
Blood Music Quotes

Blood Music by Greg Bear

Blood Music Quotes
"Security was strict even in the open labs. All employees wore laser-printed badges and non-employee access to the labs was carefully monitored."
"His sole distinction was an exquisite pair of emerald green eyes, wide and expressive, defended by a luxurious set of lashes."
"Vergil's heavy black eyebrows arched and drew together behind the thick rims of his glasses."
"He was about to suction off the buffer solution and the unwanted layers when the lab phone beeped."
"A tall, stoop-shouldered man with unruly black hair untangled himself from the interior of a red Volvo sports car."
"The ladies demand it, Walter," Vergil said, passing through.
"The grasses were tuning up for an early summer orgy of irritation."
"Vergil's dismissal would not have unduly distressed his fellow employees."
"Vergil had been doing some work on our gene machine. Unauthorized, of course."
"In what was coming to be known as Enzyme Valley--the biochip equivalent of Silicon Valley--at least six companies had set up facilities."
"For such a large man, Vergil had surprisingly delicate and sensitive hands."
"Harrison leaned back in his chair, arms up and hands clasped behind his neck."
"His voice seemed designed not to win friends--harsh, slightly grating, tending toward loudness."
"Humans were a randy bunch, Vergil decided as he perched on a stool and watched the cattle call."
"Candice was much less forward in the morning."
"Vergil's taste in food began to change a week into his relationship with Candice."
"He reached satiety faster. His waistline diminished perceptibly."
"She had gathered enough evidence for Vergil, peeping into her notebooks, to agree with her conclusions."
"Every relationship needs a scratch of the kitten now and then."
"He wasn't sure there was even a viable subject in their discussion; nothing made sense."
"Vergil stood under the shower for fifteen minutes, sighing with relief as the irritation subsided."
"Vergil stared up at the ceiling, then scrunched his eyes to observe the phosphene patterns."
"They're putting out common stock any second now. It'll shoot off the board."
"Microscopic logic circuits. You inject them into the human body, they set up shop where they're told and troubleshoot."
"But you do whatever the hell you want. I'm through with the bastards."
"I'm an obstetrician, Vergil, not a glamour-boy lab tech."
"I went up and down North Torrey Pines Road with my resumes, and I was hired by Genetron."
"I made some breakthroughs. Then I went off on tangents."
"I'm probably the smartest thing on the planet, and they haven't begun to get their act together."
"I'm not as nonchalant as I seem. I'm worried, Edward."
"I'm not going to be much good anywhere else but the lab."
"I'm not even sure what the problem is," Edward said, being more evasive than he wanted.
"I want you to examine me. Give me a thorough physical."
"Then it's too late, Dr. Bernard. We shook Vergil's hand. Sweaty palms. Remember?"
"I've examined you. You've told me a story I cannot accept."
"I'll just say it was good ol' Vergil," he murmured.
"I'm not sure there's any way to fight an intelligent plague."
"You're the only person who could do something."
"I'm too weak to blink, so I closed my eyes and waited."
"Go around the bureaucracy. Cut off all physical contact with North America."
"Something very serious is happening. You are aware of it?"
"In the past four days, contact with most of the North American continent has been cut off."
"There appears to be rapidly spreading chaos."
"I am the only one left in Brooklyn. I didn't get sick."
"The U.S. forces in Europe are organizing an interim government."
"They believe the United States government should be military for the time being."
"The best thing to do was back out the door and call the police."
"All our lines are busy. Please do not hang up or you will lose your priority."
"The river was filled with eyes and pinwheels and ferris wheels."
"I need to conference with your senior biologists as soon as I've had a couple of hours sleep."
"They are Russians. You do not remember them in Berlin. I do."
"I'm not going to think about it," she told herself over and over again.
"I don't mind. He had become very, very tired last night."
"Martians," John said. That was his last protest.
"I think they're treating me like some sort of minor deity."
"We're back, and apologies for the delay. I am human and... well, at times liable to a touch of panic."
"I'm low monkey," he said aloud. "Very low monkey now."
"Not all memory comes from an individual's life."
"Memory is stored in neurons--interactive memory, carried in charge and potential."
"The insight was almost agonizing in its completeness and intensity."
"No. They are highly condensed memory storage."
"I am still a little girl," she said. "I'm slow. That's what everybody says."
"I've had enough. What happened to me? What did I become?"
"What good is revelation when it's wasted on a fool?"
"All of you!" she shouted at the walls of the cul-de-sac.
"It's tough just being human again, you know?"
"I do not care! No more revelations. No more insights."
"They think of everything," Suzy McKenzie said.
"How many handshakes are you from someone now gone? One handshake. Nothing is lost."
"The world's greatest cornucopias no longer existed to spill forth their groceries."
"I'm the only one who didn't get sick," she said.