
EntreLeadership: 20 Years Of Practical Business Wisdom From The Trenches Quotes

EntreLeadership: 20 Years Of Practical Business Wisdom From The Trenches by Dave Ramsey

EntreLeadership: 20 Years Of Practical Business Wisdom From The Trenches Quotes
"A business cannot have true success without also having a soul."
"Success in any area of your life is not accidental."
"The only power they can use to grow a quality team is the power of persuasion."
"You must intentionally become more of each of these every day to grow yourself and your business."
"Your education, character, capacity, ability, and vision are limiting your company."
"You're the one person you can change the easiest."
"Goals are visions and dreams with work clothes on."
"When a business first starts you are wearing hundreds of hats, and as you get more revenue and team members you begin handing off those hats."
"Ask yourself what you or some of your team members spend time on that is really not taking you to your goals."
"A ringing phone in my home is never for me. So why answer it?"
"Quadrant II is the important but not urgent. This may be the most important use of your time as an EntreLeader."
"If you spend fifteen minutes planning your day on paper every morning, you will add 20 percent to your productivity."
"I call this steak sauce in honor of A1 steak sauce."
"Don’t work on the symptom; attack the problem that caused the symptom."
"Decisions are liberating. The paradox is that some of the most stressed people on the planet are people who are frozen by indecision."
"A leader who won’t, or can’t, make decisions is never going to succeed and certainly will never become a full-fledged EntreLeader."
"Nothing gets killed by your gun when all you say is 'Ready, aim, aim, aim, aim…'"
"Courage is just fear that has said its prayers."
"A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week."
"Your business, your family, your team, and your future is paralyzed when you are."
"The marketplace is begging for an adapted version of your service or product but you are stuck in the old method because you can’t make a decision."
"The more you are able to make the call the more peace you will walk in."
"You will only sacrifice when you passionately believe in the outcome."
"The only people who never fail are those who never try." —Ilka Chase
"If you make a product good enough, even though you live in the depths of the forest, the public will make a path to your door." —William Randolph Hearst
"Don’t sit unemployed for two years with your home going into foreclosure because you haven’t been able to work in your passion; that is irresponsible."
"Passion will cover a multitude of errors and misunderstandings."
"The mystery of marketing is not really a mystery."
"A great marketing plan helps a bad product fail faster."
"Marketing dreams that come true equal an absolute explosion in the marketplace."
"Everyone wants a table at a restaurant that is full."
"People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it."
"You would be amazed by the number of times a spouse will speak up and say that they don’t think this is a good fit."
"Have you ever hired a great person whose crazy spouse completely took away their ability to win?"
"We probably won’t release them without lots of discussions, but we have low obligation."
"I have never forgotten those lessons on how to not treat people."
"Truth without love equals harshness and love without truth is compromise."
"The longer I have led, the more clear this truth has become to me."
"If you can make the customer feel the way you do about your product, then your customer will buy your product."
"Everyone is in sales and so it’s a great idea to learn how the process of buying works."
"People don’t buy products or services, they buy what those products or services do."
"If you and your business are attractive you don’t have to impress anyone with your furniture or toys."
"No deal was ever made or lost based on the couch in the reception area."
"Making not-needed purchases and then strutting around like a peacock in your new Hummer is stupid and will set you up to fail."
"We survive the other 90 percent of our ideas."
"When you borrow to implement your latest 'brilliant' plan, you exponentially increase your chances of fatal failure."
"The wise EntreLeader never rationalizes a 'tax savings' on unnecessary purchases in order to make a profit."
"If you spend $10,000 that you didn’t need to spend solely to save on taxes, you create a $10,000 tax deduction."
"If you think that is good math, you will definitely fail at business."
"If you are standing on mistakes, you are a success."
"Inspiration touches the emotions and causes activity."
"There is not much of anything that lifts people more than believing in a dream, vision, and mission bigger than them."
"People say motivation doesn’t last, well neither does bathing, that is why we recommend both daily."
"Crusaders don’t have to be driven like cattle; they run like wild stallions."
"Explosive, erratic behavior by leadership does not inspire."
"You don’t have to yell or be a drama queen, but be aware of the importance of leadership conveying their passion to the team."
"The example left the building to 'live his dream.' As soon as he quit work, so did his team."
"Contracts do not have mystical powers that make people who have no integrity keep their word."
"Don't try to use words and paper in the form of a contract to create a reality that just isn’t there."
"You should forgive the debt in two circumstances: one, if your company has screwed up in serving the customer by providing a bad product or service, or two, if the person owing it is flat broke and owns nothing."
"A company’s compensation system is a clear reflection of its corporate values and culture."
"A life that has no fraction to it is a whole life. Integrity, then, is truly a life lived in wholeness, completeness."