
All The Stars In The Heavens Quotes

All The Stars In The Heavens by Adriana Trigiani

All The Stars In The Heavens Quotes
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"You’ve never seen heaven, but you believe in it."
"California was a dreamscape in 1917, the emerald Pacific lapping at its jagged coast with crests of white foam."
"There was ongoing speculation about undiscovered gold mines and untapped veins of silver ore deep in the earth."
"Time is money, but here, they really meant it."
"Where there had been nothing, there now was a world."
"The feelings are the art. The rest is just the way in."
"No matter what we do, we can only get their minds off their troubles for a short while."
"The distance between the haves and the have-nots is a train ride."
"You're only as good as who you act with in the scene."
"A keen intellect is a weapon in your arsenal as an actress."
"They say when you start your acting career on the stage, it never leaves you."
"You have to master your nerves to do the job."
"Believe me, I’ll never make that mistake again."
"The only thing that an actress can do is read books to find parts."
"His silly crush on Loretta had ended as the sun went down that chilly afternoon."
"He felt needed, and for a man who tried to dodge the responsibilities that came with commitment, he liked having a higher purpose."
"His eyes were brown like Alda’s, and he had a sweet smile."
"Powder and lipstick are the tank and the rifle in a woman's beauty arsenal."
"I had gone to see Father McNally before the trip so he could give me a special blessing."
"The people that joke about dying young never do."
"It’s in the bubble of vulnerability that chemistry is born."
"I always save my last decade of the rosary for true love. Why not, right?"
"Every day there's a bus from the Midwest with another batch of dancing, singing blondes with ambition."
"If you don’t believe in miracles, you might as well not believe in God."
"The story of the starlet and the leading man is as old as the urns on my front porch."
"I knew the minute the words were out of my mouth."
"Everybody wants Chet. Nobody paints like him. Nobody sees the world like he does."
"And I never had it," Gable said. "Never had that kind of family life growing up. It must be great."
"A woman is either lucky in love or work, but not both."
"Everything in Hollywood is conditional; roles, fees, contracts, and publicity."
"Every job in Hollywood is political, and tonight, I'm showing up to play the game."
"Love, the romantic kind, was no longer on her mind."
"There is nothing we ever in do this life that cannot be forgiven, if we are truly sorry."
"That's why there are so many babies in the world. It’s called winter."
"My children are the source of everything good in my life."
"My work, my ambition, my drive—it's all because of you children."
"I was in the front of the car, and you were in the back, and it seemed like a hundred miles."
"Everything in life, whether sweet or bitter, ends up in the glass."
"You never know how crazy about Gretchen I have been."
"Whenever the leaders who start out as jokes—those men are the most dangerous."
"I'm not the outdoorsy type, and it took all their patience to cope with my lack of coordination."
"You always need them more than they need you."
"I didn’t know what to do. The Sisters of Saint Vincent took me."
"The day comes when they use their power against their own people."
"Nice to know the San Francisco earthquake was my fault." - Anita
"Good to know he chooses his roles based on the script." - Anita
"You have to take the fear of it all away—to make me feel that nothing could harm me." - Loretta
"There are many ways to be a mother." - Mother Superior
"The problem with a secret is that it requires maintenance." - Gladys
"You’re in the picture with Tyrone Power. That’s the end of this." - Darryl Zanuck
"You could pretend that you adopted Judy." - Gladys
"We love her to pieces. She is loved, Alda. That’s all that matters."
"Judy, it’s all right to cry. Sometimes we need to."
"It’s so much easier to act out the feelings than to have them."
"But staying in the moment, it has its price. You’re sewing the days and years together, and when there’s no plan, you drop stitches here and there."
"Pictures are for suckers, and movies, what are they really? It’s just light and air and silver. It’ll dissolve in those canisters and turn to dust."
"Along the way, you make people laugh and cry and think."
"It was March 24. The night before, Mae Murray had died in her sleep."
"It’s funny, Alda, nobody ever told me motherhood was temporary."
"You see, your father’s wife would call me, and I wouldn’t answer the phone."
"It’s true," Loretta said softly. But the truth brought neither the mother nor the daughter the joy they had dreamed of.
"We think we have the luxury of time. We figure that there will always be a moment to have the conversation that we meant to have, and then the moment passes and it’s too late."
"He was the one that got away, though if he were here right now, he’d tell you I pushed him."
"The world in Alda’s sightline was pristine, wrapped in white velvet as if to hold it all together, to make it whole, maybe even perfect."