
Brothers Majere Quotes

Brothers Majere by Kevin Stein

Brothers Majere Quotes
"I am so accustomed to traveling the paths of sorcery that I forget others are not used to my sudden appearances."
"In accordance with his secretive nature, the Shalafi had cast spells of confusion over his books."
"True to form, he never told me that he knew, firsthand, the truth about 'Bast.'"
"Raistlin took the test, with results that have now become legend."
"The stories about this liaison did not begin to circulate until several years after Raistlin’s death."
"My Shalafi was undoubtedly the most skilled and powerful wizard who has ever lived."
"It is my profound hope that future generations will remember and honor the tragedy and ultimate triumph of Raistlin Majere."
"He knew we get bored, just talking to each other."
"No one takes kender seriously. They'll assume he found it and put it on for a lark."
"The worse medicine tastes, the better it works."
"Remember, Caramon!" Raistlin closed his thin-fingered hand over his brother’s thick arm. "Someone tried to kill us over it, as well."
"Rabbit stew," said the woman. "Take it or leave it."
"It is written, the land will know five ages, but the last shall not come if darkness succeeds, coming through the gate."
"You are now," said Raistlin coldly, scrapping the rest of the food onto the floor.
"But not ‘if darkness succeeds,’" said Caramon, reading the plate upside down.
"We believe in his existence," Yost said, glancing around nervously.
"It’s a good-fortune charm," the woman said shyly.
"Thank you, mistress," he said softly. "This is a wondrous charm you have given me. I shall cherish it always."
"Emotions surged from a well he knew must be sealed forever if he was to achieve true power."
"I’ve got to go now," Caramon said, swallowing his passion.
"Even with great effort of will, there was something that made him stand and watch until he could bear no more."
"A slight breeze barely moved his robes, the only motion around his body."
"No breath could be heard, no sound passed from his lips."
"You’re a superstitious fool, brother!" Raistlin said with a sneer.
"Raistlin studied the horse’s hoofprints and wondered what urgency had driven a rider to press his animal so."
"The mage turned around, digging the staff deep into the ground, and walked back to the front of the inn."
"I’ll never forget you!" Caramon vowed, as he had vowed a hundred times before to a hundred women before, each time meaning it with all his heart and soul.
"Magic," Caramon muttered beneath his breath. "He’ll risk his life for the magic!"
"Raistlin’s face could not be seen behind the red cowl, hiding from the silver moonlight."
"A muscle in his brother’s face twitched, and he stirred restlessly in his sleep."
"The fighter had witnessed Raistlin this sick only once before."
"The mage’s breathing began again, though the mage remained unconscious."
"Every nerve was aflame, burning so that his flesh lost all sensation, numbed beyond feeling."
"I doubt it. He knows what we’d do to him if he used any magic on our cats."
"It was mine first! That girl at the inn gave it to me, and it means a lot."
"I assure you, sir, that you need no defenses around me!"
"In fact, quite the opposite. I’m beginning to understand something about this city." - Raistlin
"The city that stands before the first gods." - Raistlin
"What, and spoil Earwig’s gift? Never!" - Raistlin
"I have to get my own table next time, or I’ll starve." - Caramon
"I don’t think so. There are certain feelings shared among wizards." - Raistlin
"We have decided to take the assignment." - Raistlin
"Most of the walls were blank. We believe that the stone was sent by the first gods to the architects who built the city." - Shavas
"The engravings were of stories of some of the greatest events on Krynn." - Shavas
"You will have whatever you need, Raistlin." - Shavas
"When the city was found, most of the walls were blank. We believe that the stone was sent by the first gods to the architects who built the city." - Shavas
"The person caught in the webs of intrigue soon finds himself fed to the spider." - Raistlin
"We have exactly one day, one night, and another day. Tomorrow night, when the darkness is deepest, it will be lit by the Great Eye." - Raistlin
"It’s going to get worse, my brother, before it gets better." - Raistlin
"He’s all right, my brother. He’s asleep." - Raistlin
"At first Earwig was terribly worried that he couldn’t find his friends, but then the uncomfortable feeling went away, leaving him more cheerful than he’d felt in days."
"Now that he was away from Raistlin and Caramon, Earwig felt carefree and happy again, and he began doing what all kender do best: explore."
"How rude," said Earwig. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked on."
"You don’t need money to travel! All you need is a hoopak and a good walking tune."
"It’s the murder," Catherine said matter-of-factly. "Everyone’s scared to death. I say good riddance."
"You know, it’s funny. Lord Manion came in here a lot and he generally got drunk, but he was always a gentleman."
"The responsibility Caramon feels for his brother stems from their youth. Raistlin’s physical weakness, his high intelligence and naturally sly, cynical nature, made him a target for bullies."
"But each time Raistlin rises from his torment, struggling on arms too weak to lift himself, standing on legs limp with fatigue. And Caramon sees a very faint smile illumine his brother’s face—a smile that speaks of a great spirit unwilling to die, unwilling to let go of mortal flesh until every goal is ultimately achieved."
"Why's he blaming me? the warrior demanded silently, feeling guilty and not liking it."
"Put your knife away, Caramon. You are in no danger."
"To get a cup of hyava," Raistlin replied, without turning.
"Believe what you want. It makes little difference to me."
"I came here not to prove myself to you, but to prove you to myself."
"Maybe I did, but that's because I can still have those kind of feelings! I can know what it is to love someone!"
"The cats alive are the turning stone, they decide the fate, darkness or light."
"I must admit that I am surprised to find you so calm, with your city in such chaos."
"The Great Eye shines tonight. And I'm not ready."
"I will," Raistlin replied, pushing a yeoman forward.
"Ally yourself with me, and together we will fight him. Powerful forces will soon be mine to command."
"Snap the golden thread, and magic would be lost to him forever."
"I have done nothing. The choices have always been yours."
"You are standing in this city. You must enter the one below. The one that resides in the Abyss!"
"The choices have always been mine. Now it is up to me to put together what I have learned."
"I thought you might like to live a little longer!"
"Those who live in fear fall prey to their own disquiet."
"And you, gentle reader, must follow in my path, for I am the way you must know."
"No matter what happens, I will always be my own."
"That I desire you, lady, I cannot deny. But I can deny my desire."
"If you must know, I have no desire to spend another night in this city."
"The walls of Mereklar knew better, but few in the city paid any attention to the new carvings."
"I didn’t drop it, Earwig, I threw it a— That is ... you may keep it, if you want."
"She was the only one who knew we would be returning to the inn at that time that night."