
Feral Sins Quotes

Feral Sins by Suzanne Wright

Feral Sins Quotes
"It wasn't a bad smell, mused a slowly waking Taryn whose eyelids were too heavy to lift. It sure didn't belong in her bed though."
"Taryn Warner did not smuggle strange guys into the pack house, even if they did smell delicious."
"Her dumb wolf didn’t even have the sense to worry that she was in a strange place."
"Of course it was worth noting that she suffered from NRS Syndrome (Never Remembers Shit), but this was different."
"Being cooped up was enough to infuriate and agitate any shifter."
"His smirk widened. "The Alpha will explain everything to you.""
"She couldn’t contain a growl, but it seemed to amuse him."
"Oh yes, and I’m bowled over with excitement at my upcoming position."
""Depends if the male can succeed in pinning me down.""
""Just be thankful I’m not sitting on your countertop. That’s where I usually sit when I’m in the kitchen.""
""You must be looking forward to soon becoming an Alpha Female of a pack.""
""You forget, Taryn, she died before it became clear you’re latent. She wouldn’t have wanted anything more to do with you than I do.""
""You know, I can’t work out whether you have selective hearing or just don’t give a shit about a single word you hear. I do not want to mate with you."
""You’ll just have to grow to care about him, won’t you," he snapped."
""What greater power is there than to be able to own someone who doesn’t want you; someone whose will you can break bit by bit until they have gone from a spirited, dominant, independent individual to a person who is totally submissive to you?""
""And that just makes the whole thing so much sweeter.""
""You really would try to, wouldn’t you? Even if it meant risking your own life.""
""It’s sad that you actually think you’ll win this battle.""
""It’s sad that you even started this battle. Why would you want me when you know I don’t want you? Why would you want me when you know I’d fight you every step of the way?""
"I'm not interested in having the approval of people I don't respect. And I'll never beg for scraps from anyone's table."
"I just thought it was important that you felt comfortable around me."
"Isn't it time for your nap yet, Old Mother Hubbard?"
"Don’t worry, I’d never poach – that’s not who I am."
"I'm not much good at verbal apologies, baby, but I am good at oral ones."
"I want to hear my Taryn telling me she wants me."
"It's okay to submit to me, because I'll respect that submission. I won’t hurt you."
"Just because we don’t want to imprint on each other doesn’t mean I should be delegating you to someone else like you’re a duty."
"This isn’t foreplay, this is me wanting to make you feel good. Me apologising."
"I’ll put money on it. She’s been leading us on a merry chase."
"I take it that red-headed female you’re holding is your mate?"
"I get that you’re upset, but Taryn’s my mate."
"You like that, baby? You like my cock filling you and stretching you?"
"She’s so different from me it’s not even funny."
"You have no idea how important you are to me."
"It's not mean to be honest and straight with people or insist on them not being perverted."
"Just because she’s blood doesn’t mean anything."
"Wise up, Big Tits. And do it now. You’re on your own."
"Hurts like fuck, doesn’t it. Don’t ever touch me again."
"I’m sure Jesus said something about loving thy neighbours."
"You’re scary enough to make people hesitate to touch you anyway."