
Breakable Quotes

Breakable by Tammara Webber

Breakable Quotes
"I felt her cool fingertips on my arm and tried to focus as her red-rimmed eyes filled with tears."
"Her whole face was crumpled, like paper wadded up tight and then smoothed back out."
"His voice sounded grainy, and his eyes were red, too."
"His opposite hand was warm on top of mine, enveloping it."
"I couldn’t feel her touching me any more, and she turned into her husband’s chest."
"The pressure of Charles’s hand diminished bit by bit as everything grew fuzzier."
"But I already knew she wouldn’t have heard me, even if my voice was as loud as a jet engine."
"The absolute last thing I needed was a gaggle of very underage girls trying to net my attention."
"All the food in my traitorous stomach surged up at once."
"I’d always defined jealousy as coveting what someone else has."
"I knew damned well she wasn’t my responsibility or my concern."
"Shaking her head, she told me she just wanted to go home."
"I was going to kill him and worry about the consequences later."
"She was a terrified, feral thing, recoiling from him. From me, perhaps."
"How many shocks could I handle in one night? It appeared that I was about to find out."
"I’ve never wanted someone to jump up and throw a punch at me so badly."
"‘It’s my fault he attacked me?’ she gasped, furious."
"She asked for her keys again, hand out, her voice breaking mid-sentence."
"‘You sure you’re okay?’ I asked, and her eyes filled instantly."
"I’d served my purpose, and I only wished I’d served it better."
"Responding to bullies – if you can’t beat them – gives them power."
"‘I’d rape that so fast –’ Before I knew what I’d done, I had spun around."
"I’m the tutor for Dr Heller’s intro economics course."
"Trust me. I’m an honest-to-God expert at finding dickholes, and you aren’t one."
"Maybe if you’da stuck around, you’d know that most people aren’t criminals."
"I swear to God, she’s such a pain in the ass. Parents suck."
"You slammed right into the one thing you couldn’t have, just because it crossed your path while you were focused on your almighty integrity."
"Sometimes Grandpa grumbled at me, but most of his griping happened when I didn’t pick up after myself or pitch in on chores."
"Nothing was important enough to strive for – nothing but the need to keep my past pushed too far down to feel."
"You’re an old soul, Landon. Old enough to make this decision. Just like I was."
"Some of us can begin to heal the damage people have done to us by escaping the situation, but some of us need more than that."
"This ink will make your skin yours again. Maybe some day, you’ll see that your skin isn’t you. It’s just what houses you while you’re here."
"I felt the sound of her laughter all the way to my boots and back."
"I knew without thinking about it that I could move home right now if I wanted to. I wouldn’t. But I could."
"Even though my request to sketch her was no ploy, this private proximity was nothing short of hell."
"I couldn’t stop thinking about how to get Jacqueline Wallace back into the circle of my arms, come hell or high water."
"I kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose, but not her tempting, luscious mouth, murmured, ‘Later,’ and left her room, my thoughts disordered and my body on the verge of rioting."
"The way secrets spread like wildfire. The way that fire doesn’t die out until a bigger fire consumes it."
"Reality is, you have no fucking clue what’s coming and neither do they."
"If you find yourself in this position, you want to do these moves automatically, without wasting time or energy trying to buck him off."
"We all need our moments of solitude, but this girl should never be lonely."
"Her eyes dilated slightly in the dimly lit room, and she stared up at me, waiting. Every muscle in my body strained towards her, wanting her."
"I was inexplicably anti-litter – an odd, singular holdover from his days as a cub scout."
"The blank wall was full of thumbtack holes, and the shelves opposite were mostly empty."
"Cooking a full meal for anyone but myself had become rare."
"I’d never been so turned on and willingly ready to starve in my life."
"I felt a compelling desire to preserve the moment, as if final grains of sand were streaming through the neck of an hourglass, and all I wanted to do was tip it on to its side for a few more precious seconds."
"Every place she touched me with her mouth or fingertips, I burned."
"Lies have a way of compounding the problem – or coming back to bite you in the nuts."
"She’d conjured love in the heart of a man whose soul had been frozen for years, anaesthetized by too much pain and guilt to bear."
"Everything doesn’t make sense in the end. Sometimes you have to forget about explanations or excuses and leave people and places behind, because otherwise they will drag you straight down."
"I couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving me for five minutes, let alone forever."
"She was like an enchanted being who’d suddenly found herself earthbound and bereft of her magical powers, when nothing could be further from the truth."
"Catching sight of her in that moment was like glancing out a window and happening upon a sunset – inadvertent, breathtaking, never before and never again."
"It’s not like there’ve been tons of them. There were more before, in high school, than there have been the past three years."