is significantly different from the wish for connection to a religion."
"I no longer want to be protected within the group, nor do I desire to have a mediator filter my guidance."
"In the 1960s the Vatican Council II initiated a new spiritual freedom for all."
"Our need to be devoted to a higher power has found numerous inappropriate surrogates."
"The absence of meaning, the loss of self-identity, and the need for devotion indicate a spiritual crisis."
"A skilled spiritual director helps a person get through the 'dark night.'"
"In times of crisis, even hourly, remind yourself of the archetype of the Promised Land."
"We contain Divinity. We are the church, the synagogue, the ashram."
"We are responsible for what we create, and we must learn to act and think with love and wisdom."