
The Undomestic Goddess Quotes

The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

The Undomestic Goddess Quotes
"I have never failed an interview in my life."
"It's not like there's anyone to hear. Good night, John Boy."
"I work in the corporate department on the finance side, and just at the moment, things are pretty hectic with some big deals on."
"For every six minutes of my working life, I'm supposed to bill a client."
"I love my job. I love spotting the loophole in a contract."
"Everyone knows the Chinese live longer than we do—so what could be more healthy than to eat their food?"
"I don't have time for this. I really do not have the time."
"You have to decide to slow down, Samantha. Only you can decide to change your life."
"My mother never taught you how to sew on a button, I stifle a laugh at the thought of my mother sewing on a button."
"Maybe things are salvageable. Maybe it's not all as bad as I thought."
"If it weren't for the Geigers being so understanding, I don't know what I would do."
"Something about the Geigers. Something I'm not remembering... something that's ringing slight alarm bells..."
"The alarm bells are getting louder. They're starting to clang wildly."
"I am staying in a strange couple's house under completely false pretenses."
"They even gave me a toothbrush, after I invented a suitcase-stolen-on-the-train story."
"I want to fall to the floor in a groveling heap, crying, 'I'm so sorry!'"
"Theres no good news. Theres no silver lining. I've messed up."
"I dont understand how it happened. I dont even remember seeing the memo on my desk."
"I wonder how many e-mails are stacked up, unanswered, in my Blackberry?"
"Its my day off. No one has any hold over me."
"For the first time ever, I can do whatever I like."
"They really should market house-cleaning as a workout."
"Delicious. I'm just going to stay here for hours and hours and hours."
"As I make my way along the corridor, there's no sound from the Geiger's bedroom."
"I know my way around the kettle and the toaster, if nothing else."
"I wonder how the Fallon's deal is progressing."
"What is wrong with me? I was supposed to take hours over breakfast."
"I feel I should have something to read. Or someone to call."
"By George. She's got roast chicken, at any rate."
"I'm having my first true day off in about ten years."
"I'm just going to relax and enjoy my free time, like any normal person."
"I've never been to the Cotswolds in my life."
"He must have been an extraordinary person for you to do that."
"I've never seen an actual pear growing on a tree before in my life."
"Samantha, cooking isn't about writing down. It's about tasting. Feeling. Touching. Smelling."
"I had no idea this village is absolutely stunning."
"I can't do nothing all day. It's going to drive me crazy."
"Well... we don't have laments in London. We move on. Big on moving, Londoners. Big on staying ahead."
"In ten months of living there, I never had a single moment of total darkness or total quiet."
"I can feel the roughened calluses on his skin, his thumb rubbing over mine."
"Im not a prude, you know, she says. You are allowed to kiss!"
"Does it matter, what I used to do... or be? The point is, I'm here."
"I clench my eyes shut, trying to clear my mind. I should never have looked at that Web site."
"I made a loaf of bread. Right now I feel like this is the only thing I have to hold on to."
"I feel like the lights gone out and I'm feeling my way forward, one step at a time."
"I tap my pencil impatiently on the paper. But so what? They only get back the money they loaned. They don’t get any advantage, they don’t get any benefit, it's pointless."
"The thought comes to me out of nowhere. I sit bolt upright, unable to breathe. What if that’s it? What if it’s a scam?"
"My mind starts to race. Suppose there are two brothers. They know that Glazerbrooks is in serious financial trouble."
"But I mean... how on earth could they have planned that? It makes no sense. It’s impossible. You can’t plan a mistake in advance."
"What if I didn’t make a mistake? I feel like everything is cracking and reshaping around me."
"Everyone at Carter Spink knew I had the messiest desk in the firm. It would be easy to slip it into a pile of papers."
"But... what if I was used? What if it wasn’t my fault? What if I didn’t make a mistake after all?"
"I have to know. I have to know the truth. Right now."
"I look in despair at my tenth attempt. 'Dear Guy, I need you to help me. I think I have been set up by Arnold.'"
"But no one seems hungry anymore. In fact, they all look rather green about the gills."
"You made these? He looks astounded. I didn't know you could cook."
"I'm not interested. I don't even raise my head."
"You want to be a housekeeper instead. His tone is so dismissive, I feel stung."
"I can go to the pub, I can make weekend plans, I can go and sit in the garden for half an hour with my feet up and it doesn't matter."
"I cannot believe this. For an instant I feel like throwing the phone out the window."
"I have a job to do, I say tightly, opening the oven to check on the salmon."
"I'm happy. I'm enjoying life in a way I've never done before."