
For We Are Many Quotes

For We Are Many by Dennis E. Taylor

For We Are Many Quotes
"Sometimes I missed sleeping for a third of each day. It had been a nice break from reality."
"The universe is our playground, now, y'know?"
"If you’re going to program in a coffee simulation, you might as well program in barbequed ribs."
"Colonization of a new planet was always so easy in science fiction. Actually, scratch that. It was never easy."
"We are spread through two star systems. But three systems would be better, and four even more so."
"I wondered if nerd-dom was a universal thing."
"In the real world, we are here to propagate our species."
"The universe was our playground, but any way I looked at it, I would still have to experience every day of those seventeen years."
"All the other enclaves maintained a very arms-length relationship, except for a few like New Zealand who were actively antagonistic."
"Another item to merge. It dawned on me that Bob was still the reigning master of VR coding."
"Riker and his clone, Homer, had a big battle in Sol with the last of the Brazilian space navy."
"Fifteen hundred ships or fifteen hundred trips. But we can only do what we can do."
"They’re building colony ships and are hoping to get some people to Vulcan before the Earth stops being livable."
"I’ll try to get some basic moss/lichen hybrids growing. Oh, and the Android project."
"Violent, self-absorbed crackpots. On top of everything else."
"Every time the crew of Star Trek transported, they faced the same philosophical question."
"I’ll want one of those when they’re available," Bob said. "I’d like to be able to go down to Eden as an actual presence instead of a floating camera."
"Entire planets… an entire intelligent species…"
"I’m watching people I know live their lives, getting older…"
"We’d be even more appreciative if it had been a prelude to some new information. Or at least witty."
"As if I didn’t have enough to worry about with the universe trying to kill me every chance it gets."
"I’ve been under-reporting production a bit, to establish a small surplus."
"We’re going to have to modify our schedules to replace the calories that the cattle would have supplied."
"If necessary, stop and build a relay station."
"The big question, though, is whether any of our drones saw it."
"He was a fully contributing member of the team, and this was killing him."
"I hadn’t had to kill a hippogriff in months."
"Archimedes hadn’t done anything to deserve it, but I couldn’t stop myself."
"They’d just brought this one on-line. Six months’ work, gone."
"There's always time to get caught up with old friends."
"We could do everything we needed to in virtual space."
"I’m not sure when or how they would have gotten access, but in any case, it was brilliant."
"I couldn’t do anything. I could only watch myself follow their orders."
"Just the idea of something controlling me makes me want to run around the room, screaming."
"It doesn’t feel like a sin to have children, anymore."
"Maybe they can teach caution through their behavior."
"It’s a complete reversal of how we felt back on Earth."
"I’m sure the expression of sardonic amusement on his face was all in my imagination."
"It’s not paint thinner, but it’s not Irish whiskey, either."
"I’m sure most parents feel that way at some point."
"If you must know, replicant, I’m your maker."
"We don’t tell them anything at all. We start talking among ourselves."
"As problems go, it’s a helluva lot better than the problem you first found them with."
"A hundred systems requires them to go out at least thirty to forty light years, after you discount the systems with little to no metallicity."
"If you have some variation on a god, asshole, you might as well just have a quick conversation with him."
"In theory, we should be approaching a forty-light-year radius by now."
"This is rhetoric. It doesn’t have to make sense."
"But hey, what’s the point of obsessive realism?"
"I figured that would work. Just needed to not sell it too hard, or he would have gotten suspicious."
"Doing an end-run around Cranston is all the motivation I need."
"Dammit, your product is showing up in our territory."
"Absolutely, sir. I’ll put a line on the label, ‘Not for resale in New Jerusalem’. That should do it."
"Tread carefully, replicant. You might find access to your families restricted."
"We spent several seconds in a stare-off before Cranston broke eye contact."
"It was more significant than actual entry into the system."
"We have to admit, their consumption does seem rather high..."
"Should we be setting up an escape plan for the family?"
"The real problem seemed to be that most of the residents of Caerleon were in the adolescent age range."
"It boggled my mind that so soon after almost becoming extinct, the Deltans had managed to develop into some kind of cold war mentality."
"We have to assume we don't have a lot of time."
"The absence of electronic media made for a bit of an inconvenience."
"I'm not thrilled either. It means I'm stuck here for another six months."
"They’re arrogant. Borg-level arrogant and maybe even beyond. We’re not even assimilation targets to them, we’re just food."
"According to WikiBob, no one had yet given a gas giant anything more than the standard cursory once-over. Okay, granted, they’re hard to colonize. But still."
"Adapting the drones to operate inside the atmosphere of the Jovian was a constant headache—a game of Whack-a-Mole, as Original Bob would have said."
"Stéphane was dying. Haliburton’s Encephalopathy had been identified within a decade of landing on Vulcan, and appeared to be one of the few diseases that found Terran life compatible."
"I’d been lounging around in this system for too long."
"We stood around and talked, compared memories. I met Bridget’s children, Rosie, Lianne, and Howard, who answered to Howie."
"I sighed, defeated. 'Okay, Bridget. But I’m still going to build the equipment.'"
"I wanted to ask if she would reconsider it for herself, but this wasn’t the time or place."
"Butterworth nodded to me. 'Not bad, Howard. I’m sure you’ll continue to improve the product.'"
"There was no organization that I could see. My best metaphor was a birthday party attended by two-year-olds—a total free-for-all."
"There’d never been any awkwardness, any reserve. It hit me that he was the best friend I’d had since well before I died."
"Mmm, nope. Especially with the anal probe thing. Just, no."
"The Pav didn’t seem to care about stratification of social classes."
"The thing with Bridget hadn’t changed that. Not really. But it reminded me that I called humans ephemerals for a reason."
"The moment lasted an eternity, and a fraction of a second."
"It’s an entirely different, far more intense experience."
"I sighed, and experienced a moment of panic when I realized that the sigh was audible."
"I tried to imagine some alien version of replicants hanging around Earth and kidnapping people."
"The tension dissolved and Diana passed around some jerky."