
Test Of The Twins Quotes

Test Of The Twins by Margaret Weis

Test Of The Twins Quotes
"To kill and kill and kill again-this was the Dwarfgate War."
"Victory became meaningless-an objective no one sought."
"He knew his worth in his own heart, he knew it better than any."
"The sound of hoarse voices crying for revenge, the clash of steel, the screams of the dying."
"The sound hit Kharas, along with a shock wave-a blast of heat and scorching, foul-smelling wind."
"The cloud drifted past on the gentler winds of autumn, leaving behind a silence more dreadful than the thunderous noise."
"It is Reorx, he thought in grief and horror. It is the voice of the angry god."
"Nothing living stirred. In fact, there was nothing there at all; nothing except blackened, blasted sand and rock."
"The dwarves would believe-for so Kharas himself would report-that the destruction of both armies on the Plains of Dergoth was brought about by Reorx."
"The field of magic was disrupted… with disastrous and unforeseen consequences."
"The sky itself offered no relief. Above them, it was gray and empty."
"Wherever we are, we better get off this high ground."
"Home is someplace you say ‘My, this looks just like it did when I left!’"
"If that had been him. He remembered the last conversation between himself and his brother."
"Let him challenge the Dark Queen. Let him become a god. It doesn’t matter to me."
"The stars… He had only to raise his head and look up into the sky, and he would know."
"And it’s starting to make sense. If only I could-"
"Something I should have done a long time ago."
"‘Easeful the forest. Easeful the mansions perfected."
"We could be next! A wild desire to run came into his head."
"She will, with her last strength, hold out her hand to me for comfort."
"Evil cannot create, it can only destroy. It turns in upon itself, gnawing itself."
"You may go back, but you may find you change nothing. A pebble in a swiftly flowing river, that is all you may be."
"Finally, in your madness and desperation, you will grab the tail of your existence and, like a starving snake, devour yourself whole in an effort to find food for your soul."
"I can only give you this warning: You may go back, but you may find you change nothing."
"Who are you to judge them? It may be that they fail, too, sometimes. Or that they choose to risk the best they have in hopes that it will be still better."
"Then he would have respected me. Then he might have listened. And so I will go back. I will enter the Abyss."
"No one could see or hear anything as the thunder crashed over them. Then above the blast of thunder rose a tortured cry."
"I know what it is to die, and death is a shabby, paltry thing. Its pain is agony, but soon over."
"That song brought bitter pain to Soth, but he welcomed the pain. It was ten times better than the nothingness that pervaded his unholy life-in-death at all other times."
"The carriage rumbled to a stop. The horses snorted and shook themselves, jingling the harness, thudding their hooves against the smooth paving stones, as if eager to get this journey over with and return to their comfortable stables."
"One would think, my friend, that you were coming to rob me."
"You see, Half-Elven, I care for one thing only—and that is the Art and the power that it gives."
"Farewell, Half-Elven. Remember, I do this for love of you!"
"For how little was that price to pay for the chance of studying with one so gifted!"
"No living being can set foot in that accursed grove of trees, not even kender!"
"I have done nothing more than discharge my debt."
"But when you two bring me a tale told to you by one of the Black Robes—and a dark elf at that—a tale about this wizard, Raistlin, entering the Abyss and challenging the Queen of Darkness! Well, I’m sorry, Tanis."
"If he can accomplish her death and avenge himself upon Palanthas, he will have succeeded in his objective."
"But I have never wanted so much to live as I do now. I am like a miser, coveting the joy and happiness we have found, loath to give it up."
"You talk of peace. What peace? We've been behaving like children in a house where mother and father have fought constantly for days and now, at last, they're quiet and civil."
"We smile a lot and try to be merry and eat all our vegetables and tiptoe around, scared of making a sound."
"Because we know, if we do, the fighting will start all over again. And we call this peace!"
"I think of our plans, the children we hope for. I think of you, my beloved, and what grief my death must bring."
"I will wait for you, Laurana, in that realm where time itself dies."
"All I know is that we can't give up. We've got to keep trying."
"I've lived years, Tanis. That’s all I can tell you. But, what happened? How did I get out of that horrible place?"
"We are the chosen of the gods. Our life spans are so long that the lives of the elves seem as brief as the burning of a candle to us."
"Leave her alone! Let her at least die in peace!"
"Shut it, you fool! Leave me alone! I don’t need you any more! I don’t need you!"
"No matter what happened in the world or on the planes beyond, some things-kender among them-never changed."
"It would be better for her were she not," Dalamar said coldly. "Better for all of us!"
"The capacity to love, to care, is given to us all-the greatest gift of the gods to all the races."
"But the hurt is better than being empty inside."
"We have come through our trials as Huma came through his, with great loss, with great sacrifice, but strong in the knowledge that our spirit shines."
"It's time for me to settle down, too, like I said, and I think High Sheriff would be a most fascinating job."
"We shake hands with Tas (who is snuffling again) and bid him goodbye (checking our pouches first, of course)."