
Forget Me Not Quotes

Forget Me Not by Julie Soto

Forget Me Not Quotes
"Rule #1—No live animals. They eat rings, bite flower girls, and poo everywhere."
"I march down the aisle, thighs burning to keep my heels from sinking into the grass."
"Crying family members are my bread and butter."
"A wedding is not a marriage. Marriages will never be perfect. They’re always a work in progress. But weddings? Weddings are just a moment in time, striving to be perfect."
"Beauty always has a price tag. You can ask for what you’re worth."
"I almost drive directly home before remembering I have the Ferguson wedding today."
"You want your wedding to reflect your partnership. There’s Hazel, there’s Jackie, and then there’s Hazel and Jackie. It can be all three of those things."
"I’m never late, but the idea of being early and alone with Elliot is worth the chance of tardiness."
"It’s gorgeous. You were right about the centerpieces. What’s your other idea? If not chandeliers?"
"The spinning in my chest stops, and I’m all vibration. My mouth opens to say nothing at all."
"I think you could go back, if you wanted. They have a bunch of online options for degrees. It’s up to you, but..."
"Don’t you have to get back? What you do isn’t that special. I can get wedding arches and chandeliers made in San Francisco with much less fuss."
"Are you joking? I’m sorry. I’m just... I’m gonna come."
"I feel like maybe I'm getting over her. Like maybe I'll be fine if we just work together from now on."
"I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have … It was clear to every single one of the vendors who was the real brains behind the Whitney Harrison Weddings operation."
"It’s all business, and all I can think about is how badly I want to put my mouth on her until she screams."
"I was struggling to see it, but I feel a lot better now that we’ve talked it out."
"I have to say, I think it would be amazing to get some exposure on you, on Elliot. On everyone in Sacramento working so hard on this."
"I don’t know if there’s a future where we can work together while forgetting the rest of it."
"I've never been able to throw money at a problem like this. It’s intoxicating."
"We’re not going on the bachelorette," I say quickly. "They invited me, but I know it’s not professional—"
"Ama, you don’t work for me anymore. You can run your own business however you like."
"Weddings are just a party to me. Marriages are things that end."
"It feels like there’s this game we’re playing, and I have no clue who’s winning, but it can’t possibly be me."
"I feel like I’m just waiting for you to tell me the rules. I’ll keep playing even if you never do."
"We see each other once a week maybe, and we fuck, I’ve taken you to dinner, but I’m just…"
"My mother has been married sixteen times. You could say she loves weddings as much as me!"
"I don’t want to work with anybody else. I want the best."
"Is that how Jake came to be your stepbrother?"
"Let’s imagine a world where that exists, and get your fucking ass to the park."
"The wedding starts in an hour. This is not chill."
"Prioritizing. The wedding arch is possibly broken."
"No, she isn’t getting your big day. Over my dead body, Ama."
"If you need an extra hand, it will be off the record. I really care about this wedding."
"You wanna know where you and your cameras fall on the list? Wayyy down, lady."
"That’s all the reason I need to watch this stupid show when it airs."