
The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell Quotes

The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell by Marilyn Manson

The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell Quotes
"He hoped the tape recorder would still work. It was one of those small portable ones often used in schools or libraries."
"Damn her. Damn them all. Why did she have to hurt Peg? Why?"
"Carefully, he let Peg’s head rest on the carpet. Bending down, he kissed her cheek."
"I was somewhat lonely, and I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays."
"All sitting like eager sponges, soaking up the tertiary realities of life."
"He says to me: 'You must surrender to your dreams it’s just.'"
"When I crawl out of my sleep, I get up, my hair a tangled mess of golden locks."
"When you have friends, you form a band. When you’re lonely, you write."
"Every morning I rushed to the door as soon as I heard the mailman. But all he carried in his bag was disappointment."
"Disappointment followed me like a ball and chain that first year in Florida."
"I was leading a pathetic life: living with my parents and attending Broward Community College."
"I was just another journalist. Talking to me was as good a way as any for him to kill time before a show in a city where he knew no one."
"My vision didn’t include drums. I wanted to start a rock band that used a drum machine."
"As a bipedal animal, man by nature gravitates toward his evil side."
"The balance between good and evil, and the choices we make between them, are probably the single most important aspects shaping our personalities and humanity."
"She was so beautiful she was painful to look at because I knew I could never have her."
"As soon as she answered, I hung up. We were on."
"The biggest sin in Satanism is not murder, nor is it kindness. It is stupidity."
"Christianity's war against the devil has always been a fight against man's most natural instincts."
"Satanism is about worshipping yourself, because you are responsible for your own good and evil."
"The idea of heaven is just Christianity's way of creating a hell on earth."
"I have acquired power without conscious effort, by simply being."
"The only way to get out is to go through all the way, to the very bottom."
"The only way that you achieve what you want and fulfill your dreams and become great is by demanding that sort of attention."
"You're gonna make a big dent. You're going to make an impression on the world."
"Ever since mankind created its first laws and codes of communal conduct, those who would break them have had one simple avoidance technique at their disposal: running."
"No matter how much of an exhibitionist you are, when you stand naked before someone several times your size with the power to do anything they want to you and get away with it, you suddenly learn to appreciate rayon, cotton, polyester and all the wonderful fabrics that protect your body from direct physical contact."
"Normally, the shittiness of an event like this would be offset by the free publicity afterward, something we desperately needed at the time. But it never made the papers."
"It makes a lot more sense to follow The Satanic Bible, written with twentieth-century humanity in mind, than a book that was written as a companion to a culture long since defunct."
"Every morning he knocked on our bus or hotel room door and woke us up with a bottle of Jagermeister and a handful of drugs."
"The worst punishment I can give them is to let them wake up every morning and lead their stupid fucking lives, let them raise their stupid fucking children in their stupid fucking homes."
"I believe in the Delusional Self, which is to say that I believe that the things I talk and think about change the world around me and result in events that appear to be coincidental."
"I’ve seen my own death in dreams like this and it’s helped me appreciate life more. I’ve also seen my own life in dreams and it’s helped me appreciate death more."
"I don’t believe in chance, accidents or coincidences. I believe in the Delusional Self, which is to say that I believe that the things I talk and think about change the world around me and result in events that appear to be coincidental."
"I often imagined that it was a pilot’s chair gutted from a helicopter, like the one my father flew in Vietnam."
"I let myself be carried upwards, higher and higher into the night, until I was immersed in a radiant, consuming white."
"I heard myself laugh an ugly, reboant laugh, my mouth widening in a malevolent sneer large enough to engulf the spinning ball of earth below."
"It’s what they had been praying for. It’s what I had been sinning for."
""Pray now, motherfuckers," I heard myself bellow, the sound rattling the firmament."
"I felt insincere on the phone, like all the duplicitous, smiling assholes I had hated as a kid."
"I might be tempted—because life in New Orleans fucking sucked."
"I wasn’t worried about dying. My overwhelming concern was my usual fear of getting arrested or having to talk to the cops."
"I had to shed my skin, purge my emotions and experience every extreme: I had to keep throwing myself onto the swords until I didn’t feel a thing."
"I had become a paradox. Now, more than any other point in my life, I began to believe in myself."