
Dragonseye Quotes

Dragonseye by Anne McCaffrey

Dragonseye Quotes
"Their first need was an aerial defense against the Thread, as they named this menace."
"The dragons and their riders came, too, housing themselves in old volcanic craters or Weyrs."
"Sometimes folks even forgot that they lived on a threatened planet."
"The sun gleamed on healthy dragon hides and intensified the golden queen dragons who flew at the lowest level."
"He rotated his neck and smoothed the skin where the decorative embroidered border of his best tunic had scratched the skin."
"The dragon riders were far too full of themselves as it was, without pandering to their egos and an inflated sense of importance."
"Thread! He snorted again and wished that Paulin, chatting so cozily with the two Benden Holders as he and his wife escorted them back to the head table, would hurry up."
"The dragons were just one more of the settlers’ weird experiments, altering an avian species to take the place of the aircraft they had once had."
"And the humans spread out across the northern continent, creating holds to live in, and halls in which to train young people in skills and professions."
"The First Pass of Thread lasted nearly fifty years and what scientific information the colonists were able to gather indicated that Thread would be a cyclic problem."
"The dragons who had taken part in the mass fly-by were now landing their riders in the wide road beyond the court."
"As every rider knew, dragons had gaps in their ability to correlate cause and effect."
"And, if Charanth had not been as adept on the wing, P’tero might be nursing broken ankles or severe bruising as a result of his folly."
"No matter how broad, those safety straps really jerked a man about in mid-air."
"The humming was rising in volume: Meranath joined by all the other dragons in a chorus of tones that Sheledon - and others had tried to imitate but never quite succeeded."
"A joy that threatened to burst his heart through his chest, pride, hope, fear, yearning - oddly enough, hunger was part of it - and a sadness that, on some occasions, could make him weep."
"The unfortunate rider was as apt to take his life as not. If he lived, he was only half a man, totally bereft by his loss."
"All this time the humming was rising in volume: Meranath joined by all the other dragons in a chorus of tones that Sheledon - and others had tried to imitate but never quite succeeded."
"The bonding that occurred was of such complexity and depth that no other union could be compared with it: almost overwhelming in the initial moment of recognition, and certainly the most intense emotion the young candidates had ever experienced."
"In the Weyr, everyone’s casual," Chalkin’s never issued a fair service contract in his life."
"The noise of a Hatching, K’vin thought, was unique."
"But then, a rider was the dragon, and the dragon the rider, in a partnership that was so unwavering, its cessation resulted in suicide for the dragon who lost his mate."
"As soon as most of the guests had crossed the hot sands, T’dam allowed the candidates to make a loose circle around the eggs."
"Then another dozen or so eggs split wide open and the raucous screeching of starving little dragonets reverberated back and forth on the Ground."
"With the greatest of luck he also came across ochre mud."
"The temperature in the big Hall had been somewhat warmed by the roaring fires in the four hearths, but there was no heating down here."
"The same ploy did not quite work on Luccha’s portrait when she had recovered."
"Do sit still, Lord Chalkin, I’m working on your eyes and I cannot if you keep moving them about in your face."
"The wind was audible even through the three-thick-thick cliff walls."
"You cannot leave now," Chalkin protested, grabbing his arm.
"The young portraitist wondered if Chalkin’s delays were yet another ploy to delay him."
"I spotted an SOS on the snow - lucky for him that the sun made shadows or I’d never have seen it."
"The boy may find it as hard to leave Telgar Weyr as it was Bitra. With a much fuller pouch and no maintenance subtracted."
"The Weyrleaders're different. I will do them in oils, but the sketches are to thank those in the Weyr who’ve been so kind to me."
"Lad, you’ve credit with Jol Liliencamp Traders."
"I’m not Chalkin, mind you. Not any way, shape or form."
"One can trust traders. It’s just I never expected such generosity."
"To learn new meanings to the word ‘satisfactory’."
"Not to take our sow, though, his mate added. We needed that un to make more piggies to meet the tithe he set."
"Your rights as holders are part of the Charter."
"From the beginning of the Pern colony. That is history, grand and sweeping, surviving against incredible odds."
"What he wouldn’t do for himself, he’d do for his ailing mate."
"Promise me, Gallian, that Gallian’s chance at succession won’t suffer because of this?"
"He’s quick-witted enough to survive even that."
"You’re the rider of a young green and she’s much too young for any sexual stimulation."
"I’ve never been kissed like that before in my life."
"It’s not so much what we find but more that we went for a look."
"The sun will be much warmer in the south, and we will all like that."
"As long as Thread falls from Pernese skies, we won’t be out of business."
"We need to keep as much of the stuff as possible off the surface of the planet."
"Some of the bronzes would need to carry two passengers."
"We’ll make an occasion for T’dam to take them down once they are flighted."
"Plan it for a rainy day, here, and they won’t mind for the sun down south."
"Stop that guffawing, T’lel. It isn’t funny where I’m sitting."
"Threadfall is two days away. I need to have a Weyr in full readiness."