
Stone Cold Fox Quotes

Stone Cold Fox by Rachel Koller Croft

Stone Cold Fox Quotes
"Old money is old money for a reason and it’s not to brighten some downtrodden server’s day."
"A good teacher inspires the student to discover their own meaning from any given lecture or text."
"I mastered an authentic feminine titter for jokes that weren’t remotely amusing."
"It’s exhausting having to exalt those types of men, day in and day out."
"I yearned to end the game, but not at the cost of keeping such brutal company for a life sentence."
"The true challenge would likely not be obtaining Collin’s eternal love and devotion but securing my acceptance into his world."
"Looking good is perpetually a transferable skill."
"I didn’t want to underestimate her, but it was difficult considering her lovely lot in life."
"The most fun games are the ones you already know you’re going to win."
"She was just addicted to the shake-up for the sake of the thrill."
"I couldn’t back down from such a challenge, especially when I was so confident that I would be the victor."
"I could find myself a role in this theater of the absurd."
"Silence is an underrated power move during a negotiation."
"Believe you are who you say you are, and they will, too."
"I was practically salivating over getting another moment alone with Gale Wallace-Leicester."
"I wanted to openly rejoice with Syl further, but my mind immediately went back to her."
"I wanted to watch him be ruthless with her, but that’s not the kind of man Collin was."
"Perhaps he was nervous he would lose me. That would only strengthen my position."
"I enjoy every moment with you," I purred into Collin’s neck."
"I knew what I was capable of when my back was against the wall."
"Throw my opponent off course. Be unpredictable. Don’t let her see me coming."
"Women always seemed to do this to each other. Stuck in a cycle of expected performance and for what? The sake of tradition?"
"I just wanna have fun and find my best friend."
"I didn’t want to outright wake Collin like some sort of harpy."
"It’s not the boys’ weddings, though," Gale said. "It’s Collin’s."
"I didn’t want to be like her, like Mother, but I knew what I was capable of when my back was against the wall."
"The prospect of a caper in the moment was irresistible."
"I’ll have to slap my hand away should it get too close."
"I could handle it. Who among us hasn’t had a bout with mental illness?"
"It’s just a touch. Just a hug. Just a little kiss. Just a massage."
"You keep going," she says. The house is quiet. Too quiet."
"You’re not a kid anymore, Fleur!" Francis barks at me in the hallway."
"We want everything. All of it," Mother growls at me."
"Sometimes the only team I want to be on is my own."
"The Cases come from healthy stock. It’s nothing, Bea. Completely normal."
"It’s hard to be a person sometimes, honey. I get it. It’s okay."
"Why doesn’t everyone stop asking questions and we head inside?"
"You have to let nature run its course. Be patient. It’s really nothing to worry about."
"Real estate shopping was so intimate. It was a terrible idea."
"I often felt like I could burst if I didn’t go after the bad thing that I wanted."
"I wasn’t proud of it, but anytime I took a menacing turn, I never felt more alive."
"With Collin, it was typically 'check the box, then roll over and look at your phone' sex."
"I knew he’d be an unhinged beast with no inhibitions whatsoever."
"Life was hard enough. And what if I ended up like my mother after all?"
"You’re an animal. And you’re cornered. Of course you’re going to fight."
"Sometimes, a girl just needs her mother."
"But it’s always risky with a large family, isn’t it? I looked for loners, but not you, apparently."
"I knew her so well and yet I didn’t know her at all."
"I can charm anyone at will, but with her, I really had to work at it."
"She always had the upper hand. With her, I always lost."
"I was different from you, I squeaked, clearly not believing it myself."
"I thought you would be a useful tool. Something to make it more fun."
"The challenge it would be to take them on from the inside? We could do it together."
"I didn’t want to start over again. I didn’t love him, but I chose Bea Case with my whole heart."
"I wanted to protect them from Mother, their demise too big of a price to pay for my own preservation."