
Contractual Obligations Quotes

Contractual Obligations by Elle Rivers

Contractual Obligations Quotes
"I’m going to throw up," I said, and my bridesmaid, Jessie, shoved a plastic trash can under my face.
"Freedom is longer," I added. Maybe if I said it enough, I’d start believing it too.
"We wouldn’t be here if your dad hadn’t been so against merging with us in the first place," Sasha reminded me.
"I was nineteen and had nothing of my own. My dad was the executor of every penny I’d earned since I was pushed into modeling."
"Actually, she does," Sasha said. "The contract’s been signed, and it’s more airtight than these vows are ever going to be."
"I’ll be fine," I said. "It’s only five years."
"Your parents don’t get to choose who you marry!" "They do if she wants her inheritance," Sasha said, smirking.
"But I am being careful, but I also have to be conscious of what they’ve asked me to do."
"It’s just something I would have to accept."
"You can’t exactly blame me for leaving. There’s no food and you didn’t tell me when you would be home."
"I’m not really a fan of nonfiction. I mainly read fiction,"
"I’m sorry I’m upset over your promotion," I said.
"I closed my eyes, biting down the words I wanted to say."
"I was always told this was the least interesting thing about me."
"I’d have fought it if I knew you didn’t want it."
"I do love my car," I rushed to say, but trailed off.
"No, I don’t have any friends here," I hissed.
"This pain you feel is real and comparing it to others isn’t going to make it go away."
"Because I get a vibe from you that you need to talk, but you don’t trust me, so I’m giving you a reason to."
"I’ve wanted to be your friend since you moved here."
"Life is hard these days. Not everyone has a dream that can make a living."
"You don’t have to worry about me ever doing this to you. I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone."
"Because you’re doing this to escape. After all you’ve given up for your family, you don’t deserve to walk away with nothing."
"My opinion on her body doesn’t matter as long as she’s comfortable in it."
"I can’t keep wondering what I did wrong. Why you suddenly changed your mind about me."
"I’m doing exactly what I said I would be doing."
"What I don’t understand is why you even want me after what I did to you."
"I want to be totally open with him, not only with sex, but with this too."
"You give my photoshop skills more credit than it needs. All I can do is click buttons and hope it works."
"I don’t want a child just for the sake of it."
"I want you every day. Don’t ever doubt that."
"I’m afraid he will try to find some other way to control me. I can’t keep doing this."
"You talking about staying with me really does it for me."
"Luckily we don’t have any plans for the day."
"His lips were soft, but so electric against my skin."
"Have I ever told you that I am so glad you have an IUD?"
"I hadn’t posted on Instagram in over a week."
"I was boarding a flight to LA for the last time."
"We needed to set this boundary to ensure a better future."
"It’s all going to be legal jargon that makes us afraid of saying no."
"I’m pretty sure I was fired when I punched him in the face."
"Depending on how emotionally devastating this is, I might call out of work tomorrow."