
The Whittiers Quotes

The Whittiers by Danielle Steel

The Whittiers Quotes
"They usually ended the trip with a weekend in Paris or London before heading back to New York to resume their family life."
"Renting was easier than owning, and the headache of maintaining a summer home was someone else’s problem, not theirs."
"After forty-three years of marriage, it still felt like a honeymoon to them."
"He was loyal to a fault and wanted to make the marriage work once he’d agreed to marry Amanda."
"Independence from parental supervision was her only current goal."
"They came from similar backgrounds. Preston’s family had had a great fortune from steel and copper at the turn of the twentieth century."
"The most valuable asset they had to leave their children was the house they had lived in since before Lyle was born."
"For two or three blissful weeks every January, Connie and Preston didn’t think about any of it."
"They weren’t as close as Lyle had hoped they would be."
"Lyle was the bridge between two warring camps, trapped in the middle."
"We love him. He’s so great with the animals."
"Their determination to make a success of their business and the amount of time they put into it had kept them both from forming long-term romantic attachments."
"The modern world moved at a much faster pace."
"He was very literal and precise about details and remembered them all."
"I won’t tell," he said gently. "I won’t tell Frieda or Mom. I promise."
"I’m going to get some cookies. Then I’ll go to bed," he said.
"She hated it when they treated her like a child."
"I can’t," Benjie said. "Your apartment is too small, and you don’t have a bed for me."
"No," Charlie said softly. "We’re not doing anything in a hurry."
"I don’t care what you do. I’m going to move out soon anyway," she told them.
"You don’t live here," Benjie said, being literal and practical. "I do."
"Sleep tight," Charlie whispered, kissed his forehead, and turned off the light.
"It’s nice staying here," Charlie said as he poured the coffee.
"Just like old times," he said to both of them.
"I’m glad you’re here," Benjie said, with his head on the pillow, looking up at his brother.
"Just don’t make any fast decisions. You have time to think about it."
"It was hard to keep her mind on work for the rest of the day."
"He had a real gift with them, and all the vets and technicians he worked with loved him."
"My mom was allergic to dogs and cats, so I could never have one."
"I’ll never bring them back," Benjie said clearly. "I love them, and they’ll be happy."
"Nothing I can see. The radiologist will have another look. It looks like a healthy baby to me."
"Annabelle had seen the baby she was planning to give away."
"I didn't expect it to be like that. It already looks like a baby. It was sucking its thumb."
"He had a face and tiny hands, and was a whole person."
"I want to give the baby up. I can't take care of him, and I don't want the responsibility. I'm not ready to be a mother."
"Being a mom and dad to a baby is a big responsibility."
"You're like our mom now," Benjie said to her. "You do a good job, like Mom. She would be proud of you."
"I’m an only child, so I’ve never had that sibling relationship, which sounds like a best friend, only better."
"You’re just a tiny bit crazy, just enough to be fun and interesting, like a dash of salt and pepper."
"This is fun. It’s like teenage romance, except we don’t have to hide being gay."
"I'm not here for ACS now. I'm on my own time, so you can say anything you want. I'm off duty. Just don't beat the children."
"I LOVE ROSE!" he shouted to anyone who could hear him, with an exuberant expression. "She's my girlfriend," he turned and said to Caro. "She told me so. And I'm her boyfriend."
"I want to keep him. I'll do whatever I have to...I can't give him away, Caro...I love him."
"I have a sister like Rose and Benjie... It's hard for them to find friends and have a social life."
"Benjie works at a pet shelter, that's how we got Duke and Dottie. He's terrific with the animals."
"Sometimes," she said, and they both laughed. "We haven't all lived together like this in years, but it's turned out to be really nice, better than I expected."
"I love the way you dress," he said randomly, "you always look so chic."
"In case I forgot to tell you, Caroline Whittier, I love you."
"I love living here with the kids, and so do they. But I think I should get an apartment eventually."