
Stormy Weather Quotes

Stormy Weather by Carl Hiaasen

Stormy Weather Quotes
"I'm in the business of figuring people out quick. That's what a good salesman does."
"I'm not so sure. How would I know, Mrs Lamb?"
"It just now hit me: Men who steal their daughter-in-law's mother-in-law."
"Mister Torres says it's built to go through a hurricane."
"Every morning they awakened exactly as they'd fallen asleep."
"That's funny, darling." He swung the Remington toward the house and pulled the trigger.
"Some people collect coins. I'm into forensic artifacts."
"Technically, no. I was conceived during Donna-least that's what my mother said. A hurricane baby."
"I was hoping for something more ... well, biblical."
"God help me, I should've held off another year. Waited till I could afford to put her in a condo."
"That cocksucker Torres. A-hundred-twenty-mile-per-hour gusts. What kind of scum would lie to a widow?"
"My name's Levon Stichler. I lived four lots over. Was it your mother that died here?"
"For killing him, what could they do? I'm seventy-one goddamn years old- what, life in prison?-Big deal. I got nothing left anyhow."
"Worst fuckin' excuse for music I ever heard."
"A son looks a man square in the eye and calls him pathetic, any other father would curse or cry or take a punch at the kid. Not mine."
"I'm scared," he said. "Don't be, sugar. It's a breeze."
"One of yours?" Bonnie asked. "I'm wondering."
"You're right. They're free, and that's how it ought to be."
"I don't know how anything ought to be, but I know how it is."
"You take cash, I assume." "Sure," Snapper said.
"Abducted! Kidnapping implies ransom, Max. Don't fucking flatter yourself...."
"No previous governor had dared to disrupt the business of paving Florida."
"Save the rivers. Save the coasts. Save the Big Cypress."
"Fifteen thousand, if you move me to the top of the list."
"Smoking a Bronco, in the lamentably quotable words of one wiseass NIH scientist, was 'only slightly safer than sucking on the tailpipe of a Chevrolet Suburban.'"
"In my business, this is a flaming 747 full of orphans, plowing into a mountainside."
"Take a long nap, and catch an evening flight."
"Her mother thought Max Lamb was a fine young fella."
"Place used to be something special, long, long time ago."
"Eventually a receptionist answered the telephone, and made a point of mentioning how busy they all were."
"Levon Stichler carefully removed the page listing the names and addresses of all the Antonio Torreses in Greater Miami."
"On the second day, Levon Stichler continued to winnow the roster of candidates."
"A pretty Anglo woman met him at the open front doorway. She wore baggy jeans and a long lavender T-shirt."
"Levon Stichler said, 'Is this the Torres residence?' The woman said yes."
"The wife would be a problem; he needed to have Tony Torres alone."
"Levon Stichler thanked her, stiffly, and took a sip."
"What was she doing with a crooked slob like Torres?"
"Before Levon Stichler could respond, the tall shape of a man materialized in the kitchen doorway."
"Levon Stichler knew he must act swiftly, or lose forever the opportunity to avenge."
"It's an auger spike, Mrs Torres. It was supposed to anchor my trailer in the storm."
"The barefoot woman said, 'Excuse me, but are you fucking nuts?'"
"You're not the one who sold me the double-wide!"
"In an accusatory tone, Levon Stichler said, 'You are not Tony Torres.'"
"Misjudging the situation, Levon Stichler emphatically shook his head no."
"Bonnie Lamb said, 'For what? It was my idea.'"
"I can't be sure I've had fun unless I feel guilty afterwards."
"Skink came out of the thicket and smiled. 'Animals!' he bellowed, evangelically."
"From his fatigues he produced two small, freshly skinned carcasses."
"Why can't people mind their own goddamn business!"
"The circumstances of the abduction, and its purpose, remained a mystery."
"The notion disturbed him, so he retreated to innocuous diversions."
"The only reply came from the two miniature dachshunds, barking in the backyard; they sounded tired and hoarse."
"The unmistakable whine of sirens-someone on the block had probably called the fire department."
"The ugly Naugahyde recliner in the living room was unoccupied, and the television was off."
"Oh well, he thought, lots of girls look like Lizzie Borden on their driver's license."
"Whenever Augustine wrote his father, he made a point of mentioning how much money he'd given away."
"He was soothed by the soft crackle of tinder; the owl piping on a distant wire; raccoons trilling and fussing in the shadows."
"Augustine wouldn't have traded places with another soul."
"She wanted to cry and pull at her hair and scream."
"The prospect of an anonymous death in the swamps offended Edie's dignity."
"Nothing whatsoever prevented her from running, except the grim certainty that she'd never find her way out."
"It's the arc of all life. For Lester we merely hasten the sad promenade."
"All sense of touch and motion came from the warm summer tide that rushed past and around and between them."