
The Miracles Of The Namiya General Store Quotes

The Miracles Of The Namiya General Store by Keigo Higashino

The Miracles Of The Namiya General Store Quotes
"If you love him, stay beside him to the end."
"The Olympics are just a bigger version of a field day."
"The ultimate waste is worrying about what to do. If you have time to spare, go spend it with your boyfriend."
"Quit screwing around. So what if you don’t make it on the team? It doesn’t matter. Trust me."
"You think he’ll cry if you drop out? Think his tears will make him sicker?"
"You’ll never make it. Quit now. It’s a waste of time."
"If you have time to spare, go spend it with your boyfriend."
"Music is supposed to be about having a good time."
"What are you so uptight about? It’s not like you’re gonna make it big."
"If things always went according to plan, no one would ever struggle."
"Your music will save lives. And the songs you create will absolutely live on."
"Ask your teacher to test you on yourself. Since you’re the topic of the test, whatever you say will be correct."
"Your efforts in music will never be in vain."
"I’m helping people. What makes it a pain is what makes it worthwhile."
"I don’t drink until I’m finished with the letters. I’ve told you that before."
"If you never give it a chance, you’ll never know."
"People who live with their head in the clouds deserve to hit the ground every once in a while."
"That’s why I’ll sing this song as long as I live. It’s the only way I have to show my gratitude."
"The best thing would be to get your parents to change their minds. I know several people who have had to run. I’ve never heard what happened to a single one of them, but my guess is they aren’t living happy lives."
"Believe me. No matter how bad things are today, they’ll be far better tomorrow."
"But deep down, you were skeptical. How about now? Or are you going to tell me you think I did this all myself?"
"The worst-case scenario would be for this event to destroy your family. That would be a total loss."
"People don’t drift apart for one specific reason. Well, you might be able to find a reason, but you could come up with one only after you made up your mind, a tired excuse tacked on after the fact."
"There’s nothing positive about fleeing from your circumstances. Ordinarily, I’d never recommend it. But since it seems there’s no way out of it, I believe it would be best for you to go along with them."
"That’s the woman. Pregnant with a married man. She asked me for advice. Remember? I’m almost sure it’s her."
"It would destroy the very meaning of a family unit if everyone went their separate ways over fleeting feelings of anger or impatience."
"Don’t expect to live the kind of life you’ve been living."
"You probably couldn’t do it with twenty, thirty thousand yen."
"When you sell anything, you need to haggle for more."
"Kosuke looked up. He wanted to ask whose fault that was."
"Your father and I—well, your father especially—we’re ready to do anything if it means giving you a good life."
"How could forcing your son to run away with you ever lead to a good life?"
"It wasn’t smelly, and there was space for him to hide."
"Hugging his knees, he nestled his face between his legs and closed his eyes."
"He doubted he would be getting any sleep that night."
"I’m just making sure he understands whose money that was."
"But I’m sure things are going to be okay. Hang in there, just a little longer."
"I wasn’t pissed. But the exception proves the rule."
"I realized your choice of words was sensible."
"I think I have a pretty good idea of how hard life in this industry can be."
"The man was a scout for the nighttime entertainment industry."
"Don’t you want to marry someone someday and start a family?"
"In the last few years, both of them passed away, but I think they each would have said they had a good life."
"Once he has his answer, he leaves it in the milk crate. It’s there by morning."
"I’m not writing this to bust your chops, okay? This is for your own good."
"If their household were a boat, it would be minutes from slipping under."
"Once they paid everything off, their daughter moved on, and they were able to welcome Harumi back into their home."
"Harumi sat at the desk she’d used since middle school and thought it over."
"There’s no use worrying about this. Just write it."
"Can I really ask for advice about this? Won’t it be an annoying problem to have to respond to?"
"What if I told you there was a way you could make all the money you wanted without working as a hostess?"
"By leaving out the vital details, she had failed to get her point across."
"If you come up short, do-don’t hesitate tuh…to ask."
"I’m the one who brought that geezer here from my last job."