
Legendary Quotes

Legendary by Stephanie Garber

Legendary Quotes
"Hints of emerald light dusted the air as if fairies came to play whenever her mother left."
"Scarlett could spend her afternoons daydreaming about traveling shows like Caraval, but Tella liked to have real adventures."
"The milky stone was raw and rough, shaped like a starburst, with sharp tips that sometimes pricked her fingers."
"Every person has the power to write her own [future]."
"Your future can be whatever you wish. We all have the power to choose our own destiny."
"What have I always told you about the future?"
"I wondered if I’d find you in here, my little love."
"It’s easier to lie about being a royal heir’s fiancée. She’d have to pay Dante back for that one."
"I actually don’t believe in fearing anything."
"Moonlight flooded in through the windows, casting everything in a dreamy glow."
"The skirt was indulgent and full, formed of massive twirls of skyfall-blue peonies."
"It’s the fear that feeds him. It’s the same way hopes and dreams give Legend so much power during Caraval."
"The only thing you should think about is that you’re more desirable than anyone else in this room."
"The cage grew warmer as his emerald eyes followed her."
"You want proof that I’m a Fate and my kiss will truly kill you?"
"If you can convince yourself it’s true, you can convince anyone."
"I wish you’d given me that warning an hour ago. Your sister slaps even harder than you do."
"The type of voice a girl could have easily been consumed by."
"But he didn’t honestly care. He was just acting. Playing a role."
"And doom himself in the process—or reveal her plans to Legend and damn Tella as well as her mother."
""I know Caraval can be magical and romantic and wonderful, but the spells it casts aren’t easily shaken off, and half the time I don’t even think people realize they have been bewitched.""
""My sister thinks I should give you another chance.""
""I know what Caraval is." And Tella knew how ludicrous she sounded."
""I think I’ll like what I find at the end of these.""
""Legend is manipulating you, guiding you onto a path until the only remaining choice is the one he wants you to make.""
"Her mother’s real name was Paradise, and Paradise’s resemblance to Paloma was unmistakable."
""I know my sister better than she knows herself. I want to know about Paradise.""
""You can’t have a day of my life," Tella said."
""All I want from you today is something real. A memory.""
""I was going to put it back," Tella promised."
""The Fates pictured on them once ruled on earth, and when they did they were very unkind and very cruel.""
""Tell me what she stole or this notebook turns to ash.""
""I’m disappointed you have to ask." The Undead Queen formed a fist."
""Those cards you want will never be yours," Tella groaned."
""You’re the most beautiful liar I’ve ever seen.""
""You’re running out of time," Elantine snapped."
""You’re not going to die. We’ll find someone to get you healed.""
""I should have warned you—I’m more trouble than I’m worth.""
""But you convinced Legend to help you, you died and came back to life, and you dared to kiss me.""
""I’m going to drink his blood, straight from his veins. That is how power is given and stolen.""
"He was dressed like one of the statues, with only a wide white cloth wrapped around his lower half, accentuating the bronzed perfection of his legs and chest."
"I'm only joking. I wasn’t planning on undressing you here or anywhere else."
"If you hate it so much, why haven’t you walked away?"
"She just kept seeing the way he’d looked at her as he’d carried her from Idyllwild castle."
"Tella wasn’t going to be a coward and pretend she didn’t have choices just because she didn’t like them."
"It felt like the sort of place a person was meant to whisper."
"They kissed as if the world were ending, lips crashing together as if the heavens were breaking and the ground was crumbling."
"Tella never wanted to open her eyes; as soon as she did, the world would shift."
"It was so brutally unfair. She’d only just decided how much she wanted Dante."
"His lips pressed harder as one hand threaded through her hair and the other went lower around her hips."
"But it had to stop. No matter how good of a distraction it was."
"She leaned in toward him for one spectacular heartbeat, tasting his lips a final time."
"His expression split, as if it had been ripped in half, a two-sided mask formed of regret and determination."
"I’m not finished," she scolded. "I wanted you to know why I lied."
"I think that means you’re the hero after all."
"There’s somewhere else I need to be. And, no matter what this looks like, I’m still not the hero in your story."
"I’m taking you to your sister. Don’t waste your feeble energy fighting."
"I’m fairly certain nothing about being imprisoned in a card is natural."
"I never wanted to fall for anyone, but I think I’ve fallen in love with Legend."
"It seemed her story might someday have a happy true ending after all."