
Sex And The City Quotes

Sex And The City by Candace Bushnell

Sex And The City Quotes
"No one has breakfast at Tiffany's, and no one has affairs to remember."
"Self-protection and closing the deal are paramount."
"The glittering lights of Manhattan... are still glowing—but the stage is empty."
"Relationships in New York are about detachment."
"You can't trust anyone. People are so corrupted these days."
"Every time a man tells me he's a romantic, I want to scream."
"The condom killed romance, but it has made it a lot easier to get laid."
"If you know it’s dangerous, that makes you treasure it, and you’ll work harder to keep it."
"I feel pissed off to be born in this generation when all these things are happening to me."
"I feel so lucky that things worked out for me early on, because it’s so easy not to have a relationship here."
"I don’t know how anyone makes relationships work in this town."
"I have no alternatives... I have no sex and no romance."
"I think men are turned off by women who have sex with them on the first night."
"It’s easier for a man to fantasize about two women together."
"Two men together is kind of a dry fantasy."
"Women can sleep in the same bed, and no one thinks anything about it." - Peter
"It’s very unlikely any of us would sleep in the same bed with each other. I just wouldn’t do it." - Jonesie
"The underground reality of this is the biological rat studies. Density, stress, and the overcrowding of the niche structures." - Peter
"We’re leading sensory-saturated lives. High density. Intensity. Millions of appointments." - Peter
"When you meet people in New York, all you get is their bullshit." - Peter
"There was a time when you, too, Chloe, could get drunk off of three and a half glasses of wine." - Tad
"Imagine saying no to a threesome. What an asshole you’d have to be." - Peter Beard
"But you don’t really want to do it with a girl you care about." - Tad
"It’s sport. You don’t care for that girl; otherwise, you wouldn’t let your buddy have sex with her." - Ian
"The bike pays for itself in three months if you compare it to subway fare." - Mr. New Yorker
"The kiss of death." - Carrie, on being invited to a bridal shower in Connecticut
"They’re all kamikaze selfish pricks. If they have sex the way they ride their bikes, thank you, but speed is not important." - Magda, on Bicycle Boys
"He’s not my type." - Camilla, on dating older men
"The Bone looks like he travels with his own lighting director." - Stanford Blatch, on the Bone, an underwear model
"They always have one great feature." - Walden, on meeting women
"Like most men in New York, he made up his mind about a woman right away."
"I just thought she was uglier than me," Walden said.
"I found myself very uninhibited," Walden said. "Because she wasn’t pretty. The stakes were lower, the emotion higher."
"It was the first honest emotional connection I’d had in a while. So I immediately panicked and had to leave."
"It’s always winter when these things happen," Stephen said.
I found it incredibly easy to talk about my emotions," Walden said. "I could cry in front of her.
"I’ve always wondered if it was because she wasn’t datable that she’d constructed this complicated inner life."
"But she never protested, never made demands."
"She used to make me wonder if I felt ugly inside, and that was the bond."
"Every night I get all dressed up and I go out and no one pays attention to me and I go home and cry."
"We’re not nice girls. Nice is not a word you would apply to us," Cici says.
"I hate Miami. I will never step foot in Miami," Carrie said.
"You pretend you never saw it, okay? And if they ask you if you did, you lie and say, ‘No, I don’t read trash like that.’"
"I brought you a present," she said, acting like nothing had happened. The present was a baby bunny.
"You have to be sweet," said Lisa, thirty-eight, a correspondent for a network news show.
"If you’re not totally in love with me and crazy about me, and if you don’t think I’m the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen in your life, then I think I should leave."
"Then one day, the right guy walks in the door, and he was the antithesis of everything I always thought I wanted."
"I thought you only saw her once," Carrie said.
"Why did you send me flowers?" Carrie asks him later. "That was so sweet."
"I’m not going to change a forty-year-old guy who hates women. It’s—not—my—problem."
"I dated every kind of man—all shapes and sizes. Then one day, the right guy walks in the door, and he was the antithesis of everything I always thought I wanted."
"I wish I had a boyfriend. I wish I could find someone I wanted to spend a weekend with, for Christ’s sake."
"You can’t be too careful with these nannies," Georgia said, leaning in toward Amanda.
"I thought he only saw her once," Carrie said.
"I’m going to get more comfortable," the Girl said.
"I need a house. Maybe in Connecticut. I want a nest."
"You piece of shit," said a woman’s voice.
"Nobody understands. I took care of that kid. He used to fall asleep at night while we were talking on the phone. With the phone cradled in his arms."
"I’ve never met anyone who was so vulnerable. So mixed up."
"I have a story in Woman’s Day next month."
"You’re saying you thought I was a bitch."
"You always look young. What’s your secret?"
"If you fuck with me, I will make it my personal business to destroy you."
"I don’t know how to explain it, you walk into a room and every guy wants to be with you."
"I’m not famous. I don’t even want to be famous."
"You should be happy. After last night, I think things are a lot better."
"Maybe I should have done things differently."
"Hold on to him. Of course, you’re beautiful, and you should have a million guys calling you up."
"It’s amazing the way they grow if you just pay a bit of attention."