
The Oath Of The Vayuputras Quotes

The Oath Of The Vayuputras by Amish Tripathi

The Oath Of The Vayuputras Quotes
"Anger is your enemy. Control it! Control it!"
"Every great invention has both positive and negative effects. As long as the positive outweighs the negative, one can safely continue to use it."
"Good and Evil are two sides of the same coin."
"The greatest Evil was exactly the same thing, once it began to disturb the balance."
"Evil should never be fought with subterfuge, it must be attacked openly."
"The distance between Evil and Good is a vast expanse in which many can exist without being either."
"One cannot fight Evil and not have its claws leave terrible scars upon one’s soul."
"Time is never the problem when you battle Evil. The problem is the will to fight it."
"The key question isn’t ‘What is Evil?’ The key question is: ‘When does Good become Evil? When does the coin flip?’"
"Often, our immediate reaction to a sudden crisis helps us save ourselves. Our response to gradual crises that creep up upon us, on the other hand, may be so adaptive as to ultimately lead to self-destruction."
"There is only this life; this moment. That is the only thing we can be sure of. Everything else is only theory."
"A leader is not just a person who gives orders. He is also the one who symbolises the society he leads."
"An innocent child is born with sin. It's clear as daylight: a new-born child has done no wrong. He has done no right either. He has just been born."
"Your situation is, in fact, a result of completely random circumstances, an indiscriminate turn of the universe."
"Words can only be as good or as bad as the thoughts they convey."
"The universe's dharma is to be created, live out its life till its inevitable destruction and then be created once again."
"I will not run away! Everything is clear to me now. I am the emperor. Not just of Meluha, but of India."
"We have been blessed with intelligence, the greatest gift of the Almighty. This allows us to make choices."
"I always knew there was something special about you; that you couldn’t have been just another rough tribal. And now I have proof. You have pedigree!"
"Shiva just shook his head in answer. He was in no hurry."
"All Indians visit temples regularly, and when they do, they will read my order."
"Our greed in extracting more and more from Good turns it into Evil."
"The purpose is not the destination but the journey itself."
"Trust me, if it comes down to a war and he has to choose between Lord Shiva and his precious Meluha, your husband will choose Meluha."
"Shreyaan sva dharmo vigunaha para dharmaat svanushthitat."
"Speak the truth in a pleasing manner, but never speak that truth which is unpleasant to others."
"Our brain has millions of thoughts and instructions running simultaneously within."
"Karmanye vaadhikaa raste maa phaleshu kadachana."
"An outsider would not be allowed in, would he?"
"It is only the very unfortunate who must choose between their god and their swadharma."
"My soul is only making me fight for my motherland, My Lord. This is a call that I cannot refuse. It is my purpose."
"Death in the course of performing one's own duty is better than engaging in another's path, for that is truly dangerous."
"All of us will die when we have served our purpose. That is the way of the universe."
"The universal truth does exist, though it has always been an enigma to human beings."
"A man becomes God when his vision moves beyond the bounds of victors and losers."
"Honour must beget honour. That is the only way."
"There is no wrong way to do the right thing."
"I will miss you. You have been the best thing that ever happened to me."
"I don’t intend to attack. All we need to do is destroy the Somras manufacturing facility."
"If the Lord says that the Somras is not to be used, then I don’t see how we can go against this diktat."
"If Magadh has been conquered, it means the Lord Neelkanth can leave a small force in that city, sail up the Ganga with the rest of his forces and march into Meluha from the north."
"You have heard myths about the tribe of Vasudev, left behind by our great lord, Shri Ram. Well, the legendary tribe does exist, the ones who carry the legacy of Lord Ram."
"They are cursing you. And your souls will bear this burden for many births. That is the evil of the Somras!"
"But how else does one establish one’s standpoint, dada? There are times when reason does not work, and peaceful efforts prove inadequate."
"I am fighting for Meluha. I am fighting for the future of your children!"
"It may appear that the Somras has my throat. But in actual fact, it has all of Meluha by the throat!"
"It’s a beautiful river, My Lord. It’s sad that we may have to kill it."
"You would have heard of the four yugs, cyclical eras that time traverses repeatedly through a never-ending loop."
"But that still doesn’t take away from the grief of knowing that we have caused suffering to others."
"I will be waiting for you when you return. I promise."
"The mere knowledge that one’s enemy has this weapon, can strike terror in one’s heart."
"It was just an overreaction to a stupid nightmare."
"I was the Commanding Officer and my army was defeated. It was my fault."
"There are usually enough tragedies in life that we are genuinely responsible for."
"A weapon like this can never actually be used."
"It was the exact opposite of the Indian pantheon. We call our gods Devas and demons Asuras."
"True, but scarcity engenders ingenuity. When you don’t have enough water, you learn to use it judiciously."
"Don’t worry, my friend. That water has been treated and completely cleaned. It’s even safe to drink."
"Sometimes, the universe decides that Evil is supposed to win."
"My name has nothing to do with your mission. What matters is what the Amartya Shpand, the Vayuputra Council, think of your mission."
"The world cannot afford to have you lose sight of your mission, great Neelkanth. You are too important for us."
"To be more precise, we would know that Good has turned into Evil."
"A chill ran up his spine again. He looked up at the sky, towards the north, about to make a prayer to the Holy Lake."
"'He’ll not hurt her. He cannot hurt her. If there’s one person in this world that that fool loves, it is my Sati. He’ll not hurt her.'"
"'You are behaving like traitors!' shouted Vraka."
"'We will be traitors to Emperor Daksha,' said the leader of the protestors, 'but we will not be traitors to the Neelkanth!'"
"'Lie back down, My Lord,' said the soldier. 'You need to rest.'"
"'With Lord Ram’s blessing, the war will end. And we shall have lasting peace.'"
"‘Look,’ he said, pointing to a small bird winging its way overhead. ‘Another homing pigeon.'"
"Understanding your opponent’s strategy prior to peace negotiations, through the use of subterfuge, will give us only a small advantage. But to behave without honour is against Lord Ram’s way."
"You cannot coerce a man to forsake his honour. You cannot force him to live."
"Remember how she lived, and not how she died."
"Only the Lord Neelkanth can decide the fate of the Somras."
"Tradition held that while the eldest child cremated the father, it was the youngest who conducted the funeral proceedings of the mother."
"If there is anyone who can challenge that tradition, it is you."
"A good wife corrects her husband when he is wrong, even if she has to ram it down his throat."
"What is important, my child, is the identity of the man who helped your father execute the conspiracy."
"One cannot undo what has happened. But the inexorable march of time offers the wise opportunities for redemption."
"The Somras is not the only subject you excel at. Should the world be deprived of Lord Bhrigu’s Samhita?"
"My task is to be true to my father’s mission. My task is to do what my mother would have wanted me to do."
"She was the purest among them all, Lord Agni. Remember that as you consume her."
"I don’t give a damn about that tradition. If Sati wanted it, then it will be done."
"That he does, but not before we’ve made him talk."
"Many of the conspirators have escaped, as have the assassins."
"Prince, your sister was right about you. You will make a far better king than your father."
"The lives of many people are at stake."