
City Of Glass Quotes

City Of Glass by Cassandra Clare

City Of Glass Quotes
"I had every right! You're a mundane, you'll always be one, you'll never be a Shadowhunter. You don't know how to think like we do, think about what's best for everyone - all you ever think about is yourself!"
"I just told you that to keep you from whining! You're a disaster for us, Clary! You're a mundane, you'll always be one, you'll never be a Shadowhunter."
"You always just race ahead without thinking. You know that, Clary. We'd never have ended up in the Dumort if it wasn't for you."
"That if you and Luke don't go back to New York immediately, you'll find out?"
"But Luke is a Downworlder. Do you know what the Clave does to unregistered Downworlders who come into the Glass City - who cross the wards without permission?"
"I don't hope, Downworlder. I know in my heart. I know it is my sacred duty to save the Clave."
"It's a Downworlder word, not a Clave one. They have legends about creatures like you. I'm surprised you don't know that."
"Those Shadowhunters who live outside Idris - especially those who run Institutes - tend to be more tolerant."
"When people tell you something unpleasant about themselves, it's usually true."
"You can see why there's so much opposition to the Accords."
"What I was doing had to be right, because Valentine said it was so."
"A sign that you should let me walk you home."
"The demon towers keep us safe. We need nothing else."
"I used to sit in that window seat and read whatever my father had assigned me that day."
"It's not a secret. I would have told Jace if I'd seen him since."
"I can't believe you didn't recognize me. It's not like all wolves look exactly alike."
"My stars shine darkly over me; the malignancy of my fate might, perhaps, distemper yours."
"I have no need to bargain, and no desire to gloat."
"Sometimes diseased plants must be culled to preserve the whole garden."
"I could start over with a new world of Shadowhunters, created and taught by me."
"You have that long to consider my terms. Use the time wisely."
"Unfortunately, you never really hate anyone as much as someone you cared about once."
"Sometimes the only way to make the Clave listen is through force."
"I don't enjoy causing the deaths of Shadowhunters; there are precious few of us already."
"The world hates your kind. There is a reason clean silver burns you, and daylight scorches the Night Children."
"I'm not an enemy. Not of Nephilim. You are that."
"All Shadowhunters will swear an oath of obedience and accept a permanent loyalty rune that binds them to me."
"Knowing is better than not knowing. Every time."
"You took all that away from me and it didn't belong to you!"
"You know what Raphael told me? That I didn't know how to be a good vampire, that vampires accept that they're dead."
"I wanted to tell you that I was proud of you."
"You can't imagine what he was like then. When we were at school together, everyone loved him."
"If you want to know what destroyed that ship, the answer is me. I did it."
"I wouldn't change it. I wouldn't give up loving you. Not for anything."
"It's easy to be afraid of what you don't share."
"I'm not sure I want to find out any more horrible things."
"Every harm done to him will rebound upon the doer sevenfold."
"He was born to be a leader, to be the center of a revolution."
"We were happy. At least for the first few years."
"I knew all about you, but you don’t know anything, do you?"
"The Night Children will have no part in this day."
"You can try to kill me, Raphael. But I wouldn’t advise it."
"There is just one thing, one last act I require from you."
"I can't wait. Tricking her was the most fun I've had in ages."
"It's just that I'll be sorry to miss the summoning."
"We'll be coming back. Everything's going to be fine."
"I always figure it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission in these sorts of situations."
"Do you really think that Nephilim have so little chance against demons?"
"You're killing me because you want me to give a message to God for you?"
"Too bad you didn't know she's not really your sister."
"She loved you too. Keep that in mind while you die."
"I'm the only pack leader who was once a Shadowhunter. That's why they want me."
"I love you, Jocelyn. I have for twenty years."
"If you love him, you go right now and tell him."
"My mom's spent her whole life chasing me around, she moves fast."
"We all tell the truth as we see it, do we not?"
"I don't need a favor from you. I have everything I want."
"Every memory was valuable; even the bad ones."
"Sparks that painted the clouds overhead as they fell, one by one, in streaking lines of golden fire, like angels falling from the sky."