
Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 2 Quotes

Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 2 by Neale Donald Walsch

Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 2 Quotes
"Life is not a product of chance. Events, like people, are drawn to you, by you, for your own purposes."
"The happiest moment of your life will be the moment it ends. That’s because it doesn’t end but only goes on in ways so magnificent, so full of peace and wisdom and joy."
"No one comes to you by accident. There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing occurs at random."
"You cannot know cold unless there is hot, up unless there is down, left unless there is right."
"The purpose of life is not to please God. The purpose of life is to know, and to recreate, Who You Are."
"Events and experiences are opportunities drawn to you—created by you individually or collectively, through consciousness."
"Consciousness creates experience. You are attempting to raise your consciousness."
"If you are not satisfied with the consciousness of your group, seek to change it."
"Everything occurring in the universe is occurring perfectly. God hasn’t made a mistake in a very long time."
"The consciousness of Divine Brotherhood, of unity, of Oneness, is what creates the Christ Experience."
"God’s love and compassion, wisdom and forgiveness, intention and purpose, are large enough to include the most heinous crime and criminal."
"There is no time. All things exist simultaneously. All events occur at once."
"A true understanding of time allows you to live much more peacefully within your reality of relativity."
"It is you who are moving, not time. Time has no movement. There is only One Moment."
"Your science has already proven this mathematically. Formulas have been written showing that time is not a movement but a field through which you move."
"You exist at every level of the Space-Time Continuum simultaneously."
"You are always at a place of free will and total choice. Being able to see into the 'future' should enhance your ability to live the life you want, not limit it."
"If you 'see' a future event or experience you do not like, don’t choose it! Choose again! Select another!"
"You must know—you are now ready to be told—that you exist at every level of the SpaceTime Continuum simultaneously."
"You are a being of Divine Proportion, knowing no limitation."
"You are using all of Life to be and decide Who You Really Are; to choose and to create Who You Really Are."
"Do not waste the precious moments of this, your present reality, seeking to unveil all of life’s secrets."
"Decide Who You Are—Who you want to be—and then do everything in your power to be that."
"I created two sexes for the highest living expression of the yin and yang in your world."
"Love for yourself, and love for all others who are affected or involved."
"Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is Betrayal nonetheless. It is the Highest Betrayal."
"Do you really think things were better 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago? Memory has poor vision."
"Educate your children that love is all there is. You have not allowed your schools to speak of a love which is unconditional."
"Your world has not run amok because of what you have allowed your schools to teach your children. It has run amok because of what you have not allowed them to teach."
"First, treat them as spirits. They are spirits, entering a physical body."
"Be full of care —that is to say, be careful—of what you put into their memory storage units."
"Why do you allow some of the earliest images to which your child is exposed to be images of violence?"
"Why do you teach your children to be ashamed and embarrassed of their own bodies and their functions?"
"Why do you not teach your children of movement and music and the joy of art and the mystery of fairy tales and the wonder of life?"
"The teaching of all computation skills would be contextualized within the larger life experience."
"You cannot keep saying they did it, and they are doing it, and if only they would get it right!"
"You cannot solve the problems which plague humankind through governmental action or by political means."
"You must stop seeing God as separate from you, and you as separate from each other."
"The evolution of a society is measured by how well it treats the least among its members."
"Make every moment of your life an outpouring of love."
"No one does anything evil, given his model of the world."
"The only peace in all the world that is sustaining is Internal Peace."
"You cannot legislate morality. You cannot pass a law saying 'love each other.'"
"It is not a question of blame, it is a question of choice."
"Absolute visibility in the conduct of our monetary affairs."
"Nothing breeds fairness faster than visibility."
"Visibility is simply another word for truth."
"Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
"In enlightened societies, there are no secrets."
"The best personal relationships are those in which everyone knows everything."
"The secret here, the watchword here, is visibility."
"This is about simply telling the truth when you speak, and about withholding no truth when you know it should be spoken."
"Half the world's ills would go away tomorrow with visibility."
"The first mark of a primitive society is that it thinks itself advanced."