
The Mill River Recluse Quotes

The Mill River Recluse by Darcie Chan

The Mill River Recluse Quotes
"I’ve worked too hard. But I’ll tell you one thing. I’m through with trying to please you, both of you."
"You will come with me tomorrow night. End of discussion."
"I think that a good wife does what her husband asks of her."
"If you can’t, or won’t, fulfill them, you are useless to me."
"She couldn’t think of what to say, but she had to say something before he left."
"He would be lying if he didn’t say that, on some deep level, it bothered him."
"The blood-bay squealed and laid his ears back, but Patrick pulled the girth tighter still."
"It has been seven months! When will you feel up to it?"
"You cannot spend the rest of your life in this house! Look at me!"
"Mary gave him nothing he needed, so he sought to fulfill his needs elsewhere."
"I’ve updated my will, you see. You don’t have to read the whole thing. I just wanted to show you a particular passage."
"I wanted you to have a copy of the will. But let’s hope you won’t get that money for a while, shall we?"
"It’ll be adjusted from time to time, to reflect increases in the cost of living."
"You are a member of my family and will always be taken care of."
"Of course not. You know there’s no such thing as witches."
"Sometimes, people are afraid to go out. It’s almost like a kind of disease in their minds."
"I never saw such big feet on a nine-year-old."
"If they keep growing, I don’t know if we’ll have to order special ones to fit you."
"Makes you realize how cold it is out here, coming from inside a warm house or car."
"There’s nothing like hot pizza on a cold night."
"You never know what kind of people you’ll end up working with, but it sounds like you got lucky."
"I’m not really hurt. They’ll probably just give me a check-up and send me home."
"It’s true that she was blind in one of her eyes, though."
"Regardless of her affliction, she was a part of Mill River, and the town was a part of her."
"It wasn’t too hard because a lot of the classes overlapped."
"After my wife died, I didn’t want the big detective job anymore."
"It wasn’t an easy decision. I was teaching in Dryden, a little town in upstate New York."
"I felt as if my life had come to a standstill, and I just needed to be in a new place."
"Everyone has welcomed me, offered to show me around, that sort of thing."
"For a while, I didn’t know whether I wanted to be a police detective or a history teacher."
"I think Sham looks and acts like a regular cat, don’t you?"
"It was like the whole thing was happening again, right there on the classroom floor."
"I couldn’t do it. There were so many little children...they rang and knocked over and over."
"I wanted to open the door, and I really, truly tried, but I couldn’t."
"I couldn’t bear to love and lose another friend."
"Sometimes what you find in a small town can surprise you."
"I almost forgot what a naughty girl you can be."
"I think it’s the best Valentine’s Day present yet."
"You can give me my Valentine’s present a little late."
"I don’t really want to watch a movie, anyway."
"I wanted to get you a ring with three stones for the past, the present, and the future."
"I don’t suppose, given what you’ve told me, that many people have seen it."
"I’ve known you for years, and something serious is all over your face."
"She’s probably progressed to full-blown agoraphobia."
"I can’t remember the last time I’ve eaten like that."
"I think we need a shower. We’re both stinky."
"Maybe, after thirteen years of marriage, he was learning to read her mind."
"It’s critical that she have those tests done so we can determine why she’s in this condition."
"A three-word description of a lifetime of suffering."
"It was me. Before now, I’d never even had a boyfriend or anything."
"I almost didn’t have the guts to ask you out because I didn’t think I had a chance."
"I thought we clicked, and I’ve been really happy."
"But it’s hard to find anybody willing to work here."
"Stuff like this doesn’t usually happen out here."
"I’m sorry you boys drove all the way out here for nothing."
"You’ve got some coffee and pie on the house."
"We’ve got to get some fresh wintergreen, the fresher the better!"
"You’ll never believe what we found on the other side of the building."
"I think we’d better announce ourselves and see what’s going on."
"I don’t see anything unusual," Ron whispered.
"Everybody got out okay. That’s all I care about."
"Even Leroy—holds a grudge longer than anybody I know."
"Take deep breaths. Is there anyone else in the building?"
"Depart from evil and do good; seek peace, and pursue it."
"One cannot love, or be loved by, too many people."
"Even small gestures of kindness are remembered."
"You cannot force someone to like you or love you, but you can make it difficult for others to dislike you by earning their respect and trust."
"Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses and your mistakes."
"Make peace with yourself, Leroy, and then pursue it with others."
"For all those years, I never so much as set a foot in her house."
"Mary’s home was never meant to be used by only one person."
"In our world, even small gestures of kindness are remembered."
"That was all it had taken for her to remove her spoons to some hidden spot in the house."